blob: 92fda4946a1b401adb988e4a6540ba774eb6e6c6 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.apache.struts.helloworld.action;
import org.apache.struts.helloworld.model.MessageStore;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
* Acts as a Struts 2 controller that responds
* to a user action by setting the value
* of the Message model class, and returns a String
* result.
* @author Bruce Phillips
public class HelloWorldAction extends ActionSupport {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The model class that stores the message
* to display in the view.
private MessageStore messageStore;
private static int helloCount = 0;
public int getHelloCount() {
return helloCount;
public void setHelloCount(int helloCount) {
HelloWorldAction.helloCount = helloCount;
private String userName;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
* Creates the MessageStore model object,
* increase helloCount by 1 and
* returns success. The MessageStore model
* object will be available to the view.
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport#execute()
public String execute() throws Exception {
messageStore = new MessageStore() ;
//Action included a query string parameter of userName
//or a form field with name of userName
if (userName != null) {
messageStore.setMessage( messageStore.getMessage() + " " + userName);
return SUCCESS;
public MessageStore getMessageStore() {
return messageStore;
public void setMessageStore(MessageStore messageStore) {
this.messageStore = messageStore;