THis repository is deprecated.
The content was merged into the main repository
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0689a57..0000000
--- a/.github/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- ~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- ~ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- ~ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- ~ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- ~ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- ~ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- ~
- ~
- ~
- ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- ~ limitations under the License.
- ~
- -->
-Thanks for contributing! Here are some tips you can follow to help us incorporate your contribution quickly and easily:
-1. If this is your first time, please read our contributor guidelines:
- -
- -
-2. Make sure the PR title is formatted like: `[STREAMPIPES-<Jira issue #>] PR title ...`
-3. If the PR is unfinished, add '[WIP]' in your PR title, e.g., `[WIP][STREAMPIPES-<Jira issue #>] PR title ...`.
-4. Please write your PR title to summarize what this PR proposes/fixes.
-5. Be sure to keep the PR description updated to reflect all changes.
-6. If possible, provide a concise example to reproduce the issue for a faster review.
-7. Make sure tests pass via `mvn clean install`.
-8. (Optional) If the contribution is large, please file an Apache ICLA
- -
-### Purpose
-Please clarify what changes you are proposing and describe how those changes will address the issue.
-### Approach
-Describe how you are implementing the solutions along with the design details.
-### Samples
-Provide high-level details about the samples related to this feature.
-### Remarks
-List related issues/PRs, link to discussions in the mailing list, todo items, or any other notes related to the PR.
-Fixes: <Jira issue link>
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc4161..0000000
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-name: Build and Deploy Extensions
- workflow_dispatch:
- push:
- branches:
- - dev
- - 'rel/**'
- build-and-push-to-docker:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: Set Branch env variable
- run: |
- echo ${{ env.GITHUB_BRANCH }}
- - name: Checkout incubator-streampipes project
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- with:
- repository: 'apache/incubator-streampipes'
- path: 'incubator-streampipes'
- ref: ${{ env.GITHUB_BRANCH }}
- - name: Set up JDK 1.8
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
- with:
- java-version: 1.8
- - name: Build and install incubator-streampipes with Maven
- working-directory: ./incubator-streampipes
- run: mvn clean install javadoc:aggregate
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- - name: Build Extensions with Maven
- working-directory: ./
- run: mvn clean package javadoc:aggregate
- - name: Set env variables for Docker builds
- run: |
- echo "MVN_VERSION=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO=apachestreampipes" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT=adoptopenjdk/openjdk8-openj9:alpine" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7=arm32v7/openjdk:11-jre-slim" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- echo "BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8=arm64v8/openjdk:11-jre-slim" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- - name: Install qemu-user-static for multi-arch builds
- run: |
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
- - name: Login to Docker Hub
- run: echo "${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}" | docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USER }} --password-stdin
- - name: Enable Docker experimental feature for multi-arch builds
- run: |
- echo '{"experimental": true}' | sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json
- sudo service docker restart
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image connect-adapters
- working-directory: ./streampipes-connect-adapters
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image connect-adapters-iiot
- working-directory: ./streampipes-connect-adapters-iiot
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters-iiot:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters-iiot:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters-iiot:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/connect-adapters-iiot:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image extensions-all-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-extensions-all-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/extensions-all-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/extensions-all-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/extensions-all-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/extensions-all-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image pipeline-elements-all-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-pipeline-elements-all-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image pipeline-elements-all-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-pipeline-elements-all-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/pipeline-elements-all-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-aggregation-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-aggregation-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-aggregation-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-aggregation-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-aggregation-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-aggregation-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-enricher-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-enricher-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-enricher-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-enricher-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-enricher-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-filters-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-filters-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-geo-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-geo-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-image-processing-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-image-processing-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-image-processing-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-image-processing-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-image-processing-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-image-processing-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-pattern-detection-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-pattern-detection-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-pattern-detection-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-pattern-detection-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-pattern-detection-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-pattern-detection-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-filters-siddhi
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-filters-siddhi
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-siddhi:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-siddhi:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-siddhi:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-filters-siddhi:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-statistics-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-statistics-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-statistics-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-statistics-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-statistics-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-statistics-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-geo-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-geo-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-geo-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-transformation-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-transformation-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-transformation-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-transformation-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-transformation-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
-# - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-text-mining-flink
-# working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-text-mining-flink
-# env:
-# IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
-# IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
-# IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
-# IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
-# run: |
-# cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
-# docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
-# docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
-# docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
-# docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
-# docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
-# docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
-# docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
-# docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
-# docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
-# docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
-# docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image processors-text-mining-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-processors-text-mining-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/processors-text-mining-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sinks-brokers-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sinks-brokers-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-brokers-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-brokers-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-brokers-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-brokers-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sinks-databases-flink
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sinks-databases-flink
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-flink:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-flink:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-flink:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-flink:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sinks-databases-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sinks-databases-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-databases-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sinks-notifications-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sinks-notifications-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-notifications-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-notifications-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-notifications-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-notifications-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sinks-internal-jvm
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sinks-internal-jvm
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-internal-jvm:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-internal-jvm:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-internal-jvm:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sinks-internal-jvm:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sources-vehicle-simulator
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sources-vehicle-simulator
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-vehicle-simulator:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-vehicle-simulator:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-vehicle-simulator:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-vehicle-simulator:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- - name: Build and Push Docker Image sources-watertank-simulator
- working-directory: ./streampipes-sources-watertank-simulator
- env:
- IMG_NAME_DEFAULT: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-watertank-simulator:${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_AMD64: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-watertank-simulator:amd64-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM32V7: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-watertank-simulator:arm32v7-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- IMG_NAME_ARM64V8: ${{ env.DOCKERHUB_APACHE_REPO }}/sources-watertank-simulator:arm64v8-${{ env.MVN_VERSION }}
- run: |
- cp /usr/bin/{qemu-arm-static,qemu-aarch64-static} .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT -t $IMG_NAME_AMD64 -f Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM32V7 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 -f arm.Dockerfile .
- docker build --pull --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=$BASE_IMG_JRE_ARM64V8 -t $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 -f aarch64.Dockerfile .
- docker push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
- docker push $IMG_NAME_AMD64
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7
- docker push $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest create $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_AMD64 $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM32V7 --os linux --arch arm
- docker manifest annotate $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT $IMG_NAME_ARM64V8 --os linux --arch arm64
- docker manifest push $IMG_NAME_DEFAULT
diff --git a/ b/
index 7339eef..4cd6a82 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@
~ limitations under the License.
-[![Github Actions](](
+# Deprecated
+**The content of this repository was merged into the main repository [StreamPipes Extensions](**
# Apache StreamPipes
Apache StreamPipes (incubating) enables flexible modeling of stream processing pipelines by providing a graphical