blob: 5116c4fcc6120b2f213affc09d22bb6bd39cb642 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import backtype.storm.generated.*;
import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology._Fields;
import backtype.storm.grouping.CustomStreamGrouping;
import backtype.storm.task.IBolt;
import backtype.storm.utils.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Thrift utils
* 2012-03-28
* @author yannian
public class Thrift {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Thrift.class);
public static StormStatus topologyInitialStatusToStormStatus(TopologyInitialStatus tStatus) {
if (tStatus.equals(TopologyInitialStatus.ACTIVE)) {
return new StormStatus(;
} else {
return new StormStatus(StatusType.inactive);
public static CustomStreamGrouping instantiateJavaObject(JavaObject obj) {
List<JavaObjectArg> args = obj.get_args_list();
Class[] paraTypes = new Class[args.size()];
Object[] paraValues = new Object[args.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
JavaObjectArg arg = args.get(i);
paraValues[i] = arg.getFieldValue();
if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.INT_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = Integer.class;
} else if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.LONG_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = Long.class;
} else if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.STRING_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = String.class;
} else if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.BOOL_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = Boolean.class;
} else if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.BINARY_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = ByteBuffer.class;
} else if (arg.getSetField().equals(JavaObjectArg._Fields.DOUBLE_ARG)) {
paraTypes[i] = Double.class;
} else {
paraTypes[i] = Object.class;
try {
Class clas = Class.forName(obj.get_full_class_name());
Constructor cons = clas.getConstructor(paraTypes);
return (CustomStreamGrouping) cons.newInstance(paraValues);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("instantiate_java_object fail", e);
return null;
public static Grouping._Fields groupingType(Grouping grouping) {
return grouping.getSetField();
public static List<String> fieldGrouping(Grouping grouping) {
if (!Grouping._Fields.FIELDS.equals(groupingType(grouping))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to get grouping fields from non fields grouping");
return grouping.get_fields();
public static boolean isGlobalGrouping(Grouping grouping) {
if (Grouping._Fields.FIELDS.equals(groupingType(grouping))) {
return fieldGrouping(grouping).isEmpty();
return false;
public static int parallelismHint(ComponentCommon component_common) {
int phint = component_common.get_parallelism_hint();
if (!component_common.is_set_parallelism_hint()) {
phint = 1;
return phint;
public static StreamInfo directOutputFields(List<String> fields) {
return new StreamInfo(fields, true);
public static StreamInfo outputFields(List<String> fields) {
return new StreamInfo(fields, false);
public static Grouping mkFieldsGrouping(List<String> fields) {
return Grouping.fields(fields);
public static Grouping mkDirectGrouping() {
return NullStruct());
public static Grouping mkAllGrouping() {
return Grouping.all(new NullStruct());
private static ComponentCommon mkComponentcommon(Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs, HashMap<String, StreamInfo> output_spec, Integer parallelism_hint) {
ComponentCommon ret = new ComponentCommon(inputs, output_spec);
if (parallelism_hint != null) {
return ret;
public static Bolt mkBolt(Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs, IBolt bolt, HashMap<String, StreamInfo> output, Integer p) {
ComponentCommon common = mkComponentcommon(inputs, output, p);
byte[] boltSer = Utils.serialize(bolt);
ComponentObject component = ComponentObject.serialized_java(boltSer);
return new Bolt(component, common);
public static StormTopology._Fields[] STORM_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS = null;
public static StormTopology._Fields[] SPOUT_FIELDS = { StormTopology._Fields.SPOUTS, StormTopology._Fields.STATE_SPOUTS };
static {
Set<_Fields> keys = StormTopology.metaDataMap.keySet();
STORM_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS = new StormTopology._Fields[keys.size()];
// private static HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> mk_acker_inputs2(
// Map<Object, List<String>> inputs) {
// HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> rtn = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId,
