layout: page title: “Helium Visualization Packages” description: “A list of VISUALIZATION type of Helium packages published in npm registry:” group:

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Zeppelin Submarine interpreter

A deep learning algorithm project requires data acquisition, data processing, data cleaning, interactive visual programming adjustment parameters, algorithm testing, algorithm publishing, algorithm job scheduling, offline model training, model online services and many other processes and processes. At present, the excellent interactive visual development platform has two main projects, Zeppelin and jupyter. The jupyter is more refined and the algorithm development process, In addition to machine learning algorithm writing and graphical display data, Zeppelin can also process data processing.

We have developed the zeppelin interpreter for Hadoop submarine. With the zeppelin submarine interpreter, you can directly develop, debug and visualize deep learning algorithms in zeppelin. We are submitting the zeppelin submarine interpreter to the zeppelin community for everyone. Hadoop submarine can be easily used.