blob: 1706ccfe07569a55d7a33a50eb3c8f875a2586e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* 22.locale.moneypunct.cpp - tests for the moneypunct facet
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1998-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <locale>
#include <cassert>
#include <clocale> // for LC_ALL, setlocale()
#include <cstdio> // for fprintf(), stderr
#include <cstdlib> // for getenv()
#include <cstring> // for memcmp(), strerror()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test()
#include <environ.h> // for rw_putenv()
#include <rw_locale.h> // for rw_locales()
#include <rw_printf.h> // for rw_fprintf()
typedef unsigned char UChar;
// does a deep copy of struct lconv
std::lconv* lconvdup (const std::lconv *plconv)
if (!plconv)
return 0;
const std::size_t
decimal_point_sz = std::strlen (plconv->decimal_point) + 1,
thousands_sep_sz = std::strlen (plconv->thousands_sep) + 1,
grouping_sz = std::strlen (plconv->grouping) + 1,
int_curr_symbol_sz = std::strlen (plconv->int_curr_symbol) + 1,
currency_symbol_sz = std::strlen (plconv->currency_symbol) + 1,
mon_decimal_point_sz = std::strlen (plconv->mon_decimal_point) + 1,
mon_thousands_sep_sz = std::strlen (plconv->mon_thousands_sep) + 1,
mon_grouping_sz = std::strlen (plconv->mon_grouping) + 1,
positive_sign_sz = std::strlen (plconv->positive_sign) + 1,
negative_sign_sz = std::strlen (plconv->negative_sign) + 1;
const std::size_t total_sz =
+ thousands_sep_sz
+ grouping_sz
+ int_curr_symbol_sz
+ currency_symbol_sz
+ mon_decimal_point_sz
+ mon_thousands_sep_sz
+ mon_grouping_sz
+ positive_sign_sz
+ negative_sign_sz;
char *pbuf = new char [sizeof (std::lconv) + total_sz];
std::lconv *plconv2 = _RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (std::lconv*, pbuf);
plconv2->decimal_point = (pbuf += sizeof (std::lconv));
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->decimal_point, decimal_point_sz);
plconv2->thousands_sep = (pbuf += decimal_point_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->thousands_sep, thousands_sep_sz);
plconv2->grouping = (pbuf += thousands_sep_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->grouping, grouping_sz);
plconv2->int_curr_symbol = (pbuf += grouping_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->int_curr_symbol, int_curr_symbol_sz);
plconv2->currency_symbol = (pbuf += int_curr_symbol_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->currency_symbol, currency_symbol_sz);
plconv2->mon_decimal_point = (pbuf += currency_symbol_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->mon_decimal_point, mon_decimal_point_sz);
plconv2->mon_thousands_sep = (pbuf += mon_decimal_point_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->mon_thousands_sep, mon_thousands_sep_sz);
plconv2->mon_grouping = (pbuf += mon_thousands_sep_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->mon_grouping, mon_grouping_sz);
plconv2->positive_sign = (pbuf += mon_grouping_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->positive_sign, positive_sign_sz);
plconv2->negative_sign = (pbuf += positive_sign_sz);
std::memcpy (pbuf, plconv->negative_sign, negative_sign_sz);
plconv2->int_frac_digits = plconv->int_frac_digits;
plconv2->frac_digits = plconv->frac_digits;
plconv2->p_cs_precedes = plconv->p_cs_precedes;
plconv2->p_sep_by_space = plconv->p_sep_by_space;
plconv2->n_cs_precedes = plconv->n_cs_precedes;
plconv2->n_sep_by_space = plconv->n_sep_by_space;
plconv2->p_sign_posn = plconv->p_sign_posn;
plconv2->n_sign_posn = plconv->n_sign_posn;
plconv2->int_p_cs_precedes = plconv->int_p_cs_precedes;
plconv2->int_p_sep_by_space = plconv->int_p_sep_by_space;
plconv2->int_n_cs_precedes = plconv->int_n_cs_precedes;
plconv2->int_n_sep_by_space = plconv->int_n_sep_by_space;
plconv2->int_p_sign_posn = plconv->int_p_sign_posn;
plconv2->int_n_sign_posn = plconv->int_n_sign_posn;
return plconv2;
template <class charT>
class Test
std::locale loc_;
bool intl_; // international?
