blob: ad6c1f4f03f4b019877dfd325f40846a3245b1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.struts2.dojo.components;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts2.components.ComboBox;
import org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTag;
import org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTagAttribute;
import org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTagSkipInheritance;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStack;
* <!-- START SNIPPET: javadoc -->
* <p>The autocomplete tag is a combobox that can autocomplete text entered on the input box. If an action
* is used to populate the autocompleter, the output of the action must be a well formed JSON string. </p>
* <p>The autocompleter follows this rule to find its datasource:<p>
* <p>1. If the response is an array, assume that it contains 2-dimension array elements, like:
* <pre>
* [
* ["Alabama", "AL"],
* ["Alaska", "AK"]
* ]
* </pre>
* <p>2. If a value is specified in the "dataFieldName" attribute, and the response has a field with that
* name, assume that's the datasource, which can be an array of 2-dimension array elements, or a map,
* like (assuming dataFieldName="state"):</p>
* <pre>
* {
* "state" : [
* ["Alabama","AL"],
* ["Alaska","AK"]
* ]
* }
* or
* {
* "state" : {
* "Alabama" : "AL",
* "Alaska" : "AK"
* }
* }
* </pre>
* </pre>
* <p>3. If there is a field that starts with the value specified on the "name" attribute, assume
* that's the datasource, like (assuming name="state"):</p>
* <pre>
* {
* "states" : [
* ["Alabama","AL"],
* ["Alaska","AK"]
* ]
* }
* </pre>
* <p>4. Use first array that is found, like:<p>
* <pre>
* {
* "anything" : [
* ["Alabama", "AL"],
* ["Alaska", "AK"]
* ]
* }
* <p>5. If the response is a map, use it (recommended as it is the easiest one to generate):
* <pre>
* {
* "Alabama" : "AL",
* "Alaska" : "AK"
* }
* </pre>
* <!-- END SNIPPET: javadoc -->
* <p>Examples</p>
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example1 -->
* &lt;sx:autocompleter name="autocompleter1" href="%{jsonList}"/&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example1 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example2 -->
* &lt;s:autocompleter name="test" list="{'apple','banana','grape','pear'}" autoComplete="false"/&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example2 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example3 -->
* &lt;sx:autocompleter name="mvc" href="%{jsonList}" loadOnTextChange="true" loadMinimumCount="3"/&gt;
* The text entered on the autocompleter is passed as a parameter to the url specified in "href", like (text is "struts"):
* http://host/example/
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example3 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example4 -->
* &lt;form id="selectForm"&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter name="select" list="{'fruits','colors'}" valueNotifyTopics="/changed" /&gt;
* &lt;/form&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter href="%{jsonList}" formId="selectForm" listenTopics="/changed"/&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example4 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example5 -->
* &lt;sx:autocompleter href="%{jsonList}" id="auto"/&gt;
* &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
* function getValues() {
* var autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId("auto");
* //key (in the states example above, "AL")
* var key = autoCompleter.getSelectedKey();
* alert(key);
* //value (in the states example above, "Alabama")
* var value = autoCompleter.getSelectedValue();
* alert(value);
* //text currently on the textbox (anything the user typed)
* var text = autoCompleter.getText();
* alert(text);
* }
* function setValues() {
* var autoCompleter = dojo.widget.byId("auto");
* //key (key will be set to "AL" and value to "Alabama")
* autoCompleter.setSelectedKey("AL");
* //value (key will be set to "AL" and value to "Alabama")
* autoCompleter.setAllValues("AL", "Alabama");
* }
* &lt;/script&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example5 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example6 -->
* &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
* dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
* alert('inside a topic event. before request');
* //event: set event.cancel = true, to cancel request
* //widget: widget that published the topic
* });
* &lt;/script&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#ajaxTest} /&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example6 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example7 -->
* &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
* dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/after", function(data, request, widget){
* alert('inside a topic event. after request');
* //data : JavaScript object from parsing response
* //request: XMLHttpRequest object
* //widget: widget that published the topic
* });
* &lt;/script&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#ajaxTest}" /&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example7 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example8-->
* &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
* dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/error", function(error, request, widget){
* alert('inside a topic event. on error');
* //error : error object (error.message has the error message)
* //request: XMLHttpRequest object
* //widget: widget that published the topic
* });
* &lt;/script&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#ajaxTest}" /&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example8 -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example9 -->
* &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
* dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/value", function(value, key, text, widget){
* alert('inside a topic event. after value changed');
