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  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Flux Examples

A collection of examples illustrating various capabilities.

Building From Source and Running

Checkout the projects source and perform a top level Maven build (i.e. from the flux directory):

git clone
cd storm
mvn install -DskipTests=true

This will create a shaded (i.e. “fat” or “uber”) jar in the external/flux/flux-examples/target directory that can run/deployed with the storm command:

cd flux-examples
storm jar ./target/flux-examples-*-SNAPSHOT.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --local ./src/main/resources/simple_wordcount.yaml

The example YAML files are also packaged in the examples jar, so they can also be referenced with Flux's --resource command line switch:

storm jar ./target/flux-examples-*.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --local --resource /simple_wordcount.yaml

Available Examples


This is a very basic wordcount example using Java spouts and bolts. It simply logs the running count of each word received.


Another wordcount example that uses a spout written in JavaScript (node.js), a bolt written in Python, and two bolts written in java.


This example illustrates how to configure Storm's storm-kafka spout using Flux YAML DSL components, references, and constructor arguments constructs.


This example demonstrates using Flux to setup a storm-hdfs bolt to write to an HDFS cluster. It also demonstrates Flux's variable substitution/filtering feature.

To run the simple_hdfs.yaml example, copy the file to a convenient location and change, at least, the property hdfs.url to point to a HDFS cluster. Then you can run the example something like:

storm jar ./target/flux-examples-*.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --local ./src/main/resources/simple_hdfs.yaml --filter


This example illustrates how to use Flux to setup a storm-hbase bolt to write to HBase.

To run the simple_hbase.yaml example, copy the file to a convenient location and change the properties hbase.rootdir and hbase.zookeeper.quorum. Then you can run the example something like:

storm jar ./target/flux-examples-*.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --local ./src/main/resources/simple_hbase.yaml --filter