layout: default title: a tag parent: title: Tag Reference url: tag-reference.html


Please make sure you have read the Tag Syntax document and understand how tag attribute syntax works.


A tag that creates a HTML <a>. This tag supports the same attributes as the url tag, including nested parameters using the param tag.

{% remote_file_content %}


{% remote_file_content %}


If you want to use additional parameters in your s:a the best practice is to use a s:url to create your url and then leverage this url into your s:a tag. This is done by creating a s:url and specifying an var attribute. Like testUrlId in this example. Then in the s:a tag reference this id in the href attribute via %{testUrlId}

<s:url var="testUrlId" namespace="/subscriber" action="customField" method="delete">
    <s:param name="" value="${id}"/>

<s:a errorText="Sorry your request had an error." preInvokeJS="confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?')" href="%{testUrlId}">
    <img src="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/>

<img xsrc="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/>

<s:a><img xsrc="<s:url value="/images/delete.gif"/>" border="none"/></s:a>