id: dev-guide-migration title: Migration Guide v0.61 sidebar_label: Migration Guide original_id: dev-guide-migration

Version 0.61.0 of StreamPipes comes with an improved event model. This model makes it easier to support more complex data streams (e.g., streams containing nested properties and lists) and includes features such as automatically resolving conflicts when merging two event streams.

If you are only using the pipeline elements that are included in StreamPipes, you only need to update the element description (My Elements -> Update). However, if you've already developed your own pipeline elements, some code changes are required to make your elements work with versions >= 0.61.0.

Migrating Data Processors

JVM Wrapper

Engine Class

  1. Make the class implement EventProcessor instead of extending StandaloneEventProcessorEngine
// old
public class MyProcessor extends StandaloneEventProcessorEngine<MyProcessorParameters> { ... }

// new
public class MyProcessor implements EventProcessor<MyProcessorParameters>{ ... }
  1. Change the signature of the onInvocation method:
// old
  public void onInvocation(MyProcessorParameters params, DataProcessorInvocation dataProcessorInvocation) {


// new
  public void onInvocation(MyProcessorParameters params, SpOutputCollector spOutputCollector, EventProcessorRuntimeContext runtimeContext) throws SpRuntimeException {

  1. Change the signature of the onEvent method:
// old
  public void onEvent(Map<String, Object> in, String s, SpOutputCollector out) {


// new
  public void onEvent(Event in, SpOutputCollector out) throws SpRuntimeException {

  1. Refactor the onEventmethod to the new event model:
  • Replace all collector.onEvent() calls to the collector with collector.collect()
  • Replace all fields that are accessed from a MappingProperty with the new FieldSelector from the Event class, e.g.:
// old
  public void onEvent(Map<String, Object> in, String s, SpOutputCollector out) {
     String value = String.valueOf(in.get(valueField));

// new
  public void onEvent(Event in, SpOutputCollector out) throws SpRuntimeException {
    String value = in.getFieldBySelector(valueField).getAsPrimitive().getAsString();

See the documentation on the event class for further details.

  1. Forward an Event instead of a Map to the collector. If needed, create a new instance of the Event class.

  2. Modify the modifications of the input event, e.g.:

// old
  public void onEvent(Map<String, Object> in, String s, SpOutputCollector out) {
     in.put("new", "a new field");

// new
  public void onEvent(Event in, SpOutputCollector out) throws SpRuntimeException {
    in.addField("new", "a new field");


  1. In the onInvocation method, use a method reference instead of the lambda expression as return type:
// old
return new ConfiguredEventProcessor<>(params, () -> new MyProcessor(params));

// new
return new ConfiguredEventProcessor<>(params, MyProcessor::new);
  1. Change the signature of the onInvocation method:
// old
  public ConfiguredEventProcessor<MyParameters> onInvocation(DataProcessorInvocation graph) { ... }

// new
  public ConfiguredEventProcessor<MyParameters> onInvocation(DataProcessorInvocation graph, ProcessingElementParameterExtractor extractor) { ... }
  1. If existing, remove the fromExtractor method and use the provided ProcessingElementParameterExtractor

Flink Wrapper

Migrating Data Sinks

JVM Wrapper

Sink Class

  1. Make the class implement EventSink instead of extending EventSink
// old
public class MySink extends EventSink<MySinkParameters> { ... }

// new
public class MySink implements EventSink<MySinkParameters>{ ... }
  1. If present, remove the constructor that includes the parameter class.

  2. Change the bind method to onInvocation as follows:

// old
  public void bind(DemonstratorValveParameters parameters) throws SpRuntimeException { ... }

// new
  public void onInvocation(DemonstratorValveParameters parameters, EventSinkRuntimeContext runtimeContext) throws SpRuntimeException { ... }
  1. Change the signature of the onEvent method
// old
  public void onEvent(Map<String, Object> event, String sourceInfo) {

// new
  public void onEvent(Event event) {
  1. If necessary, adapt your logic to use the new event object.

  2. Rename the discard method to onDetach.


  1. In the onInvocation method, use a method reference instead of the lambda expression as return type:
// old
return new ConfiguredEventSink<>(params, () -> new MySink(params));

// new
return new ConfiguredEventSink<>(params, MySink::new);