How to contribute

There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project. And help is always welcome!

Issue Tracker

Apache Submarine uses JIRA as an Issue Tracker. Don't hesitate to report new bugs and improvements ideas.

Contribute to the source code

We like to get code contributions through Pull Requests on our Github Mirror.

But before starting, please read our Contribution guidelines, it will give you important information about our review process, and pointers on how to make a good code contribution.

You can visit our Issue Tracker to find issues to resolve, and if your are a newcomer and don't know where to get started, we have set some beginner issues.

Other contributions

Not much of a coder? There are other ways to help out:

  • Documentation and website improvements are always welcome
  • Helping each other by answering questions on the Mailing List
  • Participating in reviewing contributions.