const char *char_name_; // charT name ("char" or "wchar_t")
const char *locname_;
const char *lang_;
const char *lc_all_;
const char *lc_monetary_;
typedef std::moneypunct<charT, false> Punct;
typedef std::moneypunct<charT, true> IntlPunct;
Test (const char *cname, bool intl)
: loc_ (), intl_ (intl),
char_name_ (cname),
locname_ (0), lang_ (0), lc_all_ (0), lc_monetary_ (0) { }
void runTest ();
void check_decimal_point (charT);
void check_thousands_sep (charT);
void check_frac_digits (int);
void check_grouping (const std::string&);
typedef std::char_traits<charT> Traits;
typedef std::allocator<charT> Allocator;
typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
void check_curr_symbol (const String&);
void check_positive_sign (const String&);
void check_negative_sign (const String&);
void check_format (const std::lconv&);
void check_format (bool, std::money_base::pattern, const UChar [3]);
bool check_moneypunct (const char*);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
// create a copy of the classic C locale
loc_ = std::locale::classic ();
// verify (at compile time) that _bynam facets can be used
// to specialize use_facet() and has_facet()
typedef std::moneypunct_byname<charT, false> MoneyPunctByname;
typedef std::moneypunct_byname<charT, true> MoneyPunctIntlByname;
if (1) {
if (_STD_HAS_FACET (MoneyPunctByname, loc_))
_V3_USE_FACET (MoneyPunctByname, loc_);
if (_STD_HAS_FACET (MoneyPunctIntlByname, loc_))
_V3_USE_FACET (MoneyPunctIntlByname, loc_);
// note that values in 7.4 of C89, and 7.11, p2 of C99, respectively,
// or '\0' and '\0' for decimal_point and thousands_sep, are specified
// in, p1 and p2 of C++98 to be '.', and ',' in the C locale
check_decimal_point (charT ('.'));
check_thousands_sep (charT (','));
check_frac_digits (0 /* i.e., not available, or same as CHAR_MAX in C */);
check_grouping ("");
const charT empty[] = { '\0' };
check_curr_symbol (empty);
check_positive_sign (empty);
check_negative_sign (empty);
// verify, p7:
// moneypunct<char>, moneypunct<wchar_t>, moneypunct<char,true>, and
// moneypunct<wchar_t,true>, return an object of type pattern initialized
// to { symbol, sign, none, value }
std::money_base::pattern fmat = {
// initializer must be properly bracketed to prevent g++ warnings
const UChar cpat [4] = { '?', '?', '?', 0 };
check_format (false /* negative */, fmat, cpat);
check_format (true /* positive */, fmat, cpat);
// exercise the native locale (affected by the environment
// variables LANG, LC_ALL, LC_MONETARY, etc.)
