Apache Struts 2 Extras - custom results plugin


This plugin provides additional result types.

Supported versions

This plugin can be used with the Apache Struts versions 2.5.x .

Result Type categories

SSL offloading support

These result types are made to support redirecting under the https protocol while being behind a SSL offloading proxy.

Result Types


This Result Type should replace the redirect Result Type. It takes into account 2 ways of detecting the offloading:

  • X-Forwarded-Proto header (de-facto standard header)
  • proto attribute of the Forwarded header ( RFC7239 )

This Result Type should replace the redirectAction Result Type. It takes into account 2 ways of detecting the offloading:

  • X-Forwarded-Proto header (de-facto standard header)
  • proto attribute of the Forwarded header ( RFC7239 )

struts packages


Only thing this package does is defining the result types so that they can be used.


Merely combines the struts-default package and the ssl-offload package.