blob: c93288b64da3bf0ec3ff057aac0e72b8f3ecbbed [file] [log] [blame]
;(function(){ 'use strict';
// registers the extension on a cytoscape lib ref
var register = function( cytoscape, dagre ){
if( !cytoscape || !dagre ){ return; } // can't register if cytoscape unspecified
var isFunction = function(o){ return typeof o === 'function'; };
// default layout options
var defaults = {
// dagre algo options, uses default value on undefined
nodeSep: undefined, // the separation between adjacent nodes in the same rank
edgeSep: undefined, // the separation between adjacent edges in the same rank
rankSep: undefined, // the separation between adjacent nodes in the same rank
rankDir: undefined, // 'TB' for top to bottom flow, 'LR' for left to right
minLen: function( edge ){ return 1; }, // number of ranks to keep between the source and target of the edge
edgeWeight: function( edge ){ return 1; }, // higher weight edges are generally made shorter and straighter than lower weight edges
// general layout options
fit: true, // whether to fit to viewport
padding: 30, // fit padding
animate: false, // whether to transition the node positions
animationDuration: 500, // duration of animation in ms if enabled
animationEasing: undefined, // easing of animation if enabled
boundingBox: undefined, // constrain layout bounds; { x1, y1, x2, y2 } or { x1, y1, w, h }
ready: function(){}, // on layoutready
stop: function(){} // on layoutstop
// constructor
// options : object containing layout options
function DagreLayout( options ){
var opts = this.options = {};
for( var i in defaults ){ opts[i] = defaults[i]; }
for( var i in options ){ opts[i] = options[i]; }
// runs the layout = function(){
var options = this.options;
var layout = this;
var cy =; // cy is automatically populated for us in the constructor
var eles = options.eles;
var getVal = function( ele, val ){
return isFunction(val) ? val.apply( ele, [ ele ] ) : val;
var bb = options.boundingBox || { x1: 0, y1: 0, w: cy.width(), h: cy.height() };
if( bb.x2 === undefined ){ bb.x2 = bb.x1 + bb.w; }
if( bb.w === undefined ){ bb.w = bb.x2 - bb.x1; }
if( bb.y2 === undefined ){ bb.y2 = bb.y1 + bb.h; }
if( bb.h === undefined ){ bb.h = bb.y2 - bb.y1; }
var g = new dagre.graphlib.Graph({
multigraph: true,
compound: true
var gObj = {};
var setGObj = function( name, val ){
if( val != null ){
gObj[ name ] = val;
setGObj( 'nodesep', options.nodeSep );
setGObj( 'edgesep', options.edgeSep );
setGObj( 'ranksep', options.rankSep );
setGObj( 'rankdir', options.rankDir );
g.setGraph( gObj );
g.setDefaultEdgeLabel(function() { return {}; });
g.setDefaultNodeLabel(function() { return {}; });
// add nodes to dagre
var nodes = eles.nodes();
for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ){
var node = nodes[i];
var nbb = node.boundingBox();
g.setNode(, {
width: nbb.w,
height: nbb.h,
} );
// console.log( g.node( );
// set compound parents
for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ){
var node = nodes[i];
if( node.isChild() ){
g.setParent(, node.parent().id() );
// add edges to dagre
var edges = eles.edges().stdFilter(function( edge ){
return !edge.source().isParent() && !; // dagre can't handle edges on compound nodes
for( var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++ ){
var edge = edges[i];
g.setEdge( edge.source().id(),, {
minlen: getVal( edge, options.minLen ),
weight: getVal( edge, options.edgeWeight ),
}, );
// console.log( g.edge(edge.source().id(),, );
dagre.layout( g );
var gNodeIds = g.nodes();
for( var i = 0; i < gNodeIds.length; i++ ){
var id = gNodeIds[i];
var n = g.node( id );
cy.getElementById(id).scratch().dagre = n;
var dagreBB;
if( options.boundingBox ){
dagreBB = { x1: Infinity, x2: -Infinity, y1: Infinity, y2: -Infinity };
nodes.forEach(function( node ){
var dModel = node.scratch().dagre;
dagreBB.x1 = Math.min( dagreBB.x1, dModel.x );
dagreBB.x2 = Math.max( dagreBB.x2, dModel.x );
dagreBB.y1 = Math.min( dagreBB.y1, dModel.y );
dagreBB.y2 = Math.max( dagreBB.y2, dModel.y );
dagreBB.w = dagreBB.x2 - dagreBB.x1;
dagreBB.h = dagreBB.y2 - dagreBB.y1;
} else {
dagreBB = bb;
var constrainPos = function( p ){
if( options.boundingBox ){
var xPct = (p.x - dagreBB.x1) / dagreBB.w;
var yPct = (p.y - dagreBB.y1) / dagreBB.h;
return {
x: bb.x1 + xPct * bb.w,
y: bb.y1 + yPct * bb.h
} else {
return p;
nodes.layoutPositions(layout, options, function(){
var dModel = this.scratch().dagre;
return constrainPos({
x: dModel.x,
y: dModel.y
return this; // chaining
cytoscape('layout', 'dagre', DagreLayout);
if( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ){ // expose as a commonjs module
module.exports = register;
if( typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd ){ // expose as an amd/requirejs module
define('cytoscape-dagre', function(){
return register;
if( typeof cytoscape !== 'undefined' && typeof dagre !== 'undefined' ){ // expose to global cytoscape (i.e. window.cytoscape)
register( cytoscape, dagre );