check_moneypunct (""); // native locale
// the name of the first non-C (and non-POSIX) locale
const char *first_non_c = 0;
// exercise named locales (including "C" and "POSIX")
for (const char* s = rw_locales (); s && *s; s += std::strlen (s) + 1) {
if (check_moneypunct (s))
if ( !first_non_c
&& std::strcmp ("C", s)
&& std::strcmp ("POSIX", s)) {
first_non_c = s;
if (!first_non_c)
// verify that moneypunct behaves correctly when LC_ALL is set
// to the name of the (non-C, non-POSIX) locale
char envvar [80];
// make sure buffer doesn't overflow
assert (std::strlen(first_non_c) + sizeof "LC_ALL=" <= sizeof envvar);
std::sprintf (envvar, "LC_ALL=%s", first_non_c);
rw_putenv (envvar);
check_moneypunct ("");
// remove LC_ALL from the environment
rw_putenv ("LC_ALL=");
std::string convert (const char*, const char *s, const char*)
return std::string (s);
// convert a multibyte character string in an external representation
// to wstring object in an internal representation
convert (const char *locname, const char *s, const wchar_t*)
// save the name of the original locale
const char *savename = std::setlocale (LC_ALL, 0);
// switch to (named) locale
const char *loc = std::setlocale (LC_ALL, locname);
if (!loc) {
rw_fprintf (rw_stderr,
"%s:%d: setlocale (LC_ALL, %s) = 0: %m\n",
return std::wstring ();
// use an extension: allocate but do not initialize
std::wstring res ((wchar_t*)0, 64);
for ( ; ; ) {
// try to convert, resizing buffer if necessary
std::size_t n =
std::mbstowcs (&res [0], s, res.capacity ());
if (res.capacity () == n)
// increase capacity
res.reserve (res.capacity () * 2);
else if (std::size_t (-1) == n) {
// restore the original locale before printing out
// the error message (we don't want it localized)
std::setlocale (LC_ALL, savename);
rw_fprintf (rw_stderr,
"%s:%d: mbstowcs(..., %#s, %zu) "
"= -1: %m\n", __FILE__, __LINE__,
s, res.capacity ());
res = std::wstring (); // mbstowcs() error
else {
// shrink if necessary
res.resize (n);
// restore original locale
std::setlocale (LC_ALL, savename);
return res;
template <class charT>
bool Test<charT>::
check_moneypunct (const char *locname)
// (try to) set the global C locale
char locnamebuf [256];
const char *loc = std::setlocale (LC_MONETARY, locname);
if (!loc)
return false;
loc = std::strcpy (locnamebuf, loc);
locname_ = loc;
// the values of the environment variables LANG, LC_ALL,
// and LC_MONETARY (and others) affect the native locale
lang_ = std::getenv ("LANG");
lc_all_ = std::getenv ("LC_ALL");
lc_monetary_ = std::getenv ("LC_MONETARY");
if (!lang_)
lang_ = "(null)";
if (!lc_all_)
lc_all_ = "(null)";
if (!lc_monetary_)
lc_monetary_ = "(null)";
_TRY {
// get a pointer to lconv and copy data to a temporray buffer
const std::lconv* const plconv = lconvdup (std::localeconv ());
if (!plconv)
return false;
// reset to default locale given by LC_LANG
std::setlocale (LC_MONETARY, "");
// create a new C++ locale object
loc_ = std::locale (locname);
// check that newly constructed locale matches
// the MBCS mon_decimal_point and mon_thousands_sep must
// be properly converted (i.e., *mon_decimal_point may not
// the same as s [0] after the conversion)
String s;
// `locname' may be the empty string, in which case `loc'
// will be set to the actual name of the locale
if ( std::strcmp ("C", locname)
&& std::strcmp ("C", loc)) {
// named locale other than "C" or "POISX"
s = ::convert (locname, plconv->mon_decimal_point, (charT*)0);
check_decimal_point (s.size () ? s [0] : charT ());
s = ::convert (locname, plconv->mon_thousands_sep, (charT*)0);
check_thousands_sep (s.size () ? s [0] : charT ());
check_frac_digits (plconv->int_frac_digits);
else {
// note that values in 7.4 of C89, and 7.11, p2 of C99,
// respectively, or '\0' and '\0' for decimal_point and
// thousands_sep, are specified in, p1 and p2
// of C++98 to be '.', and ',' in the C locale
check_decimal_point (charT ('.'));
check_thousands_sep (charT (','));
// frac_digits is specified as CHAR_MAX (i.e., not available) by C99
// verify that the C++ value is NOT CHAR_MAX, but rather 0 (it could
// be negative with the same result)
check_frac_digits (0);
check_grouping (plconv->mon_grouping);
// convert a (possibly) multibyte string in external
// representation to one in internal representation
s = intl_ ? ::convert (locname, plconv->int_curr_symbol, (charT*)0)
: ::convert (locname, plconv->currency_symbol, (charT*)0);
check_curr_symbol (s);
s = ::convert (locname, plconv->positive_sign, (charT*)0);
check_positive_sign (s);
s = ::convert (locname, plconv->negative_sign, (charT*)0);
check_negative_sign (s);
check_format (*plconv);
// cast away constness to work around compiler bugs (e.g., MSVC 6)
delete _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (std::lconv*, plconv);
_CATCH (...) {
return false;
return true;
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_decimal_point (charT result)
const charT c = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).decimal_point ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).decimal_point ();
rw_assert (std::char_traits<charT>::eq (c, result), 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::decimal_point() == %#lc, got %#lc "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_, result, c,
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_thousands_sep (charT result)