// Grouping>();
// for (Entry<Object, List<String>> e : inputs.entrySet()) {
// Object stream_id = e.getKey();
// GlobalStreamId SID = null;
// if (stream_id instanceof Object[]) {
// String[] l = (String[]) stream_id;
// SID = new GlobalStreamId(l[0], l[1]);
// } else if (stream_id instanceof List) {
// List<String> l = (List<String>) stream_id;
// SID = new GlobalStreamId(l.get(0), l.get(1));
// } else {
// SID = new GlobalStreamId((String) stream_id,
// }
// rtn.put(SID, mk_fields_grouping(e.getValue()));
// }
// return rtn;
// }
// public static Bolt mk_ackerBolt(Map<Object, List<String>> inputs,
// IBolt bolt, HashMap<String, List<String>> output, Integer p) {
// HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> commonInputs=mk_inputs(inputs);
// ComponentCommon common = mk_component_common(commonInputs,output, p);
// return new Bolt(ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils.serialize(bolt)),
// common);
// }
// public static Map<String, StreamInfo>
// mk_output_StreamInfo(HashMap<String, List<String>> output_spec) {
// Map<String, List<String>> o_spec = output_spec;
// Map<String, StreamInfo> rtn = new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>();
// for (Entry<String, List<String>> e : o_spec.entrySet()) {
// List<String> val = e.getValue();
// rtn.put(e.getKey(), new StreamInfo((List<String>) val, false));
// }
// return rtn;
// }
// public static Map<String, StreamInfo>
// mk_output_StreamInfo2(HashMap<String, StreamInfo> output_spec) {
// return output_spec;
// }
// private static ComponentCommon mk_component_common(
// Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs, HashMap<String, List<String>>
// output_spec,
// Integer parallelism_hint) {
// ComponentCommon ret = new ComponentCommon(inputs,
// mk_output_StreamInfo(output_spec));
// if (parallelism_hint != null) {
// ret.set_parallelism_hint(parallelism_hint);
// }
// return ret;
// }
// public static Object[] nimbus_client_and_conn(String host, Integer port)
// throws TTransportException {
// TFramedTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket(host,
// port));
// TBinaryProtocol prot = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
// Nimbus.Client client = new Nimbus.Client(prot);
// Object[] rtn = { client, transport };
// return rtn;
// }
// public static SpoutSpec mk_spout_spec(Object spout, Object outputs,
// Integer p) {
// Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId,
// Grouping>();
// return new SpoutSpec(ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils
// .serialize(spout)), mk_plain_component_common(inputs, outputs,
// p));
// }
// public static SpoutSpec mk_spout_spec(Object spout, Object outputs) {
// return mk_spout_spec(spout, outputs, null);
// }
// public static Grouping mk_shuffle_grouping() {
// return Grouping.shuffle(new NullStruct());
// }
// public static Grouping mk_global_grouping() {
// return mk_fields_grouping(new ArrayList<String>());
// }
// public static Grouping mk_all_grouping() {
// return Grouping.all(new NullStruct());
// }
// public static Grouping mk_none_grouping() {
// return Grouping.none(new NullStruct());
// }
// public static Object deserialized_component_object(ComponentObject obj) {
// if (obj.getSetField().equals(ComponentObject._Fields.SERIALIZED_JAVA)) {
// throw new RuntimeException(
// "Cannot deserialize non-java-serialized object");
// }
// return Utils.deserialize(obj.get_serialized_java());
// }
// public static ComponentObject serialize_component_object(Object obj) {
// return ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils.serialize(obj));
// }
// public static Grouping mk_grouping(Object grouping_spec) {
// if (grouping_spec == null) {
// return mk_none_grouping();
// }
// if (grouping_spec instanceof Grouping) {
// return (Grouping) grouping_spec;
// }
// if (grouping_spec instanceof CustomStreamGrouping) {
// return Grouping.custom_serialized(Utils.serialize(grouping_spec));
// }
// if (grouping_spec instanceof JavaObject) {
// return Grouping.custom_object((JavaObject) grouping_spec);
// }
// if (grouping_spec instanceof List) {
// return mk_fields_grouping((List<String>) grouping_spec);
// }
// //
// if (GroupingConstants.shuffle.equals(grouping_spec)) {
// return mk_shuffle_grouping();
// }
// if (GroupingConstants.none.equals(grouping_spec)) {
// return mk_none_grouping();
// }
// if (GroupingConstants.all.equals(grouping_spec)) {
// return mk_all_grouping();
// }
// if ("global".equals(grouping_spec)) {
// return mk_global_grouping();
// }
// if ( {
// return mk_direct_grouping();
// }
