id: version-0.61.0-pre-asf-dev-guide-development-environment title: Development Environment sidebar_label: Development Environment original_id: dev-guide-development-environment

In this section, we describe our recommended minimum setup for locally setting up a development instance of StreamPipes needed to develop, run and test new pipeline elements.

IDE & required dev tools

StreamPipes does not have specific requirements on the IDE - so feel free to choose the IDE of your choice. The only requirements in terms of development tools are that you have Java 8 and Maven installed.

Docker-based local StreamPipes instance

In order to quickly test developed pipeline elements without needing to install all services required by StreamPipes, we provide a lightweight docker-compose file for development purposes. If you have Docker installed on your development machine, simply run the following docker-compose file, which has been successfully tested on both Linux and Windows-based operating systems.

Docker-Compose File

zookeeper: image: wurstmeister/zookeeper ports: - “2181:2181” networks: spnet:

kafka: image: wurstmeister/kafka: ports: - “9092:9092” environment: KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME: ###TODO ADD HOSTNAME HERE ### KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock networks: spnet:

backend: image: depends_on: - “consul” ports: - “8030:8030” volumes: - ./config:/root/.streampipes - ./config/aduna:/root/.aduna networks: spnet:

activemq: image: ports: - “61616:61616” - “61614:61614” - “8161:8161” networks: spnet:

couchdb: image: couchdb ports: - “5984:5984” volumes: - ./config/couchdb/data:/usr/local/var/lib/couchdb networks: spnet:

jobmanager: image: ports: - “8081:8099” command: jobmanager networks: spnet:

taskmanager: image: command: taskmanager environment: - FLINK_NUM_SLOTS=20 networks: spnet:

nginx: image: ports: - “80:80” depends_on: - backend networks: spnet:

networks: spnet: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: gateway:


Do not forget to replace the ##Add HOSTNAME## variable in the compose file with the hostname of your machine!

## Starter projects

Now, once you've started the development instance, you are ready to develop your very first pipeline element.
Instead of starting from scratch, we recommend using either one of our sample projects as a starting point or one of our provided maven archetypes:

### Sample projects

We provide basic skeletons for defining data sources, data processors and data sinks in form of sample projects.
These are available on Github as defined below. Just clone the project and change the corresponding groupId and artifactId as you like.

*   templates-sources ( <!-- Link does not work -->
    This sample project can be used to connect new data streams with StreamPipes.

*   templates-flink ( <!-- Link does not work -->
    This sample project can be used to define new data processors and data sinks for StreamPipes that are executed in an Apache Flink cluster.

### Maven archetypes
(coming soon)

### Starting from scratch

In order to develop a new pipeline element from scratch, you need to create a new Maven project and import the following dependencies:

<details class="info">

The following three dependencies are mandatory:

  • streampipes-container-standalone, defines that we are going to create a new pipeline element where the description will be accessible through an embedded web server.
  • streampipes-sdk imports the SDK which provides many convencience functions to create new pipeline elements.
  • streampipes-vocabulary imports various RDF vocabularies which are used by the SDK to auto-generate the semantic description of pipeline elements.

The following three dependencies might be optional depending on the pipeline element type you plan to create:

  • streampipes-sources should be used in case you plan to connect a new data stream with StreamPipes.
  • streampipes-wrapper-flink should be used in case you plan to connect a new data processor or data sink that uses Apache Flink for processing events at runtime.
  • streampipes-wrapper-standalone should be used in case you plan to connect a new data processor or data sink that does not use an external processing engine. Events are directly processed in a single-host fashion.

Finally, this dependency will provide abstract classes to define data sources and streams.