const charT c = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).thousands_sep ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).thousands_sep ();
rw_assert (std::char_traits<charT>::eq (c, result), 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::thousands_sep() == %#lc, got %#lc "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_, result, c,
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_frac_digits (int result)
const int i = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).frac_digits ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).frac_digits ();
rw_assert (i == result, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::frac_digits() == %d, got %d "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_, result, i,
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_grouping (const std::string &result)
const std::string s = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).grouping ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).grouping ();
if ( s != result
&& s.size () != result.size () && s.size () && result.size ()) {
// if the grouping is not exactly the same as the expected result,
// verify that the actual grouping is equivalent to the expected
// one, e.g., that "\003\003" is equivalent to "\003"
const std::string *lng = s.size () > result.size () ? &result : &s;
const std::string *shrt = s.size () < result.size () ? &result : &s;
std::size_t i = shrt->size () - 1;
for ( ; i != lng->size (); ++i)
if ((*shrt) [shrt->size () - 1] != (*lng)[i])
rw_assert (i == lng->size (), 0, __LINE__,
"numpunct<%s, %b>::grouping() equivalent to %#s, got %#s "
"in locale (%#s) with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, "
char_name_, intl_, result.c_str (), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
rw_assert (s == result, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::grouping() == %#s, got %#s "
"in locale (%#s) with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, "
char_name_, intl_, result.c_str (), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
#if 0
// Test disabled: what's meant here is that the pattern, NOT the value,
// is defined identically as that of numpunct<charT>::do_grouping().
// The values are often going to be different since one uses
// lconv::grouping, and the other lconv::mon_grouping.
//, p3: do_grouping() returns a pattern defined identically
// as the result of numpunct<charT>::do_grouping().
const std::string grp =
_V3_USE_FACET (std::numpunct<charT>, loc_).grouping ();
rw_assert (s == grp, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::grouping() == numpunct<>::grouping() == "
"%{*Ac}, got %{*Ac} in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, "
char_name_, intl_,
int (sizeof (charT)), result.c_str (),
int (sizeof (charT)), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
#endif // 0
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_curr_symbol (const String &result)
const String s = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).curr_symbol ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).curr_symbol ();
rw_assert (s == result, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::curr_symbol() == %{*Ac}, got %{*Ac} "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_,
int (sizeof (charT)), result.c_str (),
int (sizeof (charT)), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_positive_sign (const String &result)
const String s = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).positive_sign ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).positive_sign ();
rw_assert (s == result, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::positive_sign() == %{*Ac}, got %{*Ac} "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_,
int (sizeof (charT)), result.c_str (),
int (sizeof (charT)), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_negative_sign (const String &result)
const String s = intl_ ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).negative_sign ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).negative_sign ();
rw_assert (s == result, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::negative_sign() == %{*Ac}, got %{*Ac} "
"in locale (\"%s\") with LANG=%s, LC_ALL=%s, LC_MONETARY=%s",
char_name_, intl_,
int (sizeof (charT)), result.c_str (),
int (sizeof (charT)), s.c_str (),
locname_, lang_, lc_all_, lc_monetary_);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_format (const std::lconv &lc)
const UChar cpat [2][2][3] = {
// ^ ^ ^
// | | |
// | | +--- cs_precedes, sep_by_space, sign_posn
// | +------ positive, negative
// +--------- local, international
// C90 positive local format
{ lc.p_cs_precedes, lc.p_sep_by_space, lc.p_sign_posn },
// C90 negative local format
{ lc.n_cs_precedes, lc.n_sep_by_space, lc.n_sign_posn }
{ // C99 positive international format
{ lc.int_p_cs_precedes, lc.int_p_sep_by_space, lc.int_p_sign_posn},
// C99 negative international format
{ lc.int_n_cs_precedes, lc.int_n_sep_by_space, lc.int_n_sign_posn }
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_LCONV_INT_FMAT)
{ lc.p_cs_precedes, lc.p_sep_by_space, lc.p_sign_posn },
{ lc.n_cs_precedes, lc.n_sep_by_space, lc.n_sign_posn }
// cs_precedes [0..1]:
// An integer set to 1 if the currency_symbol precedes the value
// for a monetary value, and set to 0 if the symbol succeeds
// the value.
