layout: default title: Plugins

Plugin Developers Guide

Apache Struts 2 provides a simple plugin architecture so that developers can extend the framework just by adding a JAR to the application's classpath. Since plugins are contained in a JAR, they are easy to share with others. Several plugins are bundled with the framework, and others are available from third-party sources.

Bundled Plugins

Async Plugin6.0.0+
Bean Validation Plugin2.5+
CDI (JSR 299) Plugin2.3.1+
Codebehind Plugin< 2.5removed since 2.5, use Convention Plugin
Config Browser Plugin
Convention Plugin2.1.3+
DWR Plugin
Embedded JSP Plugin2.1.7+deprecated since 6.0.0
JasperReports Plugin
Java 8 Support Plugin2.3.21 - 2.5.2
Javatemplates Plugin2.1.3+
JFreeChart Plugin
JSF Plugin< 2.5removed since 2.5
JSON Plugin2.1.7+
JUnit Plugin
OVal Plugin2.1.7+deprecated since 6.0.0, use Bean Validation Plugin
OSGi Plugin2.1.7+deprecated since 6.0.0
Plexus Plugindeprecated since 6.0.0
Portlet Plugindeprecated since 6.0.0
Portlet Tiles Plugin2.3.5+deprecated since 6.0.0
REST Plugin2.1.1+
SiteGraph Plugin< 2.5removed since 2.5
SiteMesh Plugindeprecated since 6.0.0
Spring Plugin
Struts 1 Plugin< 2.5removed since 2.5
TestNG Plugin
Tiles Plugin
Tiles 3 Plugin< 2.5removed since 2.5
Velocity Plugin

For a complete list of bundled and third-party plugins, visit the Plugin Registry.