tree: 9b22f1704c8bdc518da2b82c52667d1f352d2026 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Kubernetes API Client Live Tests

Kubernetes API client supports running live tests against a Kubernetes cluster. Following parameters are needed to run the tests.


###kubernetes.api.endpoint The Kubernetes API endpoint URL, default value:

###minion.public.ips The list of public IP addresses of minions in the Kubernetes cluster, default value:

###docker.image The name of the docker image to be used by the test, default value: fnichol/uhttpd

###container.port A port exposed by the docker image to test Kubernetes services, default value: 6379

###test.pod.activation A boolean property to enable or disable pod activation test, default value: true

###test.service.socket A boolean property to enable or disable service socket test, default value: true


  • Setup a Kubernetes cluster with at least one minion.
  • Login to the minion host and pull the preferred docker image.

How to run the tests

  • Clone Stratos source code:

    git clone
  • Navigate to the Kubernetes API client component:

    cd <stratos-source-home>/components/org.apache.stratos.kubernetes.client
  • Run the live tests with proper parameter values:

    Run with default values:

    mvn clean test -Plive

    Run with custom values:

    mvn clean test -Plive -Dkubernetes.api.endpoint="" \
                          -Ddocker.image="gurpartap/redis" \
                          -Dcontainer.port=6379 \
                          -Dtest.pod.activation="true" \