// sep_by_space [0..2]:
// 0 No space separates the currency_symbol from the value for
// a monetary value.
// 1 If the currency symbol and sign string are adjacent, a space
// separates them from the value; otherwise, a space separates
// the currency symbol from the value.
// 2 If the currency symbol and sign string are adjacent, a space
// separates them; otherwise, a space separates the sign string
// from the value.
// sign_posn [0..4]:
// An integer set to a value indicating the positioning of the
// positive_sign for a monetary value. The following integer
// values shall be recognized:
// 0 Parentheses enclose the value and the currency_symbol.
// 1 The sign string precedes the value and the currency_symbol.
// 2 The sign string succeeds the value and the currency_symbol.
// 3 The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol.
// 4 The sign string immediately succeeds the currency_symbol.
enum {
none = std::money_base::none,
space = std::money_base::space,
symbol = std::money_base::symbol,
sign = std::money_base::sign,
value = std::money_base::value
static const std::money_base::pattern patterns[] = {
/* 000: -1$. */ { { sign, value, symbol, none } }, // "\3\4\2\0"
/* 001: -1$. */ { { sign, value, symbol, none } }, // "\3\4\2\0"
/* 002: 1$-. */ { { value, symbol, sign, none } }, // "\4\2\3\0"
/* 003: 1-$. */ { { value, sign, symbol, none } }, // "\4\3\2\0"
/* 004: 1$-. */ { { value, symbol, sign, none } }, // "\4\2\3\0"
/* 010: -1 $ */ { { sign, value, space, symbol } }, // "\3\4\1\2"
/* 011: -1 $ */ { { sign, value, space, symbol } }, // "\3\4\1\2"
/* 012: 1 $- */ { { value, space, symbol, sign } }, // "\4\1\2\3"
/* 013: 1 -$ */ { { value, space, sign, symbol } }, // "\4\3\3\2"
/* 014: 1 $- */ { { value, space, symbol, sign } }, // "\4\1\2\3"
/* 020: - 1$ */ { { sign, space, value, symbol } }, // "\3\1\4\2"
/* 021: - 1$ */ { { sign, space, value, symbol } }, // "\3\\14\2"
/* 022: 1$ - */ { { value, symbol, space, sign } }, // "\4\2\1\3"
/* 023: 1- $ */ { { value, sign, space, symbol } }, // "\4\3\1\2"
/* 024: 1$ - */ { { value, symbol, space, sign } }, // "\4\2\1\3"
/* 100: -$1. */ { { sign, symbol, value, none } }, // "\3\2\4\0"
/* 101: -$1. */ { { sign, symbol, value, none } }, // "\3\2\4\0"
/* 102: $1-. */ { { symbol, value, sign, none } }, // "\2\4\3\0"
/* 103: -$1. */ { { sign, symbol, value, none } }, // "\3\2\4\0"
/* 104: $-1. */ { { symbol, sign, value, none } }, // "\2\3\4\0"
/* 110: -$ 1 */ { { sign, symbol, space, value } }, // "\3\2\1\4"
/* 111: -$ 1 */ { { sign, symbol, space, value } }, // "\3\2\1\4"
/* 112: $ 1- */ { { symbol, space, value, sign } }, // "\2\1\4\3"
/* 113: -$ 1 */ { { sign, symbol, space, value } }, // "\3\2\1\4"
/* 114: $- 1 */ { { symbol, sign, space, value } }, // "\2\3\1\4"
/* 120: - $1 */ { { sign, space, symbol, value } }, // "\3\1\2\4"
/* 121: - $1 */ { { sign, space, symbol, value } }, // "\3\1\2\4"
/* 122: $1 - */ { { symbol, value, space, sign } }, // "\2\4\1\3"
/* 123: - $1 */ { { sign, space, symbol, value } }, // "\3\1\2\4"
