blob: 7fc198c96b5328fc3da4d3a83e9c1f1ca8a5a77d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.widget.html.ContextMenu = function(){;;
this.isShowing = 0;
this.templatePath = dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/HtmlContextMenuTemplate.html");
this.templateCssPath = dojo.uri.dojoUri("src/widget/templates/Menu.css");
this.targetNodeIds = []; // fill this with nodeIds upon widget creation and it only responds to those nodes
// default event detection method
var eventType = "oncontextmenu";
var doc = document.documentElement || dojo.html.body();
var _blockHide = false;
this.fillInTemplate = function(args, frag){
var func = "onOpen";
var attached = false;
// connect with rightclick if oncontextmenu is not around
// NOTE: It would be very nice to have a dojo.event.browser.supportsEvent here
// NOTE: Opera does not have rightclick events, it is listed here only because
// it bails out when connecting with oncontextmenu event
if((dojo.render.html.khtml && !dojo.render.html.safari) || (dojo.render.html.opera)){
eventType = "onmousedown";
func = "_checkRightClick";
// attach event listeners to our selected nodes
for(var i=0; i<this.targetNodeIds.length; i++){
var node = document.getElementById(this.targetNodeIds[i]);
dojo.event.connect(node, eventType, this, func);
attached = true;
// remove this nodeId
dj_debug("Couldent find "+this.targetNodeIds[i]+", cant do ContextMenu on this node");
// if we got attached to a node, hide on all non node contextevents
if(attached){ func = "_canHide"; }
dojo.event.connect(doc, eventType, this, func);
this.onOpen = function(evt){
// if (this.isShowing){ this.onHide(evt); } // propably not needed
this.isShowing = 1;
// if I do this, I cant preventDefault in khtml
//evt = dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt);
// stop default contextmenu, needed in khtml
if (evt.preventDefault){ evt.preventDefault(); }
// need to light up this one before we check width and height = "-9999px"; = "-9999px"; = "block";
// calculate if menu is going to apear within window
// or if its partially out of visable area
var menuW = getInnerWidth(this.domNode);
var menuH = getInnerHeight(this.domNode);
var viewport = getViewportSize();
var scrolloffset = getScrollOffset();
var minX = viewport[0];
var minY = viewport[1];
var maxX = (viewport[0] + scrolloffset[0]) - menuW;
var maxY = (viewport[1] + scrolloffset[1]) - menuH;
var posX = evt.clientX + scrolloffset[0];
var posY = evt.clientY + scrolloffset[1];
if (posX > maxX){ posX = posX - menuW; }
if (posY > maxY){ posY = posY - menuH; } = posX + "px"; = posY + "px";
// block the onclick that follows this particular right click
// not if the eventtrigger is documentElement and always when
// we use onmousedown hack
_blockHide = (evt.currentTarget!=doc || eventType=='onmousedown');
//return false; // we propably doesnt need to return false as we dont stop the event as we did before
* _canHide is meant to block the onHide call that follows the event that triggered
* onOpen. This is (hopefully) faster that event.connect and event.disconnect every
* time the code executes and it makes connecting with onmousedown event possible
* and we dont have to stop the event from bubbling further.
* this code is moved into a separete function because it makes it possible for the
* user to connect to a onHide event, if anyone would like that.
this._canHide = function(evt){
// block the onclick that follows the same event that turn on contextmenu
// the onclick check is needed to prevent displaying multiple
// menus when we have 2 or more contextmenus loaded and are using
// the onmousedown hack
if(evt.type=='click' || eventType=='oncontextmenu'){
_blockHide = false;
this.onHide = function(evt){
// FIXME: use whatever we use to do more general style setting? = "none";
//dojo.event.disconnect(doc, "onclick", this, "onHide");
this.isShowing = 0;
// callback for rightclicks, needed for browsers that doesnt implement oncontextmenu, konqueror and more?
this._checkRightClick = function(evt){
// for some reason konq comes here even when we are not clicking on the attached nodes
// added check for targetnode
if (evt.button==2 && (this.targetNodeIds.length==0 || (!="" && dojo.lang.inArray(this.targetNodeIds,{
return this.onOpen(evt);
dojo.event.connect(doc, "onclick", this, "_canHide");
dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.html.ContextMenu, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);