blob: 335f28692652b4498650ea801c776d8e8ee6af66 [file] [log] [blame]
mvn clean
mvn package assembly:assembly
this will build one tar
1. Deployment for nimbus or supervisor is same as storm. so please install jzmq and zmq.
2. Deployment for client,
2.1 please copy configuration to ~/.jstorm/storm.yaml
3. Deployment for web ui.
3.1 copy configuration to ~/.jstorm/storm.yaml
3.2 downlaod tomcat 7.x
3.3 Extrade tar of tomcat 7.x
3.4 put jstorm-ui-0.9.1.war to Tomcat's webapps directory
open one webbrowser and go to $jstorm-ui-ip:8080/jstorm-ui-0.9.1
3.5 you also can change the default page as jstorm-ui, please google how to do it.