layout: tag-developers title: sort tag parent: title: Tag Reference url: tag-reference.html


Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.


A Tag that sorts a List using a Comparator both passed in as the tag attribute. If var attribute is specified, the sorted list will be placed into the PageContext attribute using the key specified by var. The sorted list will ALWAYS be pushed into the stack and poped at the end of this tag.

{% remote_file_content %}


{% remote_file_content %}


Example 1

<s:sort comparator="myComparator" source="myList">
     <!-- do something with each sorted elements -->
     <s:property value="..." />

Example 2

<s:sort var="mySortedList" comparator="myComparator" source="myList" />

   Iterator sortedIterator = (Iterator) pageContext.getAttribute("mySortedList");
   for (Iterator i = sortedIterator; i.hasNext(); ) {
     // do something with each of the sorted elements