blob: e9a598309cf5cfb59f17ee40d341f7d1c309dd8a [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, The Dojo Foundation
All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1 or above OR the
modified BSD license. For more information on Dojo licensing, see:
/* summary:
* This is an abstract API used by data provider implementations.
* This file defines methods signatures and intentionally leaves all the
* methods unimplemented.
dojo.declare("", null, {
function(/* function */ callbackFunction, /* object? */ callbackObject, /* object? */ optionalKeywordArgs) {
/* summary:
* Loops through the result list, calling a callback function
* for each item in the result list.
* description:
* The forEach() method will call the callback function once for
* each item in the result list. The forEach() method will pass
* 3 arguments to the callbackFunction: an item, the index of
* item in the context of this forEach() loop, and the result object
* itself. The signature of this forEach() method was modeled on
* the forEach() method of Mozilla's Array object in JavaScript 1.6:
* The forEach() method will returns true if the entire result list
* has been looped through, or false if the result list has not yet
* been looped through.
* The forEach() method will ignore any return value returned by
* the callbackFunction.
* After the forEach() operation has finished (or been cancelled)
* result.forEach() can be called again on the same result object.
* We haven't yet decided what other parameters we might allow to
* support fancy features. Here are some ideas:
* results.forEach({callback:callbackFunction, onCompletion: finishedFunction});
* results.forEach({callback:callbackFunction, first: 201, last: 300}); // partial loop
* results.forEach({callback:callbackFunction, first: 200, numItems: 50}); // partial loop from 200 to 250
* CCM - How to specify datastore-specific options to allow caching n
* items before/after current window of items being viewed?
* callbackObject:
* If a callbackObject is provided the callbackFunction will be called
* in the context of the callbackObject (the callbackObject will be
* used as the 'this' for each invocation of the callbackFunction).
* If callbackObject is not provided, or is null, the global object
* associated with callback is used instead.
* optionalKeywordArgs:
* The forEach() method may accept a third parameter, which should be
* an object with keyword parameters. Different implementations may
* make use of different keyword paramters. Conforming
* implementations ignore keyword parameters that they don't
* recognize.
/* examples:
* var results = store.find("recent books"); // synchronous
* var results = store.find("all books", {sync: false}); // asynchronous
* someCallbackFunction = function(item, resultObject) {};
* results.forEach(someCallbackFunction);
* results.forEach({object:someHandlerObject, callback:"someCallbackMethod"});
return false; // boolean
function() {
/* summary:
* Returns an integer -- the number of items in the result list.
* Returns -1 if the length is not known when the method is called.
return -1; // integer
function() {
/* summary:
* Returns true if a forEach() loop is in progress.
return false; // boolean
function() {
/* summary:
* Calling cancel() stops any and all processing associated with this
* result object.
* description:
* If a forEach() loop is in progress, calling cancel() will stop
* the loop. If a store.find() is in progress, and that find()
* involves an XMLHttpRequest, calling cancel() will abort the
* XMLHttpRequest. If callbacks have been set using setOnFindCompleted()
* or setOnError(), calling cancel() will cause those callbacks to
* not be called under any circumstances.
function(/* function */ callbackFunction, /* object? */ callbackObject) {
/* summary:
* Allows you to register a callbackFunction that will
* be called when all the results are available.
* description:
* If a callbackObject is provided the callbackFunction will be
* called in the context of the callbackObject (the callbackObject
* will be used as the 'this' for each invocation of the
* callbackFunction). If callbackObject is not provided, or is
* null, the global object associated with callback is used instead.
* The setOnFindCompleted() method will ignore any return value
* returned by the callbackFunction.
* We have not yet decided what parameters the setOnFindCompleted()
* will pass to the callbackFunction...
* (A) The setOnFindCompleted() method will pass one parameter to the
* callbackFunction: the result object itself.
* (B) The setOnFindCompleted() method will pass two parameters to the
* callbackFunction: an iterator object, and the result object itself.
function(/* function */ errorCallbackFunction, /* object? */ callbackObject) {
/* summary:
* Allows you to register a errorCallbackFunction that
* will be called if there is any sort of error.
* description:
* If a callbackObject is provided the errorCallbackFunction will
* be called in the context of the callbackObject (the callbackObject
* will be used as the 'this' for each invocation of the
* errorCallbackFunction). If callbackObject is not provided, or is
* null, the global object associated with callback is used instead.
* The setOnError() method will pass two parameters to the
* errorCallbackFunction: an Error object, and the result object
* itself:
* errorCallbackFunction(errorObject, resultObject);
* The setOnError() method will ignore any return value returned
* by the errorCallbackFunction.
function() {
/* summary:
* Returns the datastore object that created this result list
return null; // an object that implements