blob: 8fa91226dd97fb3b14be311747ab4f0b97983227 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
// used to save content
try {
document.write('<textarea id="dojo.widget.RichText.savedContent" ' +
}catch(e){ }
dojo.widget.HtmlRichText = function () {;
this.contentFilters = [];
dojo.inherits(dojo.widget.HtmlRichText, dojo.widget.HtmlWidget);
dojo.lang.extend(dojo.widget.HtmlRichText, {
widgetType: "richtext",
/** whether to inherit the parent's width or simply use 100% */
inheritWidth: false,
focusOnLoad: true,
* If a save name is specified the content is saved and restored if the
* editor is not properly closed after editing has started.
saveName: "",
_content: "",
/** The minimum height that the editor should have */
minHeight: "1em",
isClosed: true,
isLoaded: false,
/** whether to use the active-x object in IE */
useActiveX: false,
// contentFilters: [],
/* Init
fillInTemplate: function(){;
// add the formatting functions
var funcs = ["queryCommandEnabled", "queryCommandState",
"queryCommandValue", "execCommand"];
for (var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
dojo.event.connect("around", this, funcs[i], this, "_normalizeCommand");
// backwards compatibility, needs to be removed
dojo.event.connect(this, "onKeyPressed", this, "afterKeyPress");
dojo.event.connect(this, "onKeyPress", this, "keyPress");
dojo.event.connect(this, "onKeyDown", this, "keyDown");
dojo.event.connect(this, "onKeyUp", this, "keyUp");
* Transforms the node referenced in this.domNode into a rich text editing
* node. This can result in the creation and replacement with an <iframe> if
* designMode is used, an <object> and active-x component if inside of IE or
* a reguler element if contentEditable is available.
open: function (element) {
dojo.event.topic.publish("dojo.widget.RichText::open", this);
if (!this.isClosed) { this.close(); }
this._content = "";
if (arguments.length == 1) { this.domNode = element; } // else unchanged
if (this.domNode.nodeName == "TEXTAREA") {
this.textarea = this.domNode;
var html = this.textarea.value;
this.domNode = document.createElement("div");
display = "block";
position = "absolute";
width = "1px";
height = "1px";
border = margin = padding = "0px";
visiblity = "hidden";
dojo.dom.insertBefore(this.domNode, this.textarea);
// this.domNode.innerHTML = html;
dojo.event.connect(this.textarea.form, "onsubmit",
dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(){
this.textarea.value = this.getEditorContent();
// dojo plucks our original domNode from the document so we need
// to go back and put ourselves back in
var editor = this;
dojo.event.connect(this, "postCreate", function (){
dojo.dom.insertAfter(editor.textarea, editor.domNode);
} else {
var html = this.domNode.innerHTML;
this._oldHeight =;
this._oldWidth =;
this.savedContent = document.createElement("div");
while (this.domNode.hasChildNodes()) {
// If we're a list item we have to put in a blank line to force the
// bullet to nicely align at the top of text
if (this.domNode.nodeName == "LI") { this.domNode.innerHTML = " <br>"; }
if (this.saveName != "") {
var saveTextarea = document.getElementById("dojo.widget.RichText.savedContent");
if (saveTextarea.value != "") {
var datas = saveTextarea.value.split(this._SEPARATOR);
for (var i = 0; i < datas.length; i++) {
var data = datas[i].split(":");
if (data[0] == this.saveName) {
html = data[1];
datas.splice(i, 1);
this.connect(window, "onunload", "_saveContent");
// Safari's selections go all out of whack if we do it inline,
// so for now IE is our only hero
//if (typeof document.body.contentEditable != "undefined") {
if (this.useActiveX && { // active-x
} else if ( { // contentEditable, easy
this.editNode = document.createElement("div");
with (this.editNode) {
contentEditable = true;
innerHTML = html;
style.height = this.minHeight;
var events = ["onBlur", "onFocus", "onKeyPress",
"onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "onClick"];
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
this.connect(this.editNode, events[i].toLowerCase(), events[i]);
this.window = window;
this.document = document;
} else { // designMode in iframe
// TODO: this is a guess at the default line-height, kinda works
if (this.domNode.nodeName == "LI") { = "-1.2em"; }
dojo.html.addClass(this.domNode, "RichTextEditable");
this.isClosed = false;
/** Draws an iFrame using the existing one if one exists. Used by Mozilla and Safari */
_drawIframe: function (html) {
if (!this.iframe) {
this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
with (this.iframe) {
scrolling = "no";
style.border = "none";
style.lineHeight = "0"; // squash line height
style.verticalAlign = "bottom";
with (this.iframe) {
width = this.inheritWidth ? this._oldWidth : "100%";
height = this._oldHeight;
var _iframeInitialized = false;
// now we wait for onload. Janky hack!
