id: version-0.68.0-org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.state.labeler.buffer title: State Buffer Labeler sidebar_label: State Buffer Labeler original_id: org.apache.streampipes.processors.transformation.jvm.processor.state.labeler.buffer


Apply a rule to a time-series recorded during a state of a machine. (E.g. when minimum value is lower then 10, add label not ok else add label ok)

Required input

Requires a list with sensor values and a field defining the state

Sensor values

An array representing sensor values recorded during the state.

State field

A field representing the state when the sensor values where recorded.


Select a specific state

When you are interested in the values of a specific state add it here. All other states will be ignored. To get results of all states enter *


Operation that will be performed on the sensor values (calculate maximim, or average, or minimum)


Define a rule which label to add. Example: <;5;nok means when the calculated value is smaller then 5 add label ok. The default label can be defined with *;nok. The first rule that is true defines the label. Rules are applied in the same order as defined here.


Appends a new field with the label defined in the Condition Configuration