blob: 35ac40785f8942851251681f561ec011f3d02e9d [file] [log] [blame]
* codecvt.cpp
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include "diagnostic.h" // for issue_diag()
#include "def.h" // for Def
#include "path.h" // for get_pathname()
#include "scanner.h" // for scanner
#include <cassert> // for assert()
#include <climits> // for UCHAR_MAX
#include <cstring> // for memset()
#include <fstream> // for ifstream, ofstream
typedef std::map<std::string, wchar_t>::const_iterator n_cmap_citer2;
std::size_t Def::
gen_mbchar_tables (codecvt_offsets_map_t &tab,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &off_map,
const std::string &charp /* = "" */,
unsigned tabno /* = 0 */)
// upon the first call (but not during subsequent recursive calls)
// generate a set of multibyte prefixes from the set of all known
// multibyte characters
static unsigned ntabs = 0;
static std::set<std::string>* pfx_set = 0;
const n_cmap_citer2 mb_map_end = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().end ();
if (0 == pfx_set) {
pfx_set = new std::set<std::string>;
// iterate over the range of valid multibyte characters
// obtained from the charmap and generate a complete
// subset of non-empty multibyte prefixes from each
unsigned off = 0;
const n_cmap_citer2 mb_map_begin = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().begin ();
for (n_cmap_citer2 it = mb_map_begin; it != mb_map_end; ++it, ++off) {
// insert the ordinal number of each multibyte character
// into a map for fast lookup later
off_map.insert (std::make_pair (it->first, off));
// generate non-empty prefixes up to one byte less
// in length than the complete multibyte character
for (std::string prefix = it->first; 1 < prefix.size (); ) {
prefix = prefix.substr (0, prefix.size () - 1);
pfx_set->insert (prefix);
// number of valid characters inserted into the tables
std::size_t nchars = 0;
// an array of offsets to the multibyte character or to the next
// array containing such offsets (defined recursively for up to
// MB_CUR_MAX levels of nesting)
codecvt_offset_tab_t* const offsets = new codecvt_offset_tab_t;
std::string mb_char (charp + '\0');
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
unsigned char cur_char = (unsigned char)i;
mb_char [mb_char.size () - 1] = char (cur_char);
if (mb_map_end == charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().find (mb_char)) {
// mb_char is not a complete, valid multibyte character
// check to see if it's a prefix of one
if (pfx_set->find (mb_char) == pfx_set->end ()) {
// mb_char is not a prefix of a valid multibyte
// character, mark it invalide
offsets->off [cur_char] = UINT_MAX;
else {
// mb_char is a prefix of a valid multibyte character,
// set the MSB to denote that it "continues" in the
// table at the next higher offset
offsets->off [cur_char] = ++ntabs | 0x80000000;
// generate that table
nchars += gen_mbchar_tables (tab, off_map, mb_char, ntabs);
else {
// mb_char is a complete, valid miltibyte character
// insert its ordinal number (offset) into the array
offsets->off [cur_char] = off_map.find (mb_char)->second;
// insert the completely populated table into the map
tab.insert (std::make_pair (tabno, offsets));
if (0 == ntabs) {
// clean up on return from the topmost (non-recursive) call
delete pfx_set;
pfx_set = 0;
return nchars;
std::size_t Def::
gen_wchar_tables (codecvt_offsets_map_t &tab,
const std::string &charp /* = "" */,
unsigned int tabno /* = 0 */)
// upon the first call (but not during subsequent recursive calls)
// generate a set of multibyte prefixes from the set of all known
// multibyte characters
static unsigned ntabs = 0;
static std::set<std::string> *pfx_set = 0;
static std::map<std::string, unsigned> *off_map = 0;
static std::map<std::string, std::string> *utf_map = 0;
if (0 == utf_map) {
pfx_set = new std::set<std::string>;
off_map = new std::map<std::string, unsigned>;
utf_map = new std::map<std::string, std::string>;
const n_cmap_citer2 first = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().begin ();
const n_cmap_citer2 last = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().end ();
unsigned off = 0;
for (n_cmap_citer2 it = first; it != last; ++it) {
off_map->insert (std::make_pair (it->first, off));
off += it->first.size () + 1;
std::string utf = utf8_encode (it->second);
utf_map->insert (std::make_pair (utf, it->first));
while (1 < utf.size ()) {
utf = utf.substr (0, utf.size () - 1);
pfx_set->insert (utf);
