id: version-0.67.0-extend-setup title: Development Setup sidebar_label: Development Setup original_id: extend-setup

Pipeline elements in StreamPipes are provided as standalone microservices. New pipeline elements can be easily developed using the provided Maven archetypes and can be installed in StreamPipes at runtime.

In this section, we describe our recommended minimum setup for locally setting up a development instance of StreamPipes needed to develop, run and test new pipeline elements.

IDE & required dev tools

StreamPipes does not have specific requirements on the IDE - so feel free to choose the IDE of your choice. The only requirements in terms of development tools are that you have Java 8 and Maven installed.

StreamPipes CLI: Docker-based local StreamPipes instance

In order to quickly test developed pipeline elements without needing to install all services required by StreamPipes, we provide a CLI tool that allows you to selectively start StreamPipes components. The CLI tool allows to switch to several templates (based on docker-compose) depending on the role.

The documentation on the usage of the CLI tool is available here.

Starter projects

Now, once you've started the development instance, you are ready to develop your very first pipeline element. Instead of starting from scratch, we recommend using our provided maven archetypes:

Maven archetypes

Create the Maven archetype as described in the Getting Started guide.


We provide several examples that explain the usage of some concepts in this Github repo.