blob: 7bc048ec6bf06ffb98546c8103d0b630ccc39175 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version
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package org.apache.storm.daemon.metrics;
import org.apache.storm.metric.internal.MultiCountStatAndMetric;
import org.apache.storm.metric.internal.MultiLatencyStatAndMetric;
import org.apache.storm.stats.SpoutExecutorStats;
public class BuiltinSpoutMetrics extends BuiltinMetrics {
private final MultiCountStatAndMetric ackCount;
private final MultiCountStatAndMetric failCount;
private final MultiCountStatAndMetric emitCount;
private final MultiCountStatAndMetric transferCount;
private final MultiLatencyStatAndMetric completeLatency;
public BuiltinSpoutMetrics(SpoutExecutorStats stats) {
this.ackCount = stats.getAcked();
this.failCount = stats.getFailed();
this.emitCount = stats.getEmitted();
this.transferCount = stats.getTransferred();
this.completeLatency = stats.getCompleteLatencies();
this.metricMap.put("ack-count", ackCount);
this.metricMap.put("fail-count", failCount);
this.metricMap.put("emit-count", emitCount);
this.metricMap.put("transfer-count", transferCount);
this.metricMap.put("complete-latency", completeLatency);
public MultiCountStatAndMetric getAckCount() {
return ackCount;
public MultiCountStatAndMetric getFailCount() {
return failCount;
public MultiCountStatAndMetric getEmitCount() {
return emitCount;
public MultiCountStatAndMetric getTransferCount() {
return transferCount;
public MultiLatencyStatAndMetric getCompleteLatency() {
return completeLatency;