codecvt_offset_tab_t* const offsets = new codecvt_offset_tab_t;
// number of valid characters inserted into the tables
std::size_t nchars = 0;
std::string mb_char (charp + '\0');
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
unsigned char cur_char = (unsigned char)i;
mb_char [mb_char.size () - 1] = char (cur_char);
const wchar_utf8_iter it = utf_map->find (mb_char);
if (it == utf_map->end ()) {
if (pfx_set->find (mb_char) == pfx_set->end ()) {
offsets->off [cur_char] = UINT_MAX;
else {
offsets->off [cur_char] = ++ntabs | 0x80000000;
nchars += gen_wchar_tables (tab, mb_char, ntabs);
else {
offsets->off [cur_char] = off_map->find (it->second)->second;
tab.insert (std::make_pair (tabno, offsets));
if (0 == ntabs) {
// clean up
delete pfx_set;
delete utf_map;
pfx_set = 0;
utf_map = 0;
return nchars;
std::size_t Def::
gen_utf8_tables (codecvt_offsets_map_t &tab,
std::map<std::string, unsigned> &off_map,
const std::string &charp /* = "" */,
unsigned tabno /* = 0 */)
static unsigned ntabs = 0;
static std::set<std::string> *pfx_set = 0;
static std::map<std::string, wchar_t> *utf_map = 0;
if (0 == pfx_set) {
pfx_set = new std::set<std::string>;
const ucs4_cmap_iter first = charmap_.get_ucs4_cmap ().begin ();
const ucs4_cmap_iter last = charmap_.get_ucs4_cmap ().end ();
for (ucs4_cmap_iter it = first; it != last; ++it) {
for (std::string prefix = utf8_encode (it->second);
1 < prefix.size (); ) {
prefix = prefix.substr (0, prefix.size () - 1);
pfx_set->insert (prefix);
// the set of complete utf8 strings in the current character map
typedef std::map<std::string, wchar_t>::iterator utf8_map_iter;
if (0 == utf_map) {
utf_map = new std::map<std::string, wchar_t>;
const ucs4_cmap_iter first = charmap_.get_ucs4_cmap ().begin ();
const ucs4_cmap_iter last = charmap_.get_ucs4_cmap ().end ();
for (ucs4_cmap_iter it = first; it != last; ++it) {
const std::string utf = utf8_encode (it->second);
utf_map->insert (std::make_pair (utf, it->second));
codecvt_offset_tab_t* const offsets = new codecvt_offset_tab_t;
// number of valid characters inserted into the tables
std::size_t nchars = 0;
std::string mb_char = charp + '\0';
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
unsigned char cur_char = (unsigned char)i;
mb_char [mb_char.size () - 1] = char (cur_char);
const utf8_map_iter where = utf_map->find (mb_char);
if (where == utf_map->end ()) {
if (pfx_set->find (mb_char) == pfx_set->end ()) {
offsets->off [cur_char] = UINT_MAX;
else {
offsets->off [cur_char] = ++ntabs | 0x80000000;
nchars += gen_utf8_tables (tab, off_map, mb_char, ntabs);
else {
// first get the symbolic name
std::string str
= charmap_.get_rucs4_cmap ().find (where->second)->second;
// then get the internal encoding of the character
const wchar_t int_enc = charmap_.get_w_cmap().find (str)->second;
// then get the external encoding to use in a lookup in
// mb_char_off_map
str = charmap_.get_rmb_cmap ().find (int_enc)->second;
offsets->off [cur_char] = off_map.find (str)->second;
tab.insert (std::make_pair (tabno, offsets));
if (0 == ntabs) {
// clean up
delete pfx_set;
delete utf_map;
pfx_set = 0;
utf_map = 0;
return nchars;
void Def::
gen_xlit_data ()
// data offset points to the beginning of the data containing
// the narrow strings character encodings
unsigned int data_offset = 0;
// traverse the map and construct the map of offsets
xlit_map_t::const_iterator it = xlit_map_.begin ();
for (; it != xlit_map_.end (); ++it) {
// insert pair(wchar_t value, offset of first string in data block)
xlit_data_offset_map_.insert (
std::make_pair (it->first,data_offset));
// advance the data_offset value to the next "first" string
std::list<std::string>::const_iterator sit =
it->second.begin ();
for (; sit != it->second.end (); ++sit) {
data_offset += sit->size () + 1;
// create a new table (first), populate it with default values
// and insert it in the tables map
xlit_offset_table_t table0;
unsigned int k;
for (k = 0; k < UCHAR_MAX + 1; ++k)
table0.offset_table [k] = UINT_MAX;
// insert it into the map
xlit_table_map_.insert (std::make_pair(0, table0));
const xlit_map_t::const_iterator xlit_map_end = xlit_map_.end ();
// traverse the map again and build the tables
for (it = xlit_map_.begin (); it != xlit_map_end; ++it) {
// encode the wchar_t value to UTF-8
const std::string utf8_rep (utf8_encode (it->first));
data_offset = xlit_data_offset_map_.find (it->first)->second;
// traverse the utf8 representation string and create the
