tree: 7b42aff9db4033e5b819298aafd62958bce9abf1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. assets/
  2. content/
  3. layouts/
  4. static/
  5. .gitignore
  6. go.mod
  7. go.sum
  8. hugo.yaml
  9. package-lock.json
  10. package.json

Apache StreamPipesocs Go Client Documentation

This directory contains the documentation for the Apache StreamPipes Go Client. The documentation is built and displayed using the Docsy theme under the Hugo framework.

Running Locally

To build the documentation site locally, the prerequisites are to have the Go language environment installed, as well as Hugo.

You can then start the server with the following command:

hugo server

This will launch a local server, which is typically accessible at http://localhost:1313.