layout: post title: Storm 0.10.2 Released author: P. Taylor Goetz

The Apache Storm community is pleased to announce that version 0.10.2 has been released and is available from the downloads page.

This is a maintenance release that includes a number of important bug fixes that improve Storm's performance, stability and fault tolerance. We encourage users of previous versions to upgrade to this latest release.


Special thanks are due to all those who have contributed to Apache Storm -- whether through direct code contributions, documentation, bug reports, or helping other users on the mailing lists. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Full Changelog

  • STORM-2042: Nimbus client connections not closed properly causing connection leaks
  • STORM-1609: Netty Client is not best effort delivery on failed Connection
  • STORM-1928: ShellSpout should check heartbeat while ShellSpout is waiting for subprocess to sync
  • STORM-1989: X-Frame-Options support for Storm UI
  • STORM-1834: Documentation How to Generate Certificates For Local Testing SSL Setup
  • STORM-1754: Correct java version in 0.10.x storm-starter
  • STORM-1750: Ensure worker dies when report-error-and-die is called.
  • STORM-1739: update the minor JAVA version dependency in 0.10.0 and above
  • STORM-1733: Flush stdout and stderr before calling “os.execvp” to prevent log loss