var ifrFunc = dojo.lang.hitch(this, function(){
_iframeInitialized = true;
}else{ return; }
this.window = this.iframe.contentWindow;
this.document = this.iframe.contentDocument;
// curry the getStyle function
var getStyle = (function (domNode) { return function (style) {
return, style);
}; })(this.domNode);
var font = getStyle('font-size') + " " + getStyle('font-family');
var contentEditable = Boolean(document.body.contentEditable);
if(!contentEditable){ designMode = "on"; }
//'<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">' +
'<html><title></title>\n' +
'<script type="text/javascript">\n' +
' function init(){\n' +
// ' var pwidget = window.parent.dojo.widget.byId("'+this.widgetId+'");\n' +
// ' // pwidget.window = window\n' +
// ' pwidget.document = document\n' +
// ' alert(document.body.innerHTML);\n' +
// ' pwidget.onLoad();\n' +
' }\n' +
'</script>\n' +
'<style type="text/css">\n' +
' body,html { padding: 0; margin: 0; font: ' + font + '; }\n' +
// TODO: left positioning will case contents to disappear out of view
// if it gets too wide for the visible area
' body { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0;' +
' min-height: ' + this.minHeight + '; }\n' +
' p { margin: 1em 0 !important; }\n' +
' body > *:first-child { padding-top: 0 !important; margin-top: 0 !important; }\n' +
' body > *:last-child { padding-bottom: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }\n' +
' li > ul:-moz-first-node, li > ol:-moz-first-node { padding-top: 1.2em; }\n' +
' li { min-height: 1.2em; }\n' +
//' p,ul,li { padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0; margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 0; }\n' +
'</style>\n' +
//'<base href="' + window.location + '">' +
'<body' + (contentEditable ? ' contentEditable="true"' : '') + ' onload="init();">' +
html + '</body></html>');
this.editNode.innerHTML = html;
this.iframe.onload = ifrFunc;
/** Draws an active x object, used by IE */
_drawObject: function (html) {
this.object = document.createElement("object");
with (this.object) {
classid = "clsid:2D360201-FFF5-11D1-8D03-00A0C959BC0A";
width = this.inheritWidth ? this._oldWidth : "100%";
height = this._oldHeight;
Scrollbars = false;
Appearance = this._activeX.appearance.flat;
this.object.attachEvent("DocumentComplete", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onLoad"));
this.object.attachEvent("DisplayChanged", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "_updateHeight"));
this.object.attachEvent("DisplayChanged", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onDisplayChanged"));
this.object.DocumentHTML = '<!doctype HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">' +
'<title></title>' +
'<style type="text/css">' +
' body,html { padding: 0; margin: 0; }' + //font: ' + font + '; }' +
' body { overflow: hidden; }' +
//' #bodywrapper { }' +
'</style>' +
//'<base href="' + window.location + '">' +
'<body><div id="bodywrapper">' + html + '</div></body>';
/* Event handlers
onLoad: function(e){
this.isLoaded = true;
if (this.object){
this.document = this.object.DOM;
this.editNode = this.document.body.firstChild;
}else if (this.iframe){
this.editNode = this.document.body;
this.connect(this, "onDisplayChanged", "_updateHeight");
try { // sanity check for Mozilla
this.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, true); // old moz call
this.document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false); // new moz call
//this.document.execCommand("insertBrOnReturn", false, false); // new moz call
}catch(e2){ }
if (dojo.render.html.safari) {
/* = "visible"; = "1px solid black"; = "visible"; = "1px solid black";
// this.onDisplayChanged();
this.connect(this.editNode, "onblur", "onBlur");
this.connect(this.editNode, "onfocus", "onFocus");
this.interval = setInterval(dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onDisplayChanged"), 750);
// dojo.raise("onload");
// dojo.debug(this.editNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName);
} else if (dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
// We need to unhook the blur event listener on close as we
// can encounter a garunteed crash in FF if another event is
// also fired
var doc = this.document;
var blurfp = dojo.event.browser.addListener(this.document, "blur", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onBlur"));
var unBlur = { unBlur: function(e){
dojo.event.browser.removeListener(doc, "blur", blurfp);
} };
dojo.event.connect("before", this, "close", unBlur, "unBlur");
dojo.event.browser.addListener(this.document, "focus", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onFocus"));
// safari can't handle key listeners, it kills the speed
var addListener = dojo.event.browser.addListener;
addListener(this.document, "keypress", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onKeyPress"));
addListener(this.document, "keydown", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onKeyDown"));
addListener(this.document, "keyup", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onKeyUp"));
addListener(this.document, "click", dojo.lang.hitch(this, "onClick"));
// FIXME: when scrollbars appear/disappear this needs to be fired
/** Fired on keydown */
onKeyDown: function (e) {
// we need this event at the moment to get the events from control keys
// such as the backspace. It might be possible to add this to Dojo, so that
// keyPress events can be emulated by the keyDown and keyUp detection.
