tree: a6c023eaeca635266e413ff04a7ea893d87ce366 [path history] [tgz]
  1. fixtures/
  2. plugins/
  3. support/
  4. tests/
  6. tsconfig.json

End2End tests with cypress

This folder contains a WIP framework for automated E2E tests of StreamPipes.

How to run the tests?

  1. Set up and install a clean StreamPipes instance.
  2. Run Cypress (Use one of the three options):
  • Open cypress UI:
    npm run test-cypress-open
  • Run smoke tests (tests with suffix .smoke.spec.ts )
    npm run test-cypress-smoke
  • Run whole test suite (tests with suffix .spec.ts )
    npm run test-cypress-all

User: Password: admin

Note: To configure the base URL set the environment variable CYPRESS_BASE_URL (e.g. CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8082)

Design guidlines

  • Before each test the whole system is cleaned to have a fresh environment
  • Each test sets up its own test environment (e.g. upload files)
  • There should not be any dependencies between tests
  • Ensure that all services required for the test are running (e.g. external data sources, external databases, ...)

Automated test runs

  • Each night the whole test suite is run within GitHub actions
    • See:
    • To add a test to the test suite add the suffix .spec.ts
  • Each PR triggers the smoke tests to detect errors before the branch is merged into the development
    • Add suffix .smoke.spec.ts to add test to the smoke tests
  • When no suffix is available the test must be triggered manually


  • fixtures:
    • Files that are required for tests
  • plugins:
    • Cypress plugins can be added here
  • support:
    • Contains code for the StreamPipes test framework (e.g. model, utils functions, ...)
  • tests:
    • Contains the actual test cases grouped by streampipes modules (e.g. connect, pipeline editor, ...)