blob: 7a3238ecc956e3c514ad0d1b23a8ac4b2570735e [file] [log] [blame]
* limits.cpp - Example program of numeric limits class used for
* representing information about scalar types.
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* Copyright 1998-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <limits> // for numeric_limits
#include <iostream> // for cout
#include <examples.h>
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &strm, std::float_denorm_style style)
const char* name = "(unknown)";
switch (style) {
case std::denorm_absent: name = "std::denorm_absent"; break;
case std::denorm_indeterminate: name = "std::denorm_indeterminate"; break;
case std::denorm_present: name = "std::denorm_present"; break;
return strm << name;
template <class T>
void print_limits (std::ostream &strm, const char *tname, T)
#define PRINT_MEMBER(type, member) \
strm << " static " << type << " " #member " = " \
<< std::numeric_limits<T>::member << ";\n"
strm << "struct std::numeric_limits<" << tname << "> {\n";
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_specialized);
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, min ());
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, max ());
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", digits);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", digits10);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_signed);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_integer);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_exact);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", radix);
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, epsilon ());
PRINT_MEMBER ("int", round_error ());
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", min_exponent);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", min_exponent10);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", max_exponent);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", max_exponent10);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", has_infinity);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", has_quiet_NaN);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", has_signaling_NaN);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const std::float_denorm_style", has_denorm);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", has_denorm_loss);
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, infinity ());
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, quiet_NaN ());
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, signaling_NaN ());
PRINT_MEMBER (tname, denorm_min ());
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_iec559);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_bounded);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", is_modulo);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", traps);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const bool", tinyness_before);
PRINT_MEMBER ("const int", round_style);
strm << "};\n";
int main ()
#define PRINT_LIMITS(T) print_limits (std::cout, #T, T ())
// print bool values as "false" and "true"
std::cout.setf (std::cout.boolalpha);
// print the numeric limits for an integer type
std::cout << '\n';
// print the numeric limits for a floating point type
PRINT_LIMITS (double);
return 0;