About StreamPipes

StreamPipes enables flexible modeling of stream processing pipelines by providing a graphical modeling editor on top of existing stream processing frameworks.

It leverages non-technical users to quickly define and execute processing pipelines based on an easily extensible toolbox of data sources, data processors and data sinks. StreamPipes has an exchangeable runtime execution layer and executes pipelines using one of the provided wrappers, e.g., for Apache Flink or Apache Kafka Streams.

Pipeline elements in StreamPipes can be installed at runtime - the built-in SDK allows to easily implement new pipeline elements according to your needs. Pipeline elements are standalone microservices that can run anywhere - centrally on your server, in a large-scale cluster or close at the edge.

Learn more about StreamPipes at https://streampipes.apache.org

Read the full documentation at https://streampipes.apache.org/docs

For more information on StreamPipes, also visit the main project at https://github.com/apache/incubator-streampipes