/** Fired on keyup */
onKeyUp: function (e) {
/** Fired on keypress. */
onKeyPress: function (e) {
// handle the various key events
var character = e.charCode > 0 ? String.fromCharCode(e.charCode) : null;
var code = e.keyCode;
var preventDefault = true; // by default assume we cancel;
// define some key combos
if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { // modifier pressed
switch (character) {
case "b": this.execCommand("bold"); break;
case "i": this.execCommand("italic"); break;
case "u": this.execCommand("underline"); break;
//case "a": this.execCommand("selectall"); break;
//case "k": this.execCommand("createlink", ""); break;
case "Z": this.execCommand("redo"); break;
case "s": this.close(true); break; // saves
default: switch (code) {
//break; // preventDefault stops the browser
// going through its history
preventDefault = false; break; // didn't handle here
} else {
switch (code) {
case e.KEY_TAB:
// commenting out bcs it's crashing FF
// this.execCommand(e.shiftKey ? "unindent" : "indent");
// break;
preventDefault = false; break; // didn't handle here
if (preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); }
// function call after the character has been inserted
dojo.lang.setTimeout(this, this.onKeyPressed, 1, e);
* Fired after a keypress event has occured and it's action taken. This
* is useful if action needs to be taken after text operations have
* finished
onKeyPressed: function (e) {
// Mozilla adds a single <p> with an embedded <br> when you hit enter once:
// <p><br>\n</p>
// when you hit enter again it adds another <br> inside your enter
// <p><br>\n<br>\n</p>
// and if you hit enter again it splits the <br>s over 2 <p>s
// <p><br>\n</p>\n<p><br>\n</p>
// now this assumes that <p>s have double the line-height of <br>s to work
// and so we need to remove the <p>s to ensure the position of the cursor
// changes from the users perspective when they hit enter, as the second two
// html snippets render the same when margins are set to 0.
// TODO: doesn't really work; is this really needed?
//if (dojo.render.html.moz) {
// for (var i = 0; i < this.document.getElementsByTagName("p").length; i++) {
// var p = this.document.getElementsByTagName("p")[i];
// if (p.innerHTML.match(/^<br>\s$/m)) {
// while (p.hasChildNodes()) { p.parentNode.insertBefore(p.firstChild, p); }
// p.parentNode.removeChild(p);
// }
// }
this.onDisplayChanged(/*e*/); // can't pass in e
onClick: function (e) { this.onDisplayChanged(e); },
onBlur: function (e){ },
onFocus: function (e){ },
blur: function () {
if (this.iframe) { this.window.blur(); }
else if (this.editNode) { this.editNode.blur(); }
focus: function () {
}else if(this.editNode){
/** this event will be fired everytime the display context changes and the
result needs to be reflected in the UI */
onDisplayChanged: function (e){ },
/* Formatting commands
/** IE's Active X codes */
_activeX: {
command: {
bold: 5000,
italic: 5023,
underline: 5048,
justifycenter: 5024,
justifyleft: 5025,
justifyright: 5026,
cut: 5003,
copy: 5002,
paste: 5032,
"delete": 5004,
undo: 5049,
redo: 5033,
removeformat: 5034,
selectall: 5035,
unlink: 5050,
indent: 5018,
outdent: 5031,
insertorderedlist: 5030,
insertunorderedlist: 5051,
// table commands
inserttable: 5022,
insertcell: 5019,
insertcol: 5020,
insertrow: 5021,
deletecells: 5005,
deletecols: 5006,
deleterows: 5007,
mergecells: 5029,
splitcell: 5047,
// the command need mapping, they don't translate directly
// to the contentEditable commands
setblockformat: 5043,
getblockformat: 5011,
getblockformatnames: 5012,
setfontname: 5044,
getfontname: 5013,
setfontsize: 5045,
getfontsize: 5014,
setbackcolor: 5042,
getbackcolor: 5010,
setforecolor: 5046,
getforecolor: 5015,
findtext: 5008,
font: 5009,
hyperlink: 5016,
image: 5017,
lockelement: 5027,
makeabsolute: 5028,
sendbackward: 5036,
bringforward: 5037,
sendbelowtext: 5038,
bringabovetext: 5039,
sendtoback: 5040,
bringtofront: 5041,
