title: Apache StreamPipes release 0.92.0 author: Philipp Zehnder authorURL: https://github.com/tenthe authorImageURL: /docs/img/zehnder.png

8 minutes to read

We are excited to announce the release of StreamPipes 0.92.0! This release is packed with bug fixes, improvements, and new features, all aimed at enhancing your experience with StreamPipes. Let's dive into the highlights of this release:

The current release can be downloaded here.

Improved Python Support:

Based on valuable user feedback, we have made significant enhancements to the Python support in StreamPipes. Now, you can effortlessly integrate Python-based scripts, libraries, and modules into your functions, allowing you to leverage the power of machine learning and advanced analytics algorithms on your IIoT data sources. Check out our python documentation.

New Processing Elements: Introducing the Swinging Door Trending (SDT) Filter Processor:

To expand the functionality of StreamPipes, we have introduced several new processing elements. Among them is the Swinging Door Trending (SDT) Filter Processor. This algorithm enables you to perform sophisticated data processing tasks and enhance your data analytics pipelines.

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

We have addressed various bugs and issues reported by our users, resulting in a more stable and reliable StreamPipes experience. We have also made several performance and usability improvements to enhance overall system efficiency.

Deprecation of Set Adapters

In our ongoing efforts to streamline the StreamPipes ecosystem, we have deprecated the Set Adapters functionality. Our focus now lies solely on streaming event sources. However, we understand the importance of working with files of sensor data especially during development. That's why we have extended the File Stream Adapter to accommodate this need. It now offers two functionalities:

  1. Create a live simulation of sensor data based on the file
  2. Only replay the data in the file once, e.g. to store it in the Data Lake.

IMPORTAN: The set adapters will be removed in the next release.

From this release onwards, we encourage you to utilize the File Stream Adapter instead of the File Set Adapter. To simulate a file set using the File Stream Adapter, simply set the configuration to Replay Once: Yes and Replay Speed: Fastest (Ignore original time). Take a look at the example below:

Final Remarks

We highly recommend updating to StreamPipes 0.92.0 to take advantage of these new features and improvements. For more detailed information, please refer to our release notes.

Thank you for your support and valuable feedback. StreamPipes is constantly evolving, and we remain committed to providing you with a powerful and reliable platform for your IIoT streaming data needs.