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| title: Performance Tuning |
| layout: documentation |
| documentation: true |
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| Latency, throughput and resource consumption are the three key dimensions involved in performance tuning. |
| In the following sections we discuss the settings that can used to tune along these dimension and understand the trade-offs. |
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| It is important to understand that these settings can vary depending on the topology, the type of hardware and the number of hosts used by the topology. |
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| ## 1. Buffer Size |
| Spouts and Bolts operate asynchronously using message passing. Message queues used for this purpose are of fixed but configurable size. Buffer size |
| refers to the size of these queues. Every consumer has its own receive queue. The messages wait in the queue until the consumer is ready to process them. |
| The queue will typically be almost empty or almost full depending whether the consumer is operating faster or slower than the rate at which producers |
| are generating messages for it. Storm queues always have a single consumer and potentially multiple producers. There are two buffer size settings |
| of interest: |
| |
| - `topology.executor.receive.buffer.size` : This is the size of the message queue employed for each spout and bolt executor. |
| - `topology.transfer.buffer.size` : This is the size of the outbound message queue used for inter-worker messaging. This queue is referred to as |
| the *Worker Transfer Queue*. |
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| **Note:** If the specified buffer size is not a power of 2, it is internally rounded up to the next power of 2. |
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| #### Guidance |
| Very small message queues (size < 1024) are likely to hamper throughput by not providing enough isolation between the consumer and producer. This |
| can affect the asynchronous nature of the processing as the producers are likely to find the downstream queue to be full. |
| |
| Very large message queues are also not desirable to deal with slow consumers. Better to employ more consumers (i.e. bolts) on additional CPU cores instead. If queues |
| are large and often full, the messages will end up waiting longer in these queues at each step of the processing, leading to poor latency being |
| reported on the Storm UI. Large queues also imply higher memory consumption especially if the queues are typically full. |
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| ## 2. Batch Size |
| Producers can either write a batch of messages to the consumer's queue or write each message individually. This batch size can be configured. |
| Inserting messages in batches to downstream queues helps reduce the number of synchronization operations required for the inserts. Consequently this helps achieve higher throughput. However, |
| sometimes it may take a little time for the buffer to fill up, before it is flushed into the downstream queue. This implies that the buffered messages |
| will take longer to become visible to the downstream consumer who is waiting to process them. This can increase the average end-to-end latency for |
| these messages. The latency can get very bad if the batch sizes are large and the topology is not experiencing high traffic. |
| |
| - `topology.producer.batch.size` : The batch size for writes into the receive queue of any spout/bolt is controlled via this setting. This setting |
| impacts the communication within a worker process. Each upstream producer maintains a separate batch to a component's receive queue. So if two spout |
| instances are writing to the same downstream bolt instance, each of the spout instances will have maintain a separate batch. |
| |
| - `topology.transfer.batch.size` : Messages that are destined to a spout/bolt running on a different worker process, are sent to a queue called |
| the **Worker Transfer Queue**. The Worker Transfer Thread is responsible for draining the messages in this queue and send them to the appropriate |
| worker process over the network. This setting controls the batch size for writes into the Worker Transfer Queue. This impacts the communication |
| between worker processes. |
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| #### Guidance |
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| **For Low latency:** Set batch size to 1. This basically disables batching. This is likely to reduce peak sustainable throughput under heavy traffic, but |
| not likely to impact throughput much under low/medium traffic situations. |
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| **For High throughput:** Set batch size > 1. Try values like 10, 100, 1000 or even higher and see what yields the best throughput for the topology. |
| Beyond a certain point the throughput is likely to get worse. |
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| **Varying throughput:** Topologies often experience fluctuating amounts of incoming traffic over the day. Other topos may experience higher traffic in some |
| paths and lower throughput in other paths simultaneously. If latency is not a concern, a small bach size (e.g. 10) and in conjunction with the right flush |
| frequency may provide a reasonable compromise for such scenarios. For meeting stricter latency SLAs, consider setting it to 1. |
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| ## 3. Flush Tuple Frequency |