properties: 5052
ui: {
"default": 0,
prompt: 1,
noprompt: 2
status: {
notsupported: 0,
disabled: 1,
enabled: 3,
latched: 7,
ninched: 11
appearance: {
flat: 0,
inset: 1
state: {
unchecked: 0,
checked: 1,
gray: 2
* Used as the advice function by dojo.event.connect to map our
* normalized set of commands to those supported by the target
* browser
* @param arugments The arguments Array, containing at least one
* item, the command and an optional second item,
* an argument.
_normalizeCommand: function (joinObject){
var drh = dojo.render.html;
var command = joinObject.args[0].toLowerCase();
if(command == "formatblock"){
if(drh.safari){ command = "heading"; }
if({ joinObject.args[1] = "<"+joinObject.args[1]+">"; }
if (command == "hilitecolor" && !drh.mozilla) { command = "backcolor"; }
joinObject.args[0] = command;
if (joinObject.args.length > 1) { // a command was specified
var argument = joinObject.args[1];
if (command == "heading") { throw new Error("unimplemented"); }
joinObject.args[1] = argument;
return joinObject.proceed();
* Tests whether a command is supported by the host. Clients SHOULD check
* whether a command is supported before attempting to use it, behaviour
* for unsupported commands is undefined.
* @param command The command to test for
* @return true if the command is supported, false otherwise
queryCommandAvailable: function (command) {
var ie = 1;
var mozilla = 1 << 1;
var safari = 1 << 2;
var opera = 1 << 3;
function isSupportedBy (browsers) {
return {
ie: Boolean(browsers & ie),
mozilla: Boolean(browsers & mozilla),
safari: Boolean(browsers & safari),
opera: Boolean(browsers & opera)
var supportedBy = null;
switch (command.toLowerCase()) {
case "bold": case "italic": case "underline":
case "subscript": case "superscript":
case "fontname": case "fontsize":
case "forecolor": case "hilitecolor":
case "justifycenter": case "justifyfull": case "justifyleft": case "justifyright":
case "cut": case "copy": case "paste": case "delete":
case "undo": case "redo":
supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | safari | opera);
case "createlink": case "unlink": case "removeformat":
case "inserthorizontalrule": case "insertimage":
case "insertorderedlist": case "insertunorderedlist":
case "indent": case "outdent": case "formatblock": case "strikethrough":
supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | ie | opera);
case "blockdirltr": case "blockdirrtl":
case "dirltr": case "dirrtl":
case "inlinedirltr": case "inlinedirrtl":
supportedBy = isSupportedBy(ie);
case "inserttable":
supportedBy = isSupportedBy(mozilla | (this.object ? ie : 0));
case "insertcell": case "insertcol": case "insertrow":
case "deletecells": case "deletecols": case "deleterows":
case "mergecells": case "splitcell":
supportedBy = isSupportedBy(this.object ? ie : 0);
default: return false;
return ( && ||
(dojo.render.html.mozilla && supportedBy.mozilla) ||
(dojo.render.html.safari && supportedBy.safari) ||
(dojo.render.html.opera && supportedBy.opera);
* Executes a command in the Rich Text area
* @param command The command to execute
* @param argument An optional argument to the command
execCommand: function (command, argument) {
if (this.object) {
if (command == "forecolor") { command = "setforecolor"; }
else if (command == "backcolor") { command = "setbackcolor"; }
//if (typeof this._activeX.command[command] == "undefined") { return null; }
if (command == "inserttable") {
var tableInfo = this.constructor._tableInfo;
if (!tableInfo) {
tableInfo = document.createElement("object");
tableInfo.classid = "clsid:47B0DFC7-B7A3-11D1-ADC5-006008A5848C";
this.constructor._table = tableInfo;
tableInfo.NumRows = argument.rows;
tableInfo.NumCols = argument.cols;
tableInfo.TableAttrs = argument["TableAttrs"];
tableInfo.CellAttrs = arr["CellAttrs"];
tableInfo.Caption = arr["Caption"];
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return this.object.ExecCommand(this._activeX.command[command],
