layout: core-developers title: date validator

date validator


Field Validator that checks if the date supplied is within a specific range.

NOTE: If no date converter is specified, XWorkBasicConverter will kick in to do the date conversion, which by default using the Date.SHORT format using the specified locale else falling back to the system default locale.


  • fieldName - The field name this validator is validating. Required if using Plain-Validator Syntax otherwise not required.
  • min - the min date range. If not specified will not be checked.
  • max - the max date range. If not specified will not be checked.
  • parse - if set to true, minExpression and maxExpression will be evaluated to find min/max.
  • minExpression - expression to calculate the minimum value (if none is specified, it will not be checked).
  • maxExpression - expression to calculate the maximum value (if none is specified, it will not be checked).

You can either use the min / max value or minExpression / maxExpression (when parse is set to true) - using expression can be slightly slower, see the example below.

Warning Do not use ${minExpression} and ${maxExpression} as an expression as this will turn into infinitive loop!


    <!-- Plain Validator syntax -->
    <validator type="date">
        <param name="fieldName">birthday</param>
        <param name="min">01/01/1990</param>
        <param name="max">01/01/2000</param>
        <message>Birthday must be within ${min} and ${max}</message>
    <!-- Field Validator Syntax -->
    <field name="birthday">
        <field-validator type="date">
            <param name="min">01/01/1990</param>
            <param name="max">01/01/2000</param>
            <message>Birthday must be within ${min} and ${max}</message>
    <!-- Field Validator Syntax with expression -->
    <field name="birthday">
        <field-validator type="date">
            <param name="minExpression">${minValue}</param> <!-- will be evaluated as: Date getMinValue() -->
            <param name="maxExpression">${maxValue}</param> <!-- will be evaluated as: Date getMaxValue() -->
            <message>Age needs to be between ${min} and ${max}</message>