* //value : selected value (like "Florida" in example above)
* //key: selected key (like "FL" in example above)
* //text: text typed into textbox
* //widget: widget that published the topic
* });
* &lt;/script&gt;
* &lt;sx:autocompleter valueNotifyTopics="/value" href="%{#ajaxTest}" /&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example9 -->
@StrutsTag(name="autocompleter", tldTagClass="org.apache.struts2.dojo.views.jsp.ui.AutocompleterTag", description="Renders a combobox with autocomplete and AJAX capabilities")
public class Autocompleter extends ComboBox {
public static final String TEMPLATE = "autocompleter";
final private static String COMPONENT_NAME = Autocompleter.class.getName();
private final static transient Random RANDOM = new Random();
protected String forceValidOption;
protected String searchType;
protected String autoComplete;
protected String delay;
protected String disabled;
protected String href;
protected String dropdownWidth;
protected String dropdownHeight;
protected String formId;
protected String formFilter;
protected String listenTopics;
protected String notifyTopics;
protected String indicator;
protected String loadOnTextChange;
protected String loadMinimumCount;
protected String showDownArrow;
protected String templateCssPath;
protected String iconPath;
protected String keyName;
protected String dataFieldName;
protected String beforeNotifyTopics;
protected String afterNotifyTopics;
protected String errorNotifyTopics;
protected String valueNotifyTopics;
protected String resultsLimit;
protected String transport;
protected String preload;
protected String keyValue;
public Autocompleter(ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {
super(stack, request, response);
protected String getDefaultTemplate() {
return TEMPLATE;
public String getComponentName() {
public void evaluateExtraParams() {
if (forceValidOption != null)
addParameter("forceValidOption", findValue(forceValidOption,
if (searchType != null) {
String type = findString(searchType);
if(type != null)
addParameter("searchType", type.toUpperCase());
if (autoComplete != null)
addParameter("autoComplete", findValue(autoComplete, Boolean.class));
if (delay != null)
addParameter("delay", findValue(delay, Integer.class));
if (disabled != null)
addParameter("disabled", findValue(disabled, Boolean.class));
if (href != null) {
addParameter("href", findString(href));
addParameter("mode", "remote");
if (dropdownHeight != null)
addParameter("dropdownHeight", findValue(dropdownHeight, Integer.class));
if (dropdownWidth != null)
addParameter("dropdownWidth", findValue(dropdownWidth, Integer.class));
if (formFilter != null)
addParameter("formFilter", findString(formFilter));
if (formId != null)
addParameter("formId", findString(formId));
if (listenTopics != null)
addParameter("listenTopics", findString(listenTopics));
if (notifyTopics != null)
addParameter("notifyTopics", findString(notifyTopics));
if (indicator != null)
addParameter("indicator", findString(indicator));
if (loadOnTextChange != null)
addParameter("loadOnTextChange", findValue(loadOnTextChange, Boolean.class));
if (loadMinimumCount != null)
addParameter("loadMinimumCount", findValue(loadMinimumCount, Integer.class));
if (showDownArrow != null)
addParameter("showDownArrow", findValue(showDownArrow, Boolean.class));
addParameter("showDownArrow", Boolean.TRUE);
if (templateCssPath != null)
addParameter("templateCssPath", findString(templateCssPath));
if (iconPath != null)
addParameter("iconPath", findString(iconPath));
if (dataFieldName != null)
addParameter("dataFieldName", findString(dataFieldName));
if (keyName != null)
addParameter("keyName", findString(keyName));
else {
keyName = name + "Key";
addParameter("keyName", findString(keyName));
if (transport != null)
addParameter("transport", findString(transport));
if (preload != null)
addParameter("preload", findValue(preload, Boolean.class));
if (keyValue != null)
addParameter("nameKeyValue", findString(keyValue));
else {
String keyNameExpr = "%{" + keyName + "}";
addParameter("nameKeyValue", findString(keyNameExpr));
if (beforeNotifyTopics != null)
addParameter("beforeNotifyTopics", findString(beforeNotifyTopics));
if (afterNotifyTopics != null)
addParameter("afterNotifyTopics", findString(afterNotifyTopics));
if (errorNotifyTopics != null)
addParameter("errorNotifyTopics", findString(errorNotifyTopics));
if (valueNotifyTopics != null)
addParameter("valueNotifyTopics", findString(valueNotifyTopics));
if (resultsLimit != null)
addParameter("searchLimit", findString(resultsLimit));
// generate a random ID if not explicitly set and not parsing the content
Boolean parseContent = (Boolean)stack.getContext().get(Head.PARSE_CONTENT);
boolean generateId = (parseContent != null ? !parseContent : true);
addParameter("pushId", generateId);
if (( == null || == 0) && generateId) {
// resolves Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) issue reported by FindBugs
int nextInt = RANDOM.nextInt();
nextInt = nextInt == Integer.MIN_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : Math.abs(nextInt); = "widget_" + String.valueOf(nextInt);
public void setTheme(String theme) {
public String getTheme() {
return "ajax";
protected Object findListValue() {
return (list != null) ? findValue(list, Object.class) : null;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Whether autocompleter should make suggestion on the textbox", type="Boolean", defaultValue="false")
public void setAutoComplete(String autoComplete) {
this.autoComplete = autoComplete;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Enable or disable autocompleter", type="Boolean", defaultValue="false")
public void setDisabled(String disabled) {
this.disabled = disabled;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Force selection to be one of the options", type="Boolean", defaultValue="false")
public void setForceValidOption(String forceValidOption) {
