blob: 76a0b0e71429a05bdb8a8db1543f04c30d75a750 [file] [log] [blame]
using System.Collections;
* Copyright 2003-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Agility.Core
/// <summary>
/// A {@link IChain} represents a configured list of
/// {@link ICommand}s that will be executed in order to perform processing
/// on a specified {@link IContext}.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <p>Each included {@link ICommand} will be
/// executed in turn, until either one of them returns <code>true</code>,
/// one of the executed {@link ICommand}s throws an Exception,
/// or the end of the chain has been reached. The {@link IChain} itself will
/// return the return value of the last {@link ICommand} that was executed
/// (if no exception was thrown), or rethrow the thrown Exception.</p>
/// <p>Note that {@link IChain} extends {@link ICommand}, so that the two can
/// be used interchangeably when a {@link ICommand} is expected. This makes it
/// easy to assemble workflows in a hierarchical manner by combining subchains
/// into an overall processing chain.</p>
/// <p>To protect applications from evolution of this interface, specialized
/// implementations of {@link IChain} should generally be created by extending
/// the provided base class {@link Agility.Core.Chain})
/// rather than directly implementing this interface.</p>
/// <p>{@link IChain} implementations should be designed in a thread-safe
/// manner, suitable for execution on multiple threads simultaneously. In
/// general, this implies that the state information identifying which
/// {@link ICommand} is currently being executed should be maintained in a
/// local variable inside the <code>Execute</code> method, rather than
/// in an instance variable. The {@link ICommand}s in a {@link IChain} may be
/// configured (via calls to <code>AddCommand</code>) at any time before
/// the <code>Execute()</code> method of the {@link IChain} is first called.
/// After that, the configuration of the {@link IChain} is frozen.</p>
/// </remarks>
public interface IChain : ICommand
/// <summary>
/// Add a {@link ICommand} to the list of {@link ICommand}s that will
/// be called in turn when this {@link IChain}'s <code>Execute()</code>
/// method is called.
/// <p>Once <code>Execute</code> has been called
/// at least once, it is no longer possible to add additional
/// {@link ICommand}s; instead, an Exception will be thrown.</p>
/// </remarks>
void AddCommand(ICommand command);
/// <summary>
/// Add a IList of {@link ICommand}s to the list of {@link ICommand}s.
/// Although rendered as a property, this member does add a Command to the list,
/// without overwritign any existing commands, unless keys conflicts.
/// If key conflict, the last one added wins.
IList AddCommands { set; }
/// <summary>
/// Execute the processing represented by this {@link IChain}.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <p>Processing uses the following algorithm:</p>
/// <ul>
/// <li>If there are no configured {@link ICommand}s in the {@link IChain},
/// return <code>false</code>.</li>
/// <li>Call the <code>Execute</code> method of each {@link ICommand}
/// configured on this chain, in the order they were added via calls
/// to the <code>AddCommand</code> method, until the end of the
/// configured {@link ICommand}s is encountered, or until one of
/// the executed {@link ICommand}s returns <code>true</code>
/// or throws an Exception.</li>
/// <li>Walk backwards through the {@link ICommand}s whose
/// <code>Execute</code> methods, starting with the last one that
/// was executed. If this {@link ICommand} instance is also a
/// {@link IFilter}, call its <code>PostProcess</code> method.
/// <b>If <code>PostProcess</code> throws an Exception, it is ignored.</b></li>
/// <li>If the last {@link ICommand} whose <code>Execute</code> method
/// was called throws an Exception, rethrow that Exception.</li>
/// <li>Otherwise, return the value returned by the <code>Execute</code>
/// method of the last {@link ICommand} that was executed. This will be
/// <code>true</code> if the last {@link ICommand} indicated that
/// processing of this {@link IContext} has been completed, or
/// <code>false</code> if none of the called {@link ICommand}s
/// returned <code>true</code>.</li>
/// </ul>
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="context">The {@link IContext} to be processed by this
/// {@link IChain}</param>
/// <returns><code>true</code> if the processing of this {@link IContext}
/// is complete, or <code>false</code> if further processing
/// of this {@link IContext} can be delegated to a subsequent
/// {@link ICommand} in an enclosing {@link IChain}</returns>
new bool Execute(IContext context);