| In low/medium traffic situations or when batch size is too large, the batches may take too long to fill up and consequently the messages could take unacceptably |
| long time to become visible to downstream components. In such case, periodic flushing of batches is necessary to keep the messages moving and avoid compromising |
| latencies when batching is enabled. |
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| When batching has been enabled, special messages called *flush tuples* are inserted periodically into the receive queues of all spout and bolt instances. |
| This causes each spout/bolt instance to flush all its outstanding batches to their respective downstream components. |
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| `topology.flush.tuple.freq.millis` : This setting controls how often the flush tuples are generated. Flush tuples are not generated if this configuration is |
| set to 0 or if (`topology.producer.batch.size`=1 and `topology.transfer.batch.size`=1). |
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| #### Guidance |
| Flushing interval can be used as tool to retain the higher throughput benefits of batching and avoid batched messages getting stuck for too long waiting for their. |
| batch to fill. Preferably this value should be larger than the average execute latencies of the bolts in the topology. Trying to flush the queues more frequently than |
| the amount of time it takes to produce the messages may hurt performance. Understanding the average execute latencies of each bolt will help determine the average |
| number of messages in the queues between two flushes. |
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| **For Low latency:** A smaller value helps achieve tighter latency SLAs. |
| |
| **For High throughput:** When trying to maximize throughput under high traffic situations, the batches are likely to get filled and flushed automatically. |
| To optimize for such cases, this value can be set to a higher number. |
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| **Varying throughput:** If latency is not a concern, a larger value will optimize for high traffic situations. For meeting tighter SLAs set this to lower |
| values. |
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| ## 4. Wait Strategy |
| Wait strategies are used to conserve CPU usage by trading off some latency and throughput. They are applied for the following situations: |
| |
| 4.1 **Spout Wait:** In low/no traffic situations, Spout's nextTuple() may not produce any new emits. To prevent invoking the Spout's nextTuple too often, |
| this wait strategy is used between nextTuple() calls, allowing the spout's executor thread to idle and conserve CPU. Spout wait strategy is also used |
| when the `topology.max.spout.pending` limit has been reached when ACKers are enabled. Select a strategy using `topology.spout.wait.strategy`. Configure the |
| chosen wait strategy using one of the `topology.spout.wait.*` settings. |
| |
| 4.2 **Bolt Wait:** : When a bolt polls it's receive queue for new messages to process, it is possible that the queue is empty. This typically happens |
| in case of low/no traffic situations or when the upstream spout/bolt is inherently slower. This wait strategy is used in such cases. It avoids high CPU usage |
| due to the bolt continuously checking on a typically empty queue. Select a strategy using `topology.bolt.wait.strategy`. The chosen strategy can be further configured |
| using the `topology.bolt.wait.*` settings. |
| |
| 4.3 **Backpressure Wait** : Select a strategy using `topology.backpressure.wait.strategy`. When a spout/bolt tries to write to a downstream component's receive queue, |
| there is a possibility that the queue is full. In such cases the write needs to be retried. This wait strategy is used to induce some idling in-between re-attempts for |
| conserving CPU. The chosen strategy can be further configured using the `topology.backpressure.wait.*` settings. |
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| #### Built-in wait strategies: |
| These wait strategies are availabe for use with all of the above mentioned wait situations. |
| |
| - **ProgressiveWaitStrategy** : This strategy can be used for Bolt Wait or Backpressure Wait situations. Set the strategy to 'org.apache.storm.policy.WaitStrategyProgressive' to |
| select this wait strategy. This is a dynamic wait strategy that enters into progressively deeper states of CPU conservation if the Backpressure Wait or Bolt Wait situations persist. |
| It has 3 levels of idling and allows configuring how long to stay at each level : |
| |
| 1. Level1 / No Waiting - The first few times it will return immediately. This does not conserve any CPU. The number of times it remains in this state is configured using |
| `topology.spout.wait.progressive.level1.count` or `topology.bolt.wait.progressive.level1.count` or `topology.backpressure.wait.progressive.level1.count` depending which |
| situation it is being used. |
| |
| 2. Level 2 / Park Nanos - In this state it disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes, for 1 nano second using LockSupport.parkNanos(). This puts the CPU in a minimal |
| conservation state. It remains in this state for `topology.spout.wait.progressive.level2.count` or `topology.bolt.wait.progressive.level2.count` or |
| `topology.backpressure.wait.progressive.level2.count` iterations. |
| |
| 3. Level 3 / Thread.sleep() - In this level it calls Thread.sleep() with the value specified in `topology.spout.wait.progressive.level3.sleep.millis` or |