this.forceValidOption = forceValidOption;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="The URL used to load the options")
public void setHref(String href) {
this.href = href;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Delay before making the search", type="Integer", defaultValue="100")
public void setDelay(String searchDelay) {
this.delay = searchDelay;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="how the search must be performed, options are: 'startstring', 'startword' " +
"and 'substring'", defaultValue="stringstart")
public void setSearchType(String searchType) {
this.searchType = searchType;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Dropdown's height in pixels", type="Integer", defaultValue="120")
public void setDropdownHeight(String height) {
this.dropdownHeight = height;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Dropdown's width", type="Integer", defaultValue="same as textbox")
public void setDropdownWidth(String width) {
this.dropdownWidth = width;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Function name used to filter the fields of the form")
public void setFormFilter(String formFilter) {
this.formFilter = formFilter;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Form id whose fields will be serialized and passed as parameters")
public void setFormId(String formId) {
this.formId = formId;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Topic that will trigger a reload")
public void setListenTopics(String listenTopics) {
this.listenTopics = listenTopics;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Topics that will be published when content is reloaded")
public void setNotifyTopics(String onValueChangedPublishTopic) {
this.notifyTopics = onValueChangedPublishTopic;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Id of element that will be shown while request is made")
public void setIndicator(String indicator) {
this.indicator = indicator;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Minimum number of characters that will force the content to be loaded", type="Integer", defaultValue="3")
public void setLoadMinimumCount(String loadMinimumCount) {
this.loadMinimumCount = loadMinimumCount;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Options will be reloaded everytime a character is typed on the textbox", type="Boolean", defaultValue="true")
public void setLoadOnTextChange(String loadOnType) {
this.loadOnTextChange = loadOnType;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Show or hide the down arrow button", type="Boolean", defaultValue="true")
public void setShowDownArrow(String showDownArrow) {
this.showDownArrow = showDownArrow;
// Override as not required
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Iteratable source to populate from.")
public void setList(String list) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Template css path")
public void setTemplateCssPath(String templateCssPath) {
this.templateCssPath = templateCssPath;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Path to icon used for the dropdown")
public void setIconPath(String iconPath) {
this.iconPath = iconPath;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Name of the field to which the selected key will be assigned")
public void setKeyName(String keyName) {
this.keyName = keyName;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Name of the field in the returned JSON object that contains the data array", defaultValue="Value specified in 'name'")
public void setDataFieldName(String dataFieldName) {
this.dataFieldName = dataFieldName;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="The css class to use for element")
public void setCssClass(String cssClass) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="The css style to use for element")
public void setCssStyle(String cssStyle) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="The id to use for the element")
public void setId(String id) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="The name to set for element")
public void setName(String name) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Preset the value of input element")
public void setValue(String arg0) {
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Comma delimmited list of topics that will published after the request(if the request succeeds)")
public void setAfterNotifyTopics(String afterNotifyTopics) {
this.afterNotifyTopics = afterNotifyTopics;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Comma delimmited list of topics that will published before the request")
public void setBeforeNotifyTopics(String beforeNotifyTopics) {
this.beforeNotifyTopics = beforeNotifyTopics;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Comma delimmited list of topics that will published after the request(if the request fails)")
public void setErrorNotifyTopics(String errorNotifyTopics) {
this.errorNotifyTopics = errorNotifyTopics;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Comma delimmited list of topics that will published when a value is selected")
public void setValueNotifyTopics(String valueNotifyTopics) {
this.valueNotifyTopics = valueNotifyTopics;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Limit how many results are shown as autocompletion options, set to -1 for unlimited results", defaultValue="30", type = "Integer")
public void setResultsLimit(String resultsLimit) {
this.resultsLimit = resultsLimit;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Transport used by Dojo to make the request", defaultValue="XMLHTTPTransport")
public void setTransport(String transport) {
this.transport = transport;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Load options when page is loaded", type="Boolean", defaultValue="true")
public void setPreload(String preload) {
this.preload = preload;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Initial key value")
public void setKeyValue(String keyValue) {
this.keyValue = keyValue;