Version 3 of Apache STeVe


v1 was a set of command-line tools to run voting on a host server, with the people ssh'ing to that server to cast votes.

v2 was a webapp and data server to run the voting process, utilizing LDAP authentication for the people voting.

v3 is intended (primarily) to revamp the data model/storage and the webui frameworks, using more recent technologies for greater leverage.

Data Model

v2 is the initial guide for a data model, to be used by v3.

The top-level item is an Election, and our design-point (in terms of scale) is to manage hundreds of these.

Each Election contains some simple metadata, along with Persons (numbering in the hundreds) that are on record to vote, a set of Issues (also, hundreds) on the ballot for the people to vote upon, and a small set of Vote Monitors (single digit count) for the Election.

This will produce a set of Votes (tens of thousands).

Vote Monitors (and Attacks?)

This role is undefined.

Once an election is opened, no changes to the ballot are allowed, so the Monitors cannot affect an election. With read-only status, what should they be looking for?

  • Alice voting as Bob (see below)
  • Alice stuffing ballots (eg. as a person not on Record; should be impossible)

Each person receives a token to represent themself during voting. The token is regarded as a shared secret between STeVe and the Person.

Note: this token could be used internally, and the shared secret would be the Person‘s LDAP password. This may create undesired data in access logs, which could be solved by custom config to omit the authenticated user from the logs. And/or, a Person could sign in to retrieve a link that embeds their token, and that link requires no authentication (note: would need to ensure that all browsers obey path-based directives on when to send credentials; we’d only want creds for retrieving the token/link, but for them to be dropped during voting the ballot).

Given the above, if Alice is able to discover Bob's token, then she can vote as if she were Bob. This may be discoverable by aberrant repeat voting by Bob.

Since votes may only be performed by those on record, with person tokens, it does not seem possible for Alice to stuff the ballot box.

?? other attack vectors? can Monitors help with any?

Hashes and Anonymity

The Persons must be as anonymous as possible. The goal is that Persons and Monitors cannot “unmask” any Person in the election, nor the Votes that they have cast.

It is presumed that the “root” users of the team operating the software would be able to unmask Persons and view their votes.

Cryptographic-grade hashes are used as identifiers to create anonymity.


When an Election is “opened for voting”, all Persons, Issues, and Monitors will be used to construct a singular hash (opened_key) that identifies the precise state of the Election. This hash is used to prevent any post-opening tampering of the Persons of record, the ballot, or those watching for such tampering.

The recorded votes use the opened_key to produce the anonymized tokens for each Person and each Issue, and it is used as part of the vote encryption process. Any attempt to alter the election will produce a new opened_key value, implying that any recorded vote becomes entirely useless (the vote can not be matched to a Person, to an Issue, nor decrypted).

Data at Rest

(for details, see Implementation below)

The recorded votes are encrypted when at rest in the SQLite database. Each vote is recorded using a hashed form of the Person that performed the vote (person_token), and a hashed version of the issue voted upon (issue_token). Thus, a cursory examination of the recorded votes will not reveal people's name, nor the issues voted upon.

To reveal the votes for computing a final tally, the person_token will be used in its opaque form -- there is no need to pair these tokens to visible names. For a given issue, its issue_token is computed and all rows with that token are selected. If two or more selected rows have the same person_token (a Person filed a later vote), then only the most-recent row is used in the tally process. Each vote is decrypted using the person_token and the issue_token from that row, along with a unique per-vote salt value. The decrypted vote is then tallied according to the chosen vote type (eg. yes/no/abstain, or Single Transferable Vote).

When a Person loads their ballot, and needs to know which issues have not (yet) been voted upon, then we compute the person_token for them. For each issue on the ballot, we compute the issue_token and see if the votes contain any rows with those two tokens. The actual vote does not need to be decrypted for this process.

Note that to reveal each recorded vote requires one (1) expensive hash computation, and one (1) expensive decryption. Additional hash computations are required to pair each Person and each Issue with their corresponding tokens. These operations are all salted to increase the entropy.


Some notes on implementation, hashing, storage, at-rest encryption, etc.

ElectionID := 32 bits
PersonID := availid from iclas.txt  # for ASF usage
IssueID := [-a-zA-Z0-9]+

ElectionData := Tuple[ ElectionID, Title ]
IssueData := Tuple[ IssueID, Title, Description, VoteType, VoteOptions ]
PersonData := Tuple[ PersonID, Name, Email ]
BLOCK := ElectionData + sorted(IssueData) + sorted(PersonData)
OpenedKey := Hash(BLOCK, Salt(each-election))

Persons := Map<PersonID, Salt(each-person)>
PersonToken := Hash(OpenedKey + PersonID, Salt(each-person))

Issues := Map<IssueID, Salt(each-issue)>
IssueToken := Hash(OpenedKey + IssueID, Salt(each-issue))

votestring = TBD; padding TBD
VoteKey := Hash(PersonToken + IssueToken, Salt(each-vote))
Vote := Tuple[ PersonToken, IssueToken, Salt(each-vote), Encrypt(VoteKey, votestring) ]

When an Election is Opened for voting, the OpenedKey is calculated, stored, and used for further work. The OpenedKey is primarily used to resist tampering with the ballot definition.

The size of Salt(xx) is 16 bytes, which is the default used by the Argon2 implementation. The salt values should never be transmitted.

The Hash() function will be Argon2^argon2. Note that Hash() is computationally/memory intensive, in order to make “unmasking” of votes somewhat costly for root. Yet it needs to be reasonable to decrypt the votestrings for final tallying (eg. after ballot-close, several hours to decrypt all the votes and perform the tally).

Encrypt() and Decrypt() are a symmetric encryption algorithm, so that votestrings can be recovered. This will be implemented using the Fernet system^fernet in the cryptography Python package. Note that Argon2 produces 32 byte hash values, which matches the 32 bytes needed for a Fernet key.

Storage and Transmission

IMPORTANT: the PersonToken and IssueToken should never be stored in a way that ties them to the PersonID and IssueID. The VoteKey should never be stored. Instead, the Salt(xx) values are stored, and the tokens/key are computed when needed.

In general, the expense of the Hash() function should not be short-circuited by storing the result. Any attacker must perform the work. During normal operation of the voting system, each call of the Hash() function should be within human-reasonable time limits (but unreasonable to perform in bulk).

Note that PersonToken and IssueToken are stored as part of each Vote, but those tokens provide no easy mapping back to a person or issue.

The PersonToken is normally emailed to the Person. If it is not emailed, then LDAP authentication would be used, and the server will compute it from the authenticated credentials.

Since PersonToken may be used by the Person, via URL, to perform their voting, it must be “URL safe”. If LDAP authn mode is used, then the PersonToken will never be encoded for humans.

The ElectionID is also visible to Persons, and will be encoded as eight (8) hex digits, just like STeVe v2.

(Re)Tally Process

  1. For each issue on the ballot, the IssueToken is computed and entered into a Map<IssueToken, IssueID>
  2. For each vote in the election:
    1. Compute the VoteKey
    2. Decrypt the votestring
    3. Look up the IssueID, and apply votestring to that issue

Notes: be wary of repeats; collect STV votestrings, for passing in-bulk to the STV algorithm.

Note that the tally process does not require unmasking the Person.

API Documentation

This is TBD

A basic example of using the API is available via the code coverage testing script.