// necessary tables and populate the indexes
unsigned int table_idx = 0;
const std::string::const_iterator utf8_rep_end = utf8_rep.end ();
std::string::const_iterator string_it = utf8_rep.begin ();
for (; string_it != utf8_rep_end; ++string_it) {
// get the table corresponding to the current index and locate
// the value at that index
const xlit_table_map_t::iterator res =
xlit_table_map_.find (table_idx);
assert (res != xlit_table_map_.end ());
// offset in table
unsigned char off_idx = (unsigned char)*string_it;
// res is the iterator pointing to the correct table in the map
// check the index and if not populated, create a new table
if (res->second.offset_table [off_idx] == UINT_MAX) {
// if this is the last position in the string, then
// fill the table position with the offset of the string data
if ((string_it + 1) == utf8_rep.end ()) {
xlit_data_offset_map_t::const_iterator data_it =
xlit_data_offset_map_.find (it->first);
assert (data_it != xlit_data_offset_map_.end ());
// fill the table position with the found offset
res->second.offset_table [off_idx] = data_it->second;
// create a new table and append it to the map
xlit_offset_table_t table;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; ++i)
table.offset_table [i] = UINT_MAX;
// insert it into the map
unsigned int tmp = xlit_table_map_.size ();
xlit_table_map_.insert (std::make_pair(tmp, table));
// store its index at correct position in current table
res->second.offset_table [off_idx] = tmp | 0x80000000;
table_idx = tmp;
} else {
table_idx =
res->second.offset_table [off_idx] & 0x7FFFFFFF;
void Def::
write_codecvt (std::string dir_name)
// if it has been already written
if (codecvt_written_)
// compose the directory name
((dir_name += _RWSTD_PATH_SEP) += "..") += _RWSTD_PATH_SEP;
dir_name += charmap_.get_code_set_name ();
// check to see if the codecvt database already exists and
// avoid recreating it if it does (as an optimization)
if (std::ifstream (dir_name.c_str ())) {
issue_diag (I_OPENWR, false, 0,
"%s exists, skipping\n", dir_name.c_str ());
// generate multibyte conversion tables
issue_diag (I_STAGE, false, 0, "generating multibyte tables\n");
codecvt_offsets_map_t mbchar_offs;
std::map<std::string, unsigned> off_map;
const std::size_t n_mbchars = gen_mbchar_tables (mbchar_offs, off_map);
// generate wchar_t conversion tables
issue_diag (I_STAGE, false, 0, "generating wchar_t tables\n");
codecvt_offsets_map_t wchar_offs;
const std::size_t n_wchars = gen_wchar_tables (wchar_offs);
// generate UTF-8 conversion conversion tables
issue_diag (I_STAGE, false, 0, "generating UTF-8 tables\n");
codecvt_offsets_map_t uchar_offs;
const std::size_t n_uchars = gen_utf8_tables (uchar_offs, off_map);
// not needed beyond this point, clear it out
off_map.clear ();
// generate the transliteration tables and the transliteration data
issue_diag (I_STAGE, false, 0, "generating transliteration tables\n");
gen_xlit_data ();
// populate the codecvt structure before writing it out
// in binary form to the file (the codecvt database)
_RW::__rw_codecvt_t codecvt_out;
std::memset (&codecvt_out, 0, sizeof codecvt_out);
// calculate byte offsets within the structure
codecvt_out.n_to_w_tab_off = 0;
codecvt_out.w_to_n_tab_off = codecvt_out.n_to_w_tab_off
+ mbchar_offs.size () * (UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof (unsigned);
codecvt_out.utf8_to_ext_tab_off = codecvt_out.w_to_n_tab_off
+ wchar_offs.size () * (UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof (unsigned);
// insert the transliteration tables here
codecvt_out.xliteration_off = codecvt_out.utf8_to_ext_tab_off
+ uchar_offs.size () * (UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof (unsigned);
codecvt_out.wchar_off = codecvt_out.xliteration_off
+ xlit_table_map_.size () * (UCHAR_MAX + 1) * sizeof (unsigned);
codecvt_out.codeset_off = codecvt_out.wchar_off
+ charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().size () * 2 * sizeof (wchar_t);
codecvt_out.charmap_off = codecvt_out.codeset_off
+ charmap_.get_code_set_name ().size () + 1 /* NUL */;
const std::size_t mb_offset = codecvt_out.charmap_off
+ charmap_.get_charmap_name ().size () + 1 /* NUL */;
// compute the size of narrow strings map which added to
// mb_offset will give the start of the transliteration data
std::size_t xlit_data_offset = mb_offset;
mb_cmap_iter iter;
for (iter = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().begin();
