blob: 90bebba114c802bc074b3b1f436aa816699c8c09 [file] [log] [blame]
* 23.deque.special.cpp - test exercising [lib.deque.special]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <deque> // for deque
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test(), ...
struct DequeValueType { };
typedef std::allocator<DequeValueType> DequeAllocator;
typedef std::deque<DequeValueType, DequeAllocator> DequeType;
int deque_swap_called;
// define an explicit specialization of the deque::swap() member
// to verify tha the non-member swap function calls the member
void DequeType::swap (DequeType&)
} // namespace std
void test_std_swap ()
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"Testing std::swap (std::deque&, std::deque&) "
"calls std::deque::swap");
// verify the signature of the function specialization
void (*pswap)(DequeType&, DequeType&) =
&std::swap<DequeValueType, DequeAllocator>;
_RWSTD_UNUSED (pswap);
// verify that std::swap() calls std::deque::swap()
DequeType d;
std::swap (d, d);
rw_assert (1 == deque_swap_called, 0, __LINE__,
"std::swap (std::deque<T, A>&, std::deque<T, A>&) called "
"std::deque<T, A>::swap (std::deque<T, A>&) exactly once; "
"got %d times", deque_swap_called);
typedef std::deque<UserClass, std::allocator<UserClass> > Deque;
Deque::size_type new_capacity;
namespace __rw {
inline Deque::size_type
__rw_new_capacity<Deque>(Deque::size_type n, const Deque*)
if (n) {
// non-zero size argument indicates a request for an increase
// in the capacity of a deque object's dynamically sizable
// vector of nodes
return n * 2;
// zero size argument is a request for the initial size of a deque
// object's dynamically sizable vector of nodes or for the size of
// the objects's fixed-size buffer for elements
return new_capacity;
template <class T, class Allocator>
void test_swap (const T *lhs_seq, std::size_t lhs_seq_len,
const T *rhs_seq, std::size_t rhs_seq_len,
std::deque<T, Allocator>*,
const char *tname)
typedef std::deque<T, Allocator> Deque;
typedef typename Deque::iterator Iterator;
typedef typename Deque::size_type SizeType;
// create two containers from the provided sequences
Deque lhs (lhs_seq, lhs_seq + lhs_seq_len);
Deque rhs (rhs_seq, rhs_seq + rhs_seq_len);
// save the begin and and iterators and the size
// of each container before swapping the objects
const Iterator lhs_begin_0 = lhs.begin ();
const Iterator lhs_end_0 = lhs.end ();
const SizeType lhs_size_0 = lhs.size ();
const Iterator rhs_begin_0 = rhs.begin ();
const Iterator rhs_end_0 = rhs.end ();
const SizeType rhs_size_0 = rhs.size ();
// swap the two containers
lhs.swap (rhs);
// compute the begin and and iterators and the size
// of each container after swapping the objects
const Iterator lhs_begin_1 = lhs.begin ();
const Iterator lhs_end_1 = lhs.end ();
const SizeType lhs_size_1 = lhs.size ();
const Iterator rhs_begin_1 = rhs.begin ();
const Iterator rhs_end_1 = rhs.end ();
const SizeType rhs_size_1 = rhs.size ();
// verify that the iterators and sizes
// of the two objects were swapped
rw_assert (lhs_begin_0 == rhs_begin_1 && lhs_begin_1 == rhs_begin_0,
0, __LINE__,
"begin() not swapped for \"%{X=*.*}\" and \"%{X=*.*}\"",
int (lhs_seq_len), -1, lhs_seq,
int (rhs_seq_len), -1, rhs_seq);
rw_assert (lhs_end_0 == rhs_end_1 && lhs_end_1 == rhs_end_0,
0, __LINE__,
"end() not swapped for \"%{X=*.*}\" and \"%{X=*.*}\"",
int (lhs_seq_len), -1, lhs_seq,
int (rhs_seq_len), -1, rhs_seq);
rw_assert (lhs_size_0 == rhs_size_1 && lhs_size_1 == rhs_size_0,
0, __LINE__,
"size() not swapped for \"%{X=*.*}\" and \"%{X=*.*}\"",
int (lhs_seq_len), -1, lhs_seq,
int (rhs_seq_len), -1, rhs_seq);
// swap one of the containers with an empty unnamed temporary
// container and verify that the object is empty
{ Deque ().swap (lhs); }
const Iterator lhs_begin_2 = lhs.begin ();
const Iterator lhs_end_2 = lhs.end ();
const SizeType lhs_size_2 = lhs.size ();
rw_assert (lhs_begin_2 == lhs_end_2, 0, __LINE__,
"deque<%s>().begin() not swapped for \"%{X=*.*}\"",
tname, int (rhs_seq_len), -1, rhs_seq);
rw_assert (0 == lhs_size_2, 0, __LINE__,
"deque<%s>().size() not swapped for \"%{X=*.*}\"",
tname, int (rhs_seq_len), -1, rhs_seq);
template <class T>
void test_swap (const T*, const char* tname)
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::deque<%s>::swap(deque<%1$s>&)", tname);
typedef std::deque<T, std::allocator<T> > MyDeque;
typedef typename MyDeque::iterator Iterator;
// create two empty deque objects
MyDeque empty [2];
// save their begin and end iterators before calling swap
const Iterator before [2][2] = {
{ empty [0].begin (), empty [0].end () },
{ empty [1].begin (), empty [1].end () }
// swap the two containers
empty [0].swap (empty [1]);
// get the new begin and end iterators
const Iterator after [2][2] = {
{ empty [0].begin (), empty [0].end () },
{ empty [1].begin (), empty [1].end () }
// verify that the iterators have not been invalidated
rw_assert ( before [0][0] == after [1][0]
&& before [1][0] == after [0][0], 0, __LINE__,
"deque<%s>().begin() not swapped", tname);
rw_assert ( before [0][1] == after [1][1]
&& before [1][1] == after [0][1], 0, __LINE__,
"deque<%s>().end() not swapped", tname);
// static to zero-initialize if T is a POD type
static T seq [32];
const std::size_t seq_len = sizeof seq / sizeof *seq;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != seq_len; ++i) {
for (std::size_t j = 0; j != seq_len; ++j) {
test_swap (seq, i, seq, j, (MyDeque*)0, tname);
void test_swap ()
test_swap ((int*)0, "int");
test_swap ((UserClass*)0, "UserClass");
int run_test (int, char**)
// Test std::swap calling std::deque::swap
test_std_swap ();
static const Deque::size_type caps[] = {
2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 32
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != sizeof caps / sizeof *caps; ++i) {
new_capacity = caps [i];
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"__rw::__rw_new_capacity<std::deque<UserClass> >(0) = %u",
_RW::__rw_new_capacity (0, (Deque*)0));
test_swap ();
return 0;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
0 /* co command line options */);