// throw new IllegalArgumentException(grouping_spec
// + " is not a valid grouping");
// }
// public static Bolt mk_bolt_spec(Map<Object, List<String>> inputs,
// IBolt bolt, Object output) {
// return mk_bolt_spec(inputs, bolt, output, null);
// }
// public class BoltSpecObj {
// public IRichBolt obj;
// public Map conf;
// public Map<Object,List<String>> inputs;
// public Integer p;
// }
// public static BoltSpecObj mk_bolt_spec(Map<Object, List<String>> inputs,
// IRichBolt bolt, Object... args) {
// Integer parallelism_hint = null;
// Integer p = null;
// Map conf = null;
// if (args.length >= 1) {
// parallelism_hint = (Integer) args[0];
// }
// if (args.length >= 2) {
// p = (Integer) args[1];
// }
// if (args.length >= 3) {
// conf = (Map) args[2];
// }
// return mk_bolt_spec(inputs, bolt, parallelism_hint, p, conf);
// }
// public class SpoutSpecObj {
// public IRichSpout obj;
// public Map conf;
// public Integer p;
// }
// public static SpoutSpecObj mk_spout_spec(Map<Object, List<String>>
// inputs,
// IRichBolt bolt, Object... args) {
// Integer parallelism_hint = null;
// Integer p = null;
// Map conf = null;
// if (args.length >= 1) {
// parallelism_hint = (Integer) args[0];
// }
// if (args.length >= 2) {
// p = (Integer) args[1];
// }
// if (args.length >= 3) {
// conf = (Map) args[2];
// }
// return mk_spout_spec(inputs, bolt, parallelism_hint, p, conf);
// }
// public static SpoutSpecObj mk_spout_spec(IRichSpout bolt,
// Integer parallelism_hint, Integer p, Map conf) {
// if (p != null) {
// parallelism_hint = p;
// }
// SpoutSpecObj rtn = new SpoutSpecObj();
// rtn.p = parallelism_hint;
// rtn.obj = bolt;
// rtn.conf = conf;
// return rtn;
// }
// public static void add_inputs(BoltDeclarer declarer,
// Map<Object, List<String>> inputs) {
// HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> getinputs = mk_inputs(inputs);
// for (Entry<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> e : getinputs.entrySet()) {
// declarer.grouping(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
// }
// }
// public static StormTopology mk_topology(
// HashMap<String, SpoutSpecObj> spout_map,
// HashMap<String, BoltSpecObj> bolt_map) {
// TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
// for (Entry<String, SpoutSpecObj> e : spout_map.entrySet()) {
// String id = e.getKey();
// SpoutSpecObj spout_obj = e.getValue();
// SpoutDeclarer dec = builder
// .setSpout(id, spout_obj.obj, spout_obj.p);
// if (spout_obj.conf != null) {
// dec.addConfigurations(spout_obj.conf);
// }
// }
// for (Entry<String, BoltSpecObj> e : bolt_map.entrySet()) {
// String id = e.getKey();
// BoltSpecObj bolt = e.getValue();
// BoltDeclarer dec = builder.setBolt(id, bolt.obj, bolt.p);
// if (bolt.conf != null) {
// dec.addConfigurations(bolt.conf);
// }
// add_inputs(dec, bolt.inputs);
// }
// return builder.createTopology();
// }
// public static BoltSpecObj mk_bolt_spec(Map<Object, List<String>> inputs,
// IRichBolt bolt, Integer parallelism_hint, Integer p, Map conf) {
// if (p != null) {
// parallelism_hint = p;
// }
// BoltSpecObj rtn = new BoltSpecObj();
// rtn.inputs = inputs;
// rtn.p = parallelism_hint;
// rtn.obj = bolt;
// rtn.conf = conf;
// return rtn;
// }
// public static BoltSpecObj mk_shellbolt_spec(
// Map<Object, List<String>> inputs, String command, String script,
// Object output_spec, Object... args) {
// Integer parallelism_hint = null;
// Integer p = null;
// Map conf = null;
// if (args.length >= 1) {
// parallelism_hint = (Integer) args[0];
// }
// if (args.length >= 2) {
// p = (Integer) args[1];
// }
// if (args.length >= 3) {
// conf = (Map) args[2];
// }
// return mk_shellbolt_spec(inputs, command, script, output_spec,
// parallelism_hint, p, conf);
// }
// public static BoltSpecObj mk_shellbolt_spec(
// Map<Object, List<String>> inputs, String command, String script,
// Object output_spec, Integer parallelism_hint, Integer p, Map conf) {
// return mk_bolt_spec(inputs, new RichShellBolt(script, command,
// mk_output_spec(output_spec)), parallelism_hint, p, conf);
// }
// public static Bolt mk_spout_spec(Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs,
// IComponent bolt, Object output) {
// return mk_spout_spec(inputs, bolt, output, null);
// }
// public static Bolt mk_spout_spec(Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs,
// IComponent bolt, Object output, Integer p) {
// ComponentCommon common = mk_plain_component_common(inputs, output, p);
// return new Bolt(ComponentObject.serialized_java(Utils.serialize(bolt)),
// common);
// }
// public static String COORD_STREAM = Constants.COORDINATED_STREAM_ID;