id: dev-guide-tutorial-sources title: “Tutorial: Data Sources” sidebar_label: “Tutorial: Data Sources” original_id: dev-guide-tutorial-sources

In this tutorial, we will add a new data source consisting of a single data stream. The source will be provided as a standalone component (i.e., the description will be accessible through an integrated web server).


We are going to create a new data stream that is produced by a GPS sensor installed in a delivery vehicle. The sensor produces a continuous stream of events that contain the current timestamp, the current lat/lng position of the vehicle and the plate number of the vehicle. Events are published in a JSON format as follows:

  "timestamp" : 145838399,
  "latitude" : 37.04,
  "longitude" : 17.04,
  "plateNumber" : "KA-AB 123"

These events are published to a Kafka broker using the topic org.streampipes.tutorial.vehicle.

In the following section, we show how to describe this stream in a form that allows you to import and use it in StreamPipes.

Project setup

Currently, there are two options to start a new project (option 1 is recommended):

Option 1: Using a template project

Clone the following project from our Github repo:

Import the project into an IDE of your choice. You should see a structure like this:

Rename the class to and the class to

That's it, go to the next section to learn how to create your first data stream!

Option 2: Start a new project from scratch

If you want to start from scratch, we refer to the Sources SDK guide which provides instructions on the general project setup.

Adding a data stream description

Now we will add a new data stream definition. First, open the class VehicleStream which should look as follows:

package org.streampipes.tutorial.source;

import org.streampipes.model.EventStream;
import de.fzi.cep.sepa.model.impl.graph.SepDescription;
import de.fzi.cep.sepa.sources.AbstractAlreadyExistingStream;

public class VehiclePositionStream extends AbstractAlreadyExistingStream {

  public EventStream declareModel(SepDescription sep) {


This class extends the class AbstractAlreadyExistingStream. This class indicates that we only want to describe an already existing stream (e.g., a stream that already sends data to an existing Kafka broker). In contrast, if you'd plan to define a stream that produces data (e.g., simulates vehicle positions directly from this module), you could extend the class AbstractAdapterIncludedStream.

Now we will add the definition of the data stream. Add the following code inside of the declareModel method:

return DataStreamBuilder.create("vehicle-position", "Vehicle Position", "An event stream " +
          "that produces current vehicle positions")

This line creates a new instance of the SDK's DataStreamBuilder by providing three basic parameters: The first parameter must be a unique identifier of your data stream. The second and third parameters indicate a label and a description of your stream. These values will later be used in the StreamPipes UI to display stream details in a human-readable manner.

Next, we will add the properties as stated above to the stream definition by adding the following lines:

.property(EpProperties.stringEp(Labels.from("plate-number", "Plate Number", "Denotes the plate number of the vehicle"), "plateNumber", ""))
.property(EpProperties.doubleEp(Labels.from("latitude", "Latitude", "Denotes the latitude value of the vehicle's position"), "latitude",
.property(EpProperties.doubleEp(Labels.from("longitude", "Longitude", "Denotes the longitude value of the vehicle's position"), "longitude", Geo.lng))

These four event properties compose our event schema. An event property must, at least, provide the following attributes:

  • Runtime Name. The runtime name indicates the key of the property at runtime, e.g., if our JSON message contains a structure such as {"plateNumber" : "KA-F 123"}, the runtime name must be plateNumber.
  • Runtime Type. An event property must have a primitive type (we will later see how to model more complex properties such as lists and nested properties). The type must be an instance of XMLSchema primitives, however, the SDK provides convenience methods to provide the property type.
  • Domain Property. The domain property indicates the semantics of the event property. For instance, the latitude property is linked to the property of the WGS84 vocabulary. The domain property should be an URI as part of an existing or domain-specific vocabulary. The SDK provides convenience methods for popuplar vocabularies (e.g.,, Dolce or WGS84).

In order to complete the minimum required specification of an event stream, we need to provide information on the transport format and protocol of the data stream at runtime.

This can be achieved by extending the builder with the respective properties:

.protocol(Protocols.kafka("", 9092, "org.streampipes.tutorial.vehicle"))

In this example, we defined that the data stream consists of events in a JSON format and that Kafka is used as a message broker to transmit events. The last build() method call triggers the construction of the RDF-based data stream definition.

That's it! In the next section, we will connect the data stream to a source and inspect the generated RDF description.

Adding a source description

A data source can be seen like a container for a set of data streams. Usually, a data source includes events that are logically or physically connected. For instance, in our example we would add other streams produced by vehicle sensors (such as fuel consumption) to the same data source description.

Open the class VehicleSource which should look as follows:

import org.streampipes.container.declarer.EventStreamDeclarer;
import org.streampipes.container.declarer.SemanticEventProducerDeclarer;
import org.streampipes.model.graph.DataSourceDescription;
import org.streampipes.sdk.builder.DataSourceBuilder;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class TemplateSource implements SemanticEventProducerDeclarer {

    public DataSourceDescription declareModel() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create("template-source", "Template Source", "This is a " +
                "template to build your first StreamPipes source")


    public List<EventStreamDeclarer> getEventStreams() {
        return Arrays.asList(new TemplateStream());

First, we need to define the source. Similar to data streams, a source consists of an id, a human-readable name and a description. Replace the content defined in the declareModel method with the following code:

return DataSourceBuilder.create("source-vehicle", "Vehicle Source", "A data source that " +
    "holds event streams produced by vehicles.")

Now we need to add the data stream we created before. This can be done by including the stream into the getEventStreams method:

    public List<EventStreamDeclarer> getEventStreams() {
    return Arrays.asList(new VehicleStream());

Preparing the container

The final step is to define the deployment type of our new data source. In this tutorial, we will create a so-called StandaloneModelSubmitter. This client will start an embedded web server that provides the description of our data source.

Create a new class Main that implements StandaloneModelSubmitter and add the following code into the main method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

   DeclarersSingleton.getInstance().add(new VehicleSource());

   new Main().init(TemplateConfig.INSTANCE);


This code adds the VehicleSource and sets the port where the web server will be available. Finally, the init method is called which triggers the generation of the corresponding RDF description and startup of the web server.

Starting the container

Now we are ready to start our first container!

Execute the main method in the class Main we've just created, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8090.

You should see something as follows:

Click on the link of the data source to see the RDF description of the pipeline element.

The container automatically registers itself in the Consul installation of StreamPipes. To install the just created element, open the StreamPipes UI and follow the manual provided in the user guide.

Read more

Congratulations! You‘ve just created your first pipeline element for StreamPipes. There are many more things to explore and data sources can be defined in much more detail. Follow our SDK guide to see what’s possible!