| `topology.bolt.wait.progressive.level3.sleep.millis` or `topology.backpressure.wait.progressive.level3.sleep.millis`. This is the most CPU conserving level and it remains in |
| this level for the remaining iterations. |
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| - **ParkWaitStrategy** : This strategy can be used for Bolt Wait or Backpressure Wait situations. Set the strategy to `org.apache.storm.policy.WaitStrategyPark` to use this. |
| This strategy disables the current thread for thread scheduling purposes by calling LockSupport.parkNanos(). The amount of park time is configured using either |
| `topology.bolt.wait.park.microsec` or `topology.backpressure.wait.park.microsec` based on the wait situation it is used. Setting the park time to 0, effectively disables |
| invocation of LockSupport.parkNanos and this mode can be used to achieve busy polling (which at the cost of high CPU utilization even when idle, may improve latency and/or throughput). |
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| ## 5. Max.spout.pending |
| The setting `topology.max.spout.pending` limits the number of un-ACKed tuples at the spout level. Once a spout reaches this limit, the spout's nextTuple() |
| method will not be called until some ACKs are received for the outstanding emits. This setting does not have any affect if ACKing is disabled. It |
| is a spout throttling mechanism which can impact throughput and latency. Setting it to null disables it for storm-core topologies. Impact on throughput |
| is dependent on the topology and its concurrency (workers/executors), so experimentation is necessary to determine optimal setting. Latency and memory consumption |
| is expected to typically increase with higher and higher values for this. |
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| ## 6. Load Aware messaging |
| When load aware messaging is enabled (default), shuffle grouping takes additional factors into consideration for message routing. |
| Impact of this on performance is dependent on the topology and its deployment footprint (i.e. distribution over process and machines). |
| Consequently it is useful to assess the impact of setting `topology.disable.loadaware.messaging` to `true` or `false` for your |
| specific case. |
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| ## 7. Sampling Rate |
| Sampling rate is used to control how often certain metrics are computed on the Spout and Bolt executors. This is configured using `topology.stats.sample.rate` |
| Setting it to 1 means, the stats are computed for every emitted message. As an example, to sample once every 1000 messages it can be set to 0.001. It may be |
| possible to improve throughput and latency by reducing the sampling rate. |
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| ## 8. Budgeting CPU cores for Executors |
| There are three main types of executors (i.e threads) to take into account when budgeting CPU cores for them. Spout Executors, Bolt Executors, Worker Transfer (handles outbound |
| messages) and NettyWorker (handles inbound messages). |
| The first two are used to run spout, bolt and acker instances. The Worker Transfer thread is used to serialize and send messages to other workers (in multi-worker mode). |
| |
| Executors that are expected to remain busy, either because they are handling a lot of messages, or because their processing is inherently CPU intensive, should be allocated |
| 1 physical core each. Allocating logical cores (instead of physical) or less than 1 physical core for CPU intensive executors increases CPU contention and performance can suffer. |
| Executors that are not expected to be busy can be allocated a smaller fraction of the physical core (or even logical cores). It maybe not be economical to allocate a full physical |
| core for executors that are not likely to saturate the CPU. |
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| The *system bolt* generally processes very few messages per second, and so requires very little cpu (typically less than 10% of a physical core). |
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| ## 9. Garbage Collection |
| Choice of GC is an important concern for topologies that are latency or throughput sensitive. It is recommended to try the both the CMS and G1 collectors. Performance characteristics |
| of the collectors can change between single and multiworker modes and is dependent on hardware characteristics such as number of CPUs and memory localities. Number of GC threads can |
| also affect performance. Sometimes fewer GC threads can yield better performance. It is advisable to select a collector and tune it by mimicking anticipated peak data rates on hardware |
| similar to what is used in production. |
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| ## 10. Scaling out with Single Worker mode |
| Communication between executors within a worker process is very fast as there is neither a need to serialize and deserialize messages nor does it involve communicating over the network |
| stack. In multiworker mode, messages often cross worker process boundaries. For performance sensitive cases, if it is possible to configure a topology to run as many single-worker |
| instances (for ex. one worker per input partition) rather than one multiworker instance, it may yield significantly better throughput and latency on the same hardware. |
| The downside to this approach is that it adds the overhead of monitoring and managing many instances rather than one multiworker instance. |