} else {
return this.object.ExecCommand(this._activeX.command[command],
this._activeX.ui.noprompt, argument);
// fix up unlink in Mozilla to unlink the link and not just the selection
} else if (command == "unlink" &&
this.queryCommandEnabled("unlink") && dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
// grab selection
// Mozilla gets upset if we just store the range so we have to
// get the basic properties and recreate to save the selection
var selection = this.window.getSelection();
var selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
var selectionStartContainer = selectionRange.startContainer;
var selectionStartOffset = selectionRange.startOffset;
var selectionEndContainer = selectionRange.endContainer;
var selectionEndOffset = selectionRange.endOffset;
// select our link and unlink
var range = document.createRange();
var a = this.getSelectedNode();
while (a.nodeName != "A") { a = a.parentNode; }
var returnValue = this.document.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
// restore original selection
var selectionRange = document.createRange();
selectionRange.setStart(selectionStartContainer, selectionStartOffset);
selectionRange.setEnd(selectionEndContainer, selectionEndOffset);
return returnValue;
} else if (command == "inserttable" && dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
var cols = "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < argument.cols; i++) { cols += "<td></td>"; }
cols += "</tr>";
var table = "<table><tbody>";
for (var i = 0; i < argument.rows; i++) { table += cols; }
table += "</tbody></table>";
var returnValue = this.document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, table);
} else if (command == "hilitecolor" && dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
// mozilla doesn't support hilitecolor properly when useCSS is
// set to false (bugzilla #279330)
this.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, false);
var returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
this.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, true);
} else {
argument = arguments.length > 1 ? argument : null;
var returnValue = this.document.execCommand(command, false, argument);
return returnValue;
queryCommandEnabled: function (command, argument) {
if (this.object) {
if (command == "forecolor") { command = "setforecolor"; }
else if (command == "backcolor") { command = "setbackcolor"; }
if (typeof this._activeX.command[command] == "undefined") { return false; }
var status = this.object.QueryStatus(this._activeX.command[command]);
return (status != this.activeX.status.notsupported &&
status != this.activeX.status.diabled);
} else {
// mozilla returns true always
if (command == "unlink" && dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
var node = this.getSelectedNode();
while (node.parentNode && node.nodeName != "A") { node = node.parentNode; }
return node.nodeName == "A";
} else if (command == "inserttable" && dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
return true;
return this.document.queryCommandEnabled(command);
queryCommandState: function (command, argument) {
if (this.object) {
if (command == "forecolor") { command = "setforecolor"; }
else if (command == "backcolor") { command = "setbackcolor"; }
if (typeof this._activeX.command[command] == "undefined") { return null; }
var status = this.object.QueryStatus(this._activeX.command[command]);
return (status == this._activeX.status.enabled ||
status == this._activeX.status.ninched);
} else {
return this.document.queryCommandState(command);
queryCommandValue: function (command, argument) {
if (this.object) {
switch (command) {
case "forecolor":
case "backcolor":
case "fontsize":
case "fontname":
case "blockformat":
command = "get" + command;
return this.object.execCommand(
//var status = this.object.QueryStatus(this._activeX.command[command]);
} else {
return this.document.queryCommandValue(command);
/* Misc.
