blob: 5d9240d8f4d786d5c91b53ff0f63c964dae6dfc6 [file] [log] [blame]
Configuration registry
* At initialization, each request adapter (servlet, filter, et cetera), adds its configuration to a single registry at a global location under a unique key.
Command Context
* Extends CoR Context to encapsulate framework members needed to process request and render response
Request Adapter (servlet module, portlet, SOAP, mock)
* Receives request from container (or TestRunner)
* Normalizes request path (masks pattern registered with container)
* Creates context to wrap request and response objects
* Adds reference to its configuration (stored in global registry)
* Invokes Controller
* When control returns, dispatches to Location (if any)
* Receives context and selects the matching mapping
* Adds reference to mapping instance to context
* Sets mapping's default Location to context
* Removes any expired messages from context
* Invokes processor for mapping
* Invokes series of methods ("Chain of Commands") to handle request. The default series includes
* Multipart
* Locale
* ContentType
* NoCache
* PreProcess
* Roles
* InputHandler
* Cancel
* Reset
* Populate
* Validate
* Invalid
* MappingHandler
* Command | Script
* Invoke business logic
* Affect context state
* Identify resource to render response
* Location
* Identify resource to render response
* Intercept any Exception thrown by Processor and set Location to designated error page.
* Reference Command Context (stored in request) to access framework members
Server Pages
* Utilize tags and tools to render dynamic data.