blob: 6b75f328241fabe6c6a327aded7963b2354c04e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id: $
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.struts.annotations.taglib.apt;
import java.beans.BeanInfo;
import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessor;
import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationMirror;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationValue;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.MethodDeclaration;
import com.sun.mirror.declaration.TypeDeclaration;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.DefaultObjectWrapper;
import freemarker.template.Template;
public class TagAnnotationProcessor implements AnnotationProcessor {
public static final String TAG = "org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTag";
public static final String TAG_ATTRIBUTE = "org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTagAttribute";
public static final String TAG_SKIP_HIERARCHY = "org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTagSkipInheritance";
private AnnotationProcessorEnvironment environment;
private AnnotationTypeDeclaration tagDeclaration;
private AnnotationTypeDeclaration tagAttributeDeclaration;
private AnnotationTypeDeclaration skipDeclaration;
private Map<String, Tag> tags = new TreeMap<String, Tag>();
public TagAnnotationProcessor(AnnotationProcessorEnvironment env) {
environment = env;
tagDeclaration = (AnnotationTypeDeclaration) environment
tagAttributeDeclaration = (AnnotationTypeDeclaration) environment
skipDeclaration = (AnnotationTypeDeclaration) environment
public void process() {
// make sure all paramters were set
// tags
Collection<Declaration> tagDeclarations = environment
Collection<Declaration> attributesDeclarations = environment
Collection<Declaration> skipDeclarations = environment
// find Tags
for (Declaration declaration : tagDeclarations) {
// type
TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) declaration;
String typeName = typeDeclaration.getQualifiedName();
Map<String, Object> values = getValues(typeDeclaration,
// create Tag and apply values found
Tag tag = new Tag();
tag.setDescription((String) values.get("description"));
tag.setName((String) values.get("name"));
tag.setTldBodyContent((String) values.get("tldBodyContent"));
tag.setTldTagClass((String) values.get("tldTagClass"));
tag.setAllowDynamicAttributes((Boolean) values.get("allowDynamicAttributes"));
// add to map
tags.put(typeName, tag);
//find attributes to be skipped
for (Declaration declaration : skipDeclarations) {
//types will be ignored when hierarchy is scanned
if (declaration instanceof MethodDeclaration) {
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = (MethodDeclaration) declaration;
String typeName = methodDeclaration.getDeclaringType().getQualifiedName();
String methodName = methodDeclaration.getSimpleName();
String name = String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(methodName
+ methodName.substring(4);
Tag tag = tags.get(typeName);
if(tag != null) {
//if it is on an abstract class, there is not tag for it at this point
// find Tags Attributes
for (Declaration declaration : attributesDeclarations) {
// type
MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration = (MethodDeclaration) declaration;
String typeName = methodDeclaration.getDeclaringType()
Map<String, Object> values = getValues(methodDeclaration,
// create Attribute and apply values found
TagAttribute attribute = new TagAttribute();
String name = (String) values.get("name");
if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
// get name from method
String methodName = methodDeclaration.getSimpleName();
name = String.valueOf(Character.toLowerCase(methodName
+ methodName.substring(4);
values.put("name", name);
populateTagAttributes(attribute, values);
// add to map
Tag parentTag = tags.get(typeName);
if (parentTag != null)
else {
// an abstract or base class
parentTag = new Tag();
tags.put(typeName, parentTag);
// we can't process the hierarchy on the first pass because
// apt does not garantees that the base classes will be processed
// before their subclasses
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : tags.entrySet()) {
// save
private void populateTagAttributes(TagAttribute attribute, Map<String, Object> values) {
attribute.setRequired((Boolean) values.get("required"));
attribute.setRtexprvalue((Boolean) values.get("rtexprvalue"));
attribute.setDefaultValue((String) values.get("defaultValue"));
attribute.setType((String) values.get("type"));
attribute.setDescription((String) values.get("description"));
attribute.setName((String) values.get("name"));
private void processHierarchy(Tag tag) {
try {
Class clazz = Class.forName(tag.getDeclaredType());
List<String> skipAttributes = tag.getSkipAttributes();
//skip hierarchy processing if the class is marked with the skip annotation
while(getAnnotation(TAG_SKIP_HIERARCHY, clazz.getAnnotations()) == null
&& ((clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) != null)) {
Tag parentTag = tags.get(clazz.getName());
// copy parent annotations to this tag
if(parentTag != null) {
for(TagAttribute attribute : parentTag.getAttributes()) {
} else {
// Maybe the parent class is already compiled
addTagAttributesFromParent(tag, clazz);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void addTagAttributesFromParent(Tag tag, Class clazz) throws ClassNotFoundException {
try {
BeanInfo info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clazz);
PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
List<String> skipAttributes = tag.getSkipAttributes();
//iterate over class fields
for(int i = 0; i < props.length; ++i) {
PropertyDescriptor prop = props[i];
Method writeMethod = prop.getWriteMethod();
//make sure it is public
if(writeMethod != null && Modifier.isPublic(writeMethod.getModifiers())) {
//can't use the genertic getAnnotation 'cause the class it not on this jar
Annotation annotation = getAnnotation(TAG_ATTRIBUTE, writeMethod.getAnnotations());
if(annotation != null && !skipAttributes.contains(prop.getName())) {
Map<String, Object> values = getValues(annotation);
//create tag
TagAttribute attribute = new TagAttribute();
values.put("name", prop.getName());
populateTagAttributes(attribute, values);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private Annotation getAnnotation(String typeName, Annotation[] annotations) {
for(int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
return annotations[i];
return null;
private void checkOptions() {
if (getOption("tlibVersion") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'tlibVersion' is missing");
if (getOption("jspVersion") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'jspVersion' is missing");
if (getOption("shortName") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'shortName' is missing");
