blob: 801f35a5e9008652a6417617419cf59e151d4576 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using Spring.Context;
using Spring.Context.Support;
using Spring.Objects.Factory.Xml;
namespace Agility.Extras.Spring
/// <summary>
/// A singleton implementation of the IHelper protocol,
/// using static methods and the Spring object factory.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks><p>
/// Since static methods are used here, as a convenience,
/// it is not possible to implement IHelper.
/// However, the same method signatures are otherwise used.
/// </p><p>
/// Of course, an alternative is to provide the Factory
/// method a singlton, and then obtain the Helpers
/// class from the Factory, but implementing the
/// IHelpers interface as a singleton seems simpler.
/// </p></remarks>
public class Objects
private static string FILE = "/Objects.xml";
private Objects()
// private constructor prevents instantiation.
// ISSUE: Remove this kludge and adopt latest iBATIS approach.
private static string _rootDirectory =
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.Replace(@"\bin", "").Replace(@"\Debug", "").Replace(@"\Release", "");
private static volatile IApplicationContext _Factory = null;
public static IApplicationContext Factory()
if (_Factory == null)
lock (typeof (XmlObjectFactory))
string foo = "file://" + _rootDirectory + FILE;
if (_Factory == null) // double-check
_Factory = new XmlApplicationContext(foo);
return _Factory;