blob: caf5e657ad8726e5bb14cb2b9fc54745da2bf529 [file] [log] [blame]
* 25.lower.bound.cpp - test exercising [lib.lower.bound]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <rw/_config.h>
#if defined (__IBMCPP__) && !defined (_RWSTD_NO_IMPLICIT_INCLUSION)
// disable implicit inclusion to work around a limitation
// of IBM VisualAge 5.0 (see PR #26959)
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <alg_test.h>
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h>
// distinct and not Less-Than-Comparable with class UserClass (except as
// defined below) to detect unwarranted assumptions made by the
// implementation of the algorithms
struct Y
UserClass xval_;
// not Default-Constructible
Y (int /* dummy */, int /*dummy */): xval_ () { }
// CopyConstructible
Y (const Y &rhs): xval_ (rhs.xval_) { }
void operator=(Y&); // not Assignable
inline conv_to_bool
operator< (const UserClass &lhs, const Y &rhs)
return conv_to_bool::make (lhs < rhs.xval_);
// predicate used as the Compare argument to lower_bound()
struct LessThan
static std::size_t funcalls_;
LessThan (int /* dummy */, int /* dummy */) {
funcalls_ = 0;
// return a type other than bool but one that is implicitly
// convertible to bool to detect incorrect assumptions
conv_to_bool operator() (const UserClass &lhs, const Y &rhs) {
return conv_to_bool::make (lhs < rhs.xval_);
void operator= (LessThan&); // not assignable
std::size_t LessThan::funcalls_;
template <class ForwardIterator>
void test_lower_bound (int line,
const char *src_str,
char val_char,
std::size_t result_off,
std::size_t ncomp,
const ForwardIterator*,
const char *itname,
bool predicate)
RW_ASSERT (0 != src_str);
const std::size_t nsrc = std::strlen (src_str);
UserClass* const xsrc = UserClass::from_char (src_str, nsrc);
if (nsrc < result_off)
result_off = nsrc;
// construct the source range to pass to the algorithm
const ForwardIterator first (xsrc, xsrc, xsrc + nsrc);
const ForwardIterator last (xsrc + nsrc, xsrc + nsrc, xsrc + nsrc);
// construct the object to pass to the algorithm
// the type of the object is distinct from the iterator's value_type
// to detect unwarranted assumptions made by the implementation
Y value (0, 0 /* dummy arguments */);
value.xval_.data_.val_ = val_char;
// construct the Compare function object to pass to the algorithm
// when `predicate' is true
const LessThan comp (0, 0 /* dummy arguments */);
// reset the counter of invocations of UserClass::operator<()
UserClass::n_total_op_lt_ = 0;
// invoke the appropriate form of the algorithm, storing
// the resturned value
const ForwardIterator result = predicate
? std::lower_bound (first, last, value, comp)
: std::lower_bound (first, last, value);
// silence bogus EDG eccp 3.6 remark #550-D:
// variable was set but never used
_RWSTD_UNUSED (result);
// verify correctness
const std::size_t off = std::size_t (result.cur_ - xsrc);
rw_assert (off == result_off, 0, line,
"lower_bound(%s = \"%s\", ...%{?}%#c%{;}) ==> "
"first + %zu, got %zu",
itname, src_str, !predicate, val_char,
off, result_off);
// verify complexity
const std::size_t funcalls = predicate
? LessThan::funcalls_ : UserClass::n_total_op_lt_;
rw_assert (funcalls <= ncomp, 0, line,
"lower_bound(%s = \"%s\", ...%{?}%#c%{;}) complexity: "
"invoked predicate at most %zu times, got %zu",
itname, src_str, !predicate, val_char,
ncomp, funcalls);
delete[] xsrc;
template <class ForwardIterator>
void test_lower_bound (const ForwardIterator*,
const char *itname,
bool predicate)
#define TEST(str, val, off, comp) \
test_lower_bound (__LINE__, str, val, std::size_t (off), \
std::size_t (comp), (ForwardIterator*)0, \
itname, predicate)
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"std::lower_bound (%s, %1$s, const UserClass&%{?}, %s%{;})",
itname, predicate, "LessThan");
// +--------------- source sequence
// | +--------- value argument
// | | +----- offset of the resturned iterator, -1 for end
// | | | +-- complexity: at most (log(last - first) + 1)
// | | | | comparisons (or applications of the predicate)
// | | | |
// V V V V
TEST ("", 'a', 0, 0);
TEST ("a", 'a', 0, 1);
TEST ("a", 'b', 1, 1);
TEST ("b", 'a', 0, 1);
TEST ("aa", 'a', 0, 2);
TEST ("ab", 'a', 0, 2);
TEST ("ab", 'b', 1, 2);
TEST ("bb", 'a', 0, 2);
TEST ("ace", 'a', 0, 3);
TEST ("ace", 'b', 1, 3);
TEST ("ace", 'c', 1, 3);
TEST ("ace", 'd', 2, 3);
TEST ("ace", 'e', 2, 3);
TEST ("ace", 'f', 3, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'a', 0, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'b', 1, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'c', 1, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'd', 2, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'e', 2, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'f', 3, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'g', 3, 3);
TEST ("aceg", 'h', 4, 3);
static int rw_opt_no_fwd_iter;
static int rw_opt_no_bidir_iter;
static int rw_opt_no_rnd_iter;
static int rw_opt_no_predicate;
static void
test_lower_bound (bool predicate)
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "template <class %s, class %s%{?}, class %s%{;}> "
"std::lower_bound (%1$s, %1$s, const UserClass&%{?}, %4$s%{;})",
"ForwardIterator", "UserClass", predicate, "Compare", predicate);
if (rw_opt_no_fwd_iter) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "ForwardIterator test disabled");
else {
test_lower_bound ((FwdIter<UserClass>*)0, "ForwardIterator", predicate);
if (rw_opt_no_bidir_iter) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "BidirectionalIterator test disabled");
else {
test_lower_bound ((BidirIter<UserClass>*)0, "BidirectionalIterator",
if (rw_opt_no_fwd_iter) {
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "RandomAccessIterator test disabled");
else {
test_lower_bound ((RandomAccessIter<UserClass>*)0,
"RandomAccessIterator", predicate);
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
test_lower_bound (false);
if (rw_opt_no_predicate) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"test of the Predicate form of std::lower_bound disabled");
else {
test_lower_bound (true);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
"|-no-Predicate# "
"|-no-ForwardIterator# "
"|-no-BidirectionalIterator# "