if (getOption("description") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'description' is missing");
if (getOption("displayName") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'displayName' is missing");
if (getOption("uri") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'uri' is missing");
if (getOption("outTemplatesDir") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'outTemplatesDir' is missing");
if (getOption("outFile") == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'outFile' is missing");
private void saveTemplates() {
// freemarker configuration
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setClassForTemplateLoading(getClass(), "");
config.setObjectWrapper(new DefaultObjectWrapper());
try {
// load template
Template template = config.getTemplate("tag.ftl");
String rootDir = (new File(getOption("outTemplatesDir")))
for (Tag tag : tags.values()) {
if (tag.isInclude()) {
// model
HashMap<String, Tag> root = new HashMap<String, Tag>();
root.put("tag", tag);
// save file
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
new File(rootDir, tag.getName() + ".html")));
try {
template.process(root, writer);
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
// oops we cannot throw checked exceptions
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void saveAsXml() {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder;
try {
// create xml document
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.newDocument();
// taglib
Element tagLib = document.createElement("taglib");
tagLib.setAttribute("xmlns", "");
tagLib.setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
tagLib.setAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", "");
tagLib.setAttribute("version", getOption("jspVersion"));
// tag lib attributes
appendTextNode(document, tagLib, "tlib-version",
getOption("tlibVersion"), false);
appendTextNode(document, tagLib, "short-name",
getOption("shortName"), false);
appendTextNode(document, tagLib, "uri", getOption("uri"), false);
appendTextNode(document, tagLib, "display-name",
getOption("displayName"), false);
appendTextNode(document, tagLib, "description",
getOption("description"), true);
// create tags
for (Map.Entry<String, Tag> entry : tags.entrySet()) {
Tag tag = entry.getValue();
if (tag.isInclude())
createElement(document, tagLib, tag);
// save to file
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
tf.setAttribute("indent-number", 2);
Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
// if tiger would just format it :(
// formatting bug in tiger
// (
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "UTF-8");
Source source = new DOMSource(document);
Result result = new StreamResult(new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream(getOption("outFile"))));
transformer.transform(source, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
// oops we cannot throw checked exceptions
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private String getOption(String name) {
// there is a bug in the 1.5 apt implementation:
// this is a hack-around
if (environment.getOptions().containsKey(name))
return environment.getOptions().get(name);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : environment.getOptions()
.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String[] splitted = key.split("=");
if (splitted[0].equals("-A" + name))
return splitted[1];
return null;
private void createElement(Document doc, Element tagLibElement, Tag tag) {
Element tagElement = doc.createElement("tag");
appendTextNode(doc, tagElement, "name", tag.getName(), false);
appendTextNode(doc, tagElement, "tag-class", tag.getTldTagClass(),
appendTextNode(doc, tagElement, "body-content",
tag.getTldBodyContent(), false);
appendTextNode(doc, tagElement, "description", tag.getDescription(),
// save attributes
for (TagAttribute attribute : tag.getAttributes()) {
createElement(doc, tagElement, attribute);
appendTextNode(doc, tagElement, "dynamic-attributes", String.valueOf(tag.isAllowDynamicAttributes()), false);
private void createElement(Document doc, Element tagElement,
TagAttribute attribute) {
Element attributeElement = doc.createElement("attribute");
appendTextNode(doc, attributeElement, "name", attribute.getName(),
appendTextNode(doc, attributeElement, "required", String
.valueOf(attribute.isRequired()), false);
appendTextNode(doc, attributeElement, "rtexprvalue", String
.valueOf(attribute.isRtexprvalue()), false);
appendTextNode(doc, attributeElement, "description", attribute
.getDescription(), true);
private void appendTextNode(Document doc, Element element, String name,
String text, boolean cdata) {
Text textNode = cdata ? doc.createCDATASection(text) : doc
Element newElement = doc.createElement(name);
* Get values of annotation
* @param declaration The annotation declaration
* @param type
* The type of the annotation
* @return name->value map of annotation values
private Map<String, Object> getValues(Declaration declaration,
AnnotationTypeDeclaration type) {
Map<String, Object> values = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
Collection<AnnotationMirror> annotations = declaration
// iterate over the mirrors.
for (AnnotationMirror mirror : annotations) {
// if the mirror in this iteration is for our note declaration...
if (mirror.getAnnotationType().getDeclaration().equals(type)) {
for (AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration annotationType : mirror
.getElementValues().keySet()) {
Object value = mirror.getElementValues()
Object defaultValue = annotationType.getDefaultValue();
value != null ? value : defaultValue);
// find default values...painful
for (AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration annotationType : type
.getMethods()) {
AnnotationValue value = annotationType.getDefaultValue();
if (value != null) {
String name = annotationType.getSimpleName();
if (!values.containsKey(name))
values.put(name, value.getValue());
return values;
* Get values of annotation
* @param annotation The annotation
* @return name->value map of annotation values
* @throws IntrospectionException
* @throws InvocationTargetException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
private Map<String, Object> getValues(Annotation annotation) throws IntrospectionException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
Map<String, Object> values = new TreeMap<String, Object>();
//if the tag classes were on this project we could just cast to the right type
//but they are needed on core
Class annotationType = annotation.annotationType();
Method[] methods = annotationType.getMethods();
//iterate over class fields
for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i) {
Method method = methods[i];
if(method != null && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
Object value = method.invoke(annotation, new Object[0]);
values.put(method.getName(), value);
return values;