getSelectedNode: function () {
if(!this.isLoaded){ return; }
if (this.document.selection) {
return this.document.selection.createRange().parentElement();
} else if (dojo.render.html.mozilla) {
return this.window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
return this.editNode;
placeCursorAtStart: function () {
dojo.event.connect(this, "onLoad", this, "placeCursorAtEnd");
dojo.event.disconnect(this, "onLoad", this, "placeCursorAtEnd");
if (this.window.getSelection) {
var selection = this.window.getSelection;
if (selection.removeAllRanges) { // Mozilla
var range = this.document.createRange();
var selection = this.window.getSelection();
} else { // Safari
// not a great deal we can do
} else if (this.document.selection) { // IE
var range = this.document.body.createTextRange();
placeCursorAtEnd: function () {
dojo.event.connect(this, "onLoad", this, "placeCursorAtEnd");
dojo.event.disconnect(this, "onLoad", this, "placeCursorAtEnd");
if (this.window.getSelection) {
var selection = this.window.getSelection;
if (selection.removeAllRanges) { // Mozilla
var range = this.document.createRange();
var selection = this.window.getSelection();
} else { // Safari
// not a great deal we can do
} else if (this.document.selection) { // IE
var range = this.document.body.createTextRange();
_lastHeight: 0,
/** Updates the height of the iframe to fit the contents. */
_updateHeight: function () {
if (this.iframe) {
// The height includes the padding, borders and margins so these
// need to be added on
var heights = ["margin-top", "margin-bottom",
"padding-bottom", "padding-top",
"border-width-bottom", "border-width-top"];
for (var i = 0, chromeheight = 0; i < heights.length; i++) {
var height =, heights[i]);
// Safari doesn't have all the heights so we have to test
if (height) {
chromeheight += Number(height.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));
// dojo.debug(this.document.body.offsetHeight);
// dojo.debug(chromeheight);
this._lastHeight = this.document.body.offsetHeight + chromeheight;
this.iframe.height = this._lastHeight + "px";
this.window.scrollTo(0, 0);
// this.iframe.height = this._lastHeight + "px";
// dojo.debug(this.iframe.height);
} else if (this.object) {
this.object.height =;
* Saves the content in an onunload event if the editor has not been closed
_saveContent: function(e){
var saveTextarea = document.getElementById("dojo.widget.RichText.savedContent");
saveTextarea.value += this._SEPARATOR + this.saveName + ":" + this.getEditorContent();
getEditorContent: function(){
var ec = "";
ec = (this._content.length > 0) ? this._content : this.editNode.innerHTML;
}catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
dojo.lang.forEach(this.contentFilters, function(ef){
ec = ef(ec);
return ec;
* Kills the editor and optionally writes back the modified contents to the
* element from which it originated.
* @param save Whether or not to save the changes. If false, the changes are
* discarded.
* @return true if the contents has been modified, false otherwise
close: function(save, force){
if(this.isClosed){return false; }
if (arguments.length == 0) { save = true; }
this._content = this.editNode.innerHTML;
var changed = (this.savedContent.innerHTML != this._content);
// line height is squashed for iframes
if (this.iframe){ = null; }
if(this.interval){ clearInterval(this.interval); }
if( && !this.object){
var ifr = this.domNode.firstChild; = "none";
}, 0);
this.domNode.innerHTML = "";
// dojo.dom.removeChildren(this.domNode);
var nc = document.createElement("span");
nc.innerHTML = this.editNode.innerHTML;
this.domNode.innerHTML = this._content;
// kill listeners on the saved content
} else {
while (this.savedContent.hasChildNodes()) {
delete this.savedContent;
dojo.html.removeClass(this.domNode, "RichTextEditable");
this.isClosed = true;
this.isLoaded = false;
return changed;
destroy: function () {
if (!this.isClosed) { this.close(false); }
// disconnect those listeners.
while (this._connected.length) {
this._connected[1], this._connected[2]);
_connected: [],
connect: function (targetObj, targetFunc, thisFunc) {
dojo.event.connect(targetObj, targetFunc, this, thisFunc);
// this._connected.push([targetObj, targetFunc, thisFunc]);
// FIXME: below two functions do not work with the above line commented out
disconnect: function (targetObj, targetFunc, thisFunc) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._connected.length; i++) {
if (this._connected[0] == targetObj &&
this._connected[1] == targetFunc &&
this._connected[2] == thisFunc) {
dojo.event.disconnect(targetObj, targetFunc, this, thisFunc);
this._connected.splice(i, 1);
disconnectAllWithRoot: function (targetObj) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._connected.length; i++) {
if (this._connected[0] == targetObj) {
this._connected[1], this, this._connected[2]);
this._connected.splice(i, 1);