iter != charmap_.get_mb_cmap().end(); ++iter) {
xlit_data_offset += iter->first.size() + 1;
// now traverse again the utf8 tables for transliteration data
// and recompute the offsets:
const xlit_table_map_t::const_iterator xlit_table_map_end =
xlit_table_map_.end ();
xlit_table_map_t::iterator xit = xlit_table_map_.begin ();
for (; xit != xlit_table_map_end; ++xit) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; ++i) {
if (xit->second.offset_table [i] & 0x80000000)
// add the offset for xliteration data
xit->second.offset_table [i] += xlit_data_offset;
codecvt_out.mb_cur_max = charmap_.get_mb_cur_max();
issue_diag (I_OPENWR, false, 0, "writing %s\n", dir_name.c_str ());
// create the stream with exceptions enabled
std::ofstream out (dir_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
out.exceptions (std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
// write the codecvt_out structure
out.write ((char*)&codecvt_out, sizeof codecvt_out);
typedef codecvt_offsets_map_t::iterator off_iter_t;
// write out the multibyte to wchar_t tables
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing %lu multibyte tables (%lu characters)\n",
mbchar_offs.size (), n_mbchars);
for (off_iter_t it = mbchar_offs.begin (); it != mbchar_offs.end (); ++it) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
const unsigned off = it->second->off [i];
out.write ((const char*)&off, sizeof off);
delete it->second;
// not needed beyond this point, clear it out
mbchar_offs.clear ();
// write out the wchar_t to multibyte conversion tables
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing %lu wchar_t tables (%lu characters)\n",
wchar_offs.size (), n_wchars);
for (off_iter_t it = wchar_offs.begin (); it != wchar_offs.end (); ++it) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
// adjust offsets to multibyte characters (but not those
// to other tables or invalid encodings)
unsigned off = it->second->off [i];
if (!(off & 0x80000000))
off += mb_offset;
out.write ((const char*)&off, sizeof off);
delete it->second;
// not needed beyond this point, clear it out
wchar_offs.clear ();
// write out the UTF-8 to (libc) multibyte tables
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing %lu UTF-8 tables (%lu characters)\n",
uchar_offs.size (), n_uchars);
for (off_iter_t it = uchar_offs.begin (); it != uchar_offs.end (); ++it) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
// adjust offsets to multibyte characters (but not those
// to other tables or invalid encodings)
unsigned off = it->second->off [i];
if (!(off & 0x80000000))
off += mb_offset;
out.write ((const char*)&off, sizeof off);
delete it->second;
// not needed beyond this point, clear it out
uchar_offs.clear ();
// write out the transliteration UTF-8 lookup tables
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing transliteration table (size %lu)\n",
xlit_table_map_.size ());
xit = xlit_table_map_.begin ();
for (; xit != xlit_table_map_end; ++xit) {
const unsigned int* ptable = &xit->second.offset_table [0];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < UCHAR_MAX + 1; ++i, ++ptable)
out.write ((const char*)ptable, sizeof (unsigned int));
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing the UCS table (%lu characters)\n",
charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().size ());
const mb_cmap_iter n_cmap2_end = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().end ();
// write the locale-encoded wchar_t and the UCS4 wchar_t
for (iter = charmap_.get_mb_cmap ().begin();
iter != n_cmap2_end; ++iter) {
out.write ((const char*)&iter->second, sizeof (iter->second));
out.write ((const char*)& (charmap_.get_ucs4_cmap().find
sizeof (wchar_t));
// write the code_set_name string and charmap string
out << charmap_.get_code_set_name() << std::ends
<< charmap_.get_charmap_name() << std::ends;
// write out the narrow character strings
for (iter = charmap_.get_mb_cmap().begin();
iter != n_cmap2_end; ++iter) {
out.write (iter->first.c_str(), iter->first.size() + 1);
issue_diag (I_WRITE, false, 0,
"writing transliteration data (size %lu)\n",
xlit_map_.size ());
// write out the transliteration data
xlit_map_t::const_iterator xlit_data_it = xlit_map_.begin ();
for (; xlit_data_it != xlit_map_.end (); ++xlit_data_it) {
std::list<std::string>::const_iterator sit =
xlit_data_it->second.begin ();
for (; sit != xlit_data_it->second.end (); ++sit) {
out.write (sit->c_str (), sit->size () + 1);
out.write ("\0", 1);