blob: 747459321bf6c82084c20557a0c93158f0ec0fd3 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2005, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
dojo.event.topic = new function(){
this.topics = {};
this.getTopic = function(topicName){
this.topics[topicName] = new this.TopicImpl(topicName);
return this.topics[topicName];
this.registerPublisher = function(topic, obj, funcName){
var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
topic.registerPublisher(obj, funcName);
this.subscribe = function(topic, obj, funcName){
var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
topic.subscribe(obj, funcName);
this.unsubscribe = function(topic, obj, funcName){
var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
topic.unsubscribe(obj, funcName);
this.publish = function(topic, message){
var topic = this.getTopic(topic);
// if message is an array, we treat it as a set of arguments,
// otherwise, we just pass on the arguments passed in as-is
var args = [];
if((arguments.length == 2)&&(message.length)&&(typeof message != "string")){
args = message;
var args = [];
for(var x=1; x<arguments.length; x++){
topic.sendMessage.apply(topic, args);
dojo.event.topic.TopicImpl = function(topicName){
this.topicName = topicName;
var self = this;
self.subscribe = function(listenerObject, listenerMethod){
var tf = listenerMethod||listenerObject;
var to = (!listenerMethod) ? dj_global : listenerObject;
srcObj: self,
srcFunc: "sendMessage",
adviceObj: to,
adviceFunc: tf
self.unsubscribe = function(listenerObject, listenerMethod){
var tf = (!listenerMethod) ? listenerObject : listenerMethod;
var to = (!listenerMethod) ? null : listenerObject;
srcObj: self,
srcFunc: "sendMessage",
adviceObj: to,
adviceFunc: tf
self.registerPublisher = function(publisherObject, publisherMethod){
dojo.event.connect(publisherObject, publisherMethod, self, "sendMessage");
self.sendMessage = function(message){
// The message has been propagated