blob: e75e60ff8c304fac1bdd360b4a3f4667312e2cdd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package storm.trident.spout;
import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext;
import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import storm.trident.operation.TridentCollector;
import storm.trident.topology.TransactionAttempt;
* This interface defines a transactional spout that reads its tuples from a partitioned set of brokers. It automates the storing of metadata for each partition
* to ensure that the same batch is always emitted for the same transaction id. The partition metadata is stored in Zookeeper.
public interface IPartitionedTridentSpout<Partitions, Partition extends ISpoutPartition, T> extends Serializable {
public interface Coordinator<Partitions> {
* Return the partitions currently in the source of data. The idea is is that if a new partition is added and a prior transaction is replayed, it
* doesn't emit tuples for the new partition because it knows what partitions were in that transaction.
Partitions getPartitionsForBatch();
boolean isReady(long txid);
void close();
public interface Emitter<Partitions, Partition extends ISpoutPartition, X> {
List<Partition> getOrderedPartitions(Partitions allPartitionInfo);
* Emit a batch of tuples for a partition/transaction that's never been emitted before. Return the metadata that can be used to reconstruct this
* partition/batch in the future.
X emitPartitionBatchNew(TransactionAttempt tx, TridentCollector collector, Partition partition, X lastPartitionMeta);
* This method is called when this task is responsible for a new set of partitions. Should be used to manage things like connections to brokers.
void refreshPartitions(List<Partition> partitionResponsibilities);
* Emit a batch of tuples for a partition/transaction that has been emitted before, using the metadata created when it was first emitted.
void emitPartitionBatch(TransactionAttempt tx, TridentCollector collector, Partition partition, X partitionMeta);
void close();
Coordinator<Partitions> getCoordinator(Map conf, TopologyContext context);
Emitter<Partitions, Partition, T> getEmitter(Map conf, TopologyContext context);
Map getComponentConfiguration();
Fields getOutputFields();