layout: tag-developers title: url tag parent: title: Tag Reference url: tag-reference.html


Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.

NOTE: The id attribute is deprecated in Struts 2.1.x, and has been replaced by the var attribute.


This tag is used to create a URL.

You can use the <param> tag inside the body to provide additional request parameters. If the value of a param is an Array or an Iterable all the values will be added to the URL.

NOTE: By default request parameters will be separated using escaped ampersands (i.e., &). This is necessary for XHTML compliance, however, when using the URL generated by this tag with the <s:property> tag, the escapeAmp attribute should be used to disable ampersand escaping.

NOTE: When includeParams is all or get, the parameter defined in a <param> tag will take precedence over any params included due to the includeParams attribute. For example, in Example 3 below, if there is a id parameter in the url where the page this tag is included like http://<host>:<port>/<context>/editUser.action?id=3333&name=John the generated url will be http://<host>:<port>/<context>/editUser.action?id=22&name=John because the parameter defined in the param tag will take precedence

Setting a default value for includeParams

The property struts.url.includeParams can be used to set the default value of the includeParams attribute.

Setting the default value of includeParams

   <constant name="struts.url.includeParams" value="none" />

See Constant Configuration for further information.

NOTE: As of Struts 2.1.3 the includeParams constant defaults to none.

{% remote_file_content %}


{% remote_file_content %}


<!-- Example 1 -->
<s:url value="editGadget.action">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<!-- Example 2 -->
<s:url action="editGadget">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />

<!-- Example 3-->
<s:url includeParams="get">
    <s:param name="id" value="%{'22'}" />