title: Azure Event Hubs Integration layout: documentation documentation: true

Storm spout and bolt implementation for Microsoft Azure Eventhubs


mvn clean package

run sample topology

To run the sample topology, you need to modify the config.properties file with the eventhubs configurations. Here is an example:

eventhubspout.username = [username: policy name in EventHubs Portal]
eventhubspout.password = [password: shared access key in EventHubs Portal]
eventhubspout.namespace = [namespace]
eventhubspout.entitypath = [entitypath]
eventhubspout.partitions.count = [partitioncount]

# if not provided, will use storm's zookeeper settings
# zookeeper.connectionstring=zookeeper0:2181,zookeeper1:2181,zookeeper2:2181

eventhubspout.checkpoint.interval = 10
eventhub.receiver.credits = 1024

Then you can use storm.cmd to submit the sample topology: storm jar {jarfile} com.microsoft.eventhubs.samples.EventCount {topologyname} {spoutconffile} where the {jarfile} should be: eventhubs-storm-spout-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Run EventHubSendClient

We have included a simple EventHubs send client for testing purpose. You can run the client like this: java -cp .\target\eventhubs-storm-spout-{version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.microsoft.eventhubs.client.EventHubSendClient [username] [password] [entityPath] [partitionId] [messageSize] [messageCount] If you want to send messages to all partitions, use “-1” as partitionId.

Windows Azure Eventhubs
