tree: a46d32e4839b45e332b0ea099689ddce531ff44e [path history] [tgz]
  1. apache 2 - apache-2.0.txt.html
  2. apache license 2.0 - license-2.0.html
  3. apache license 2.0 - licenses.html
  4. apache license version 2.0 - apache-2.0.txt
  5. apache license, version 2.0 - apache2.0.php.html
  6. apache license, version 2.0 - apache2.0.txt.html
  7. apache license, version 2.0 - license-2.0.txt
  8. apache license, version 2.0 - license-2.0.txt.html
  9. apache software license, version 1.1 - license-1.1.txt
  10. Apache Software License, Version 1.1.txt
  11. bsd - license.html
  12. bsd - license.txt
  13. bsd 3-clause - bsd-3-clause.txt.html
  14. bsd 3-clause - license.html
  15. bsd licence - license.html
  16. bsd-like - license.html
  17. CC0 1.0 Universal License.html
  18. cddl + gplv2 with classpath exception - cddl+gpl.html
  19. cddl - cddl.txt.html
  20. cddl 1.1 - cddl+gpl_1_1.html
  21. cddl license - cddl1.php.html
  22. common development and distribution license (cddl) version 1.0 - cddl.html
  23. common development and distribution license (cddl) version 1.0 - cddlv1.0.html
  24. Common Development and Distribution License.html
  25. common public license - v 1.0 - os-cpl.html
  26. Common Public License - Version 1.0.html
  27. eclipse public license - v 1.0 - epl-v10.html
  28. eclipse public license - version 1.0 - epl-v10.php.html
  29. Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0.html
  30. eclipse public license 1.0 - eclipse-1.0.php.html
  31. gnu general public library - gpl.txt
  32. gnu general public license version 2 - gpl.html
  33. gnu lesser general public license (lgpl), version 2.1 - lgpl.txt.html
  34. gnu lesser general public license - lgpl-2.1.html
  35. gnu lesser general public license, version 2.1 - lgpl-2.1.html
  36. gnu lesser public license - lgpl.html
  37. gpl2 w_ cpe - cddl+gpl_1_1.html
  38. gplv2+ce - cddl+gpl.html
  39. Java HTML Tidy License.txt
  40. JBCrypt License.txt
  41. lgpl, version 2.1 - licenses.html
  42. mit - license.txt
  43. mit license - mit-license.php.html
  44. mit license - mit.txt.html
  45. mpl 1.1 - mpl-1.1.html
  46. new bsd license - bsd-license.php.html
  47. Plexus Classwords License.htm
  48. similar to apache license but with the acknowledgment clause removed - license.txt
  49. The 2-Clause BSD License.html
  50. The 3-Clause BSD License.html
  51. the apache software license, version 2.0 - license-2.0.txt
  52. the bsd 3-clause license - bsd-3-clause.txt.html
  53. the mit license - license.txt.html
  54. The MIT License.html
  55. the new bsd license - bsd-license.html
  56. wtfpl - .txt.html