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* money_manip.cpp - Example program demonstrating the implementation
* of user-defined manipulators for the convenient
* extraction and insertion of monetary values
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <iomanip> // for __rw_smanip
#include <iostream> // for cout
#include <locale> // for money_get, money_put
#include <examples.h>
// implementation class of the extraction manipulator for monetary values
template <class moneyT>
struct money_get_manip
moneyT *pval_;
explicit money_get_manip (moneyT *pval)
: pval_ (pval) { }
template <class charT, class Traits>
operator() (std::basic_ios<charT, Traits> &strm, bool intl) const {
typedef std::istreambuf_iterator<charT> Iter;
typedef std::money_get<charT, Iter> MoneyGet;
std::ios_base::iostate err = std::ios_base::goodbit;
const MoneyGet &mg = std::use_facet<MoneyGet>(strm.getloc ());
// extract the monetary value from the stream
mg.get (Iter (strm.rdbuf ()), Iter (), intl, strm, err, *pval_);
if (std::ios_base::goodbit != err)
strm.setstate (err);
// implementation class of the insertion manipulator for monetary values
template <class moneyT>
struct money_put_manip
const moneyT &val_;
explicit money_put_manip (const moneyT &val)
: val_ (val) { }
template <class charT, class Traits>
operator() (std::basic_ios<charT, Traits> &strm, bool intl) const {
typedef std::ostreambuf_iterator<charT> Iter;
typedef std::money_put<charT, Iter> MoneyPut;
const MoneyPut &tp = std::use_facet<MoneyPut>(strm.getloc ());
// insert the monetary value into the stream
const Iter end =
tp.put (Iter (strm.rdbuf ()), intl, strm, strm.fill (), val_);
if (end.failed ())
strm.setstate (std::ios_base::badbit);
// manipulator for the extraction of monetary long double values
inline std::__rw_smanip<money_get_manip<long double>, bool>
get_money (long double *pval, bool intl = false)
// return an object of the manipulator implementation type
// that will store the function arguments until its function
// call operator is invoked by the extraction operator for
// std::__rw_smanip
typedef money_get_manip<long double> GetMoney;
typedef std::__rw_smanip<GetMoney, bool> Manip;
return Manip (GetMoney (pval), intl);
// manipulator for the extraction of monetary strings
template <class charT>
inline std::__rw_smanip<money_get_manip<std::basic_string<charT> >, bool>
get_money (std::basic_string<charT> *pval, bool intl = false)
// return an object of the manipulator implementation type
// that will store the function arguments until its function
// call operator is invoked by the extraction operator for
// std::__rw_smanip
typedef std::basic_string<charT> String;
typedef money_get_manip<String> GetMoney;
typedef std::__rw_smanip<GetMoney, bool> Manip;
return Manip (GetMoney (pval), intl);
// manipulator for the insertion of monetary long double values
inline std::__rw_smanip<money_put_manip<long double>, bool>
put_money (long double val, bool intl = false)
// return an object of the manipulator implementation type
// that will store the function arguments until its function
// call operator is invoked by the insertion operator for
// std::__rw_smanip
typedef money_put_manip<long double> PutMoney;
typedef std::__rw_smanip<PutMoney, bool> Manip;
return Manip (PutMoney (val), intl);
// manipulator for the insertion of monetary strings
template <class charT>
inline std::__rw_smanip<money_put_manip<std::basic_string<charT> >, bool>
put_money (const std::basic_string<charT> &val, bool intl = false)
// return an object of the manipulator implementation type
// that will store the function arguments until its function
// call operator is invoked by the insertion operator for
// std::__rw_smanip
typedef std::basic_string<charT> String;
typedef money_put_manip<String> PutMoney;
typedef std::__rw_smanip<PutMoney, bool> Manip;
return Manip (PutMoney (val), intl);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
const std::string valstr = argc < 2 ? "0" : argv [1];
// set cin and cout's locale to the one specified in the environment
std::cin.imbue (std::locale (""));
std::cout.imbue (std::cin.getloc ());
// output the monetary value specified by the command line argument,
// including the currency symbol, in both the local and international
// formats
std::cout.setf (std::cout.showbase);
std::cout << put_money (valstr) << '\n';
std::cout << put_money (valstr, true) << '\n';
long double val = 0.0L;
// input a long double monetary value
std::cin >> get_money (&val);
// if the input was successful, output the extracted monetary value
// otherwise, output an error message
if (std::cin.good ()) {
std::cout << put_money (val) << '\n';
std::cout << put_money (val, true) << '\n';
else {
std::cerr << "get_money (long double*) failed\n";
return 1;
return 0;