/* 124: $ -1 */ { { symbol, space, sign, value } } // "\2\1\3\4"
for (int neg = 0; neg != 2; ++neg) {
enum { cs_precedes, sep_by_space, sign_posn };
// ignore unspecified formats (-1)
if ( cpat [intl_][neg][cs_precedes] > 1
|| cpat [intl_][neg][sep_by_space] > 2
|| cpat [intl_][neg][sign_posn] > 4)
const int inx =
cpat [intl_][neg][cs_precedes] * 3 * 5
+ cpat [intl_][neg][sep_by_space] * 5
+ cpat [intl_][neg][sign_posn];
check_format (!neg, patterns [inx], cpat [intl_][neg]);
template <class charT>
void Test<charT>::
check_format (bool pos, std::money_base::pattern result, const UChar cpat [3])
const std::money_base::pattern pat =
intl_ ? pos ? _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).pos_format ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (IntlPunct, loc_).neg_format ()
: pos ? _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).pos_format ()
: _V3_USE_FACET (Punct, loc_).neg_format ();
// number of times each symbol appears in pattern
int counts [5] = { 0 };
for (unsigned i = 0; i != sizeof pat.field / sizeof *pat.field; i++) {
if (UChar (pat.field [i] < char (sizeof counts / sizeof *counts)))
++counts [UChar (pat.field [i])];
// verify, p1
if (std::money_base::none == pat.field [i] && !i)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::%s_format() == %{LM}, "
"none must not appear first",
char_name_, intl_, pos ? "pos" : "neg",
if ( std::money_base::space == pat.field [i]
&& !i && i != sizeof pat.field / sizeof *pat.field - 1)
rw_assert (false, 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::%s_format() == %{LM}, "
"space must not appear first or last",
char_name_, intl_, pos ? "pos" : "neg",
// verify that the actual pattern matches the expected one
rw_assert (0 == std::memcmp (&pat, &result, sizeof pat), 0, __LINE__,
"moneypunct<%s, %b>::%s_format() == %{LM}, got %{LM}; "
"(cs_precedes = '\\%o', sep_by_space = '\\%o', "
"sign_posn = '\\%o')",
char_name_, intl_, pos ? "pos" : "neg",
pat.field, result.field, cpat [0], cpat [1], cpat [2]);
// verify, p1
rw_assert (1 == counts [std::money_base::symbol], 0, __LINE__,
"money_base::symbol must apear exactly once, did %d times",
counts [std::money_base::symbol]);
rw_assert (1 == counts [std::money_base::sign], 0, __LINE__,
"money_base::sign must apear exactly once, did %d times",
counts [std::money_base::sign]);
rw_assert (1 == counts [std::money_base::value], 0, __LINE__,
"money_base::value must apear exactly once, did %d times",
counts [std::money_base::value]);
rw_assert (1 == counts [std::money_base::space]
+ counts [std::money_base::none], 0, __LINE__,
"money_base::space or money_base::none must appear "
"exactly once, did %d times",
counts [std::money_base::space]
+ counts [std::money_base::none]);
static int
run_test (int, char**)
Test<char> t ("char", false);
t.runTest ();
Test<char> t ("char", true);
t.runTest ();
Test<wchar_t> t ("wchar_t", false);
t.runTest ();
Test<wchar_t> t ("wchar_t", true);
t.runTest ();
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
(void*)0 /* sentinel */);