blob: e49858ebbf5117e0990beb6e430978ff6a4a06bd [file] [log] [blame]
* time_put.cpp - Example program for the std::time_put facet.
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1998-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
// NOTE: due to a SunPro bug, <ctime> must preceed <locale> (see PR #26255)
#include <ctime> // for struct tm
#include <exception> // for exception
#include <iostream> // for cout, endl
#include <locale> // for locale, time_put
#include <sstream> // for ostringstream
#include <examples.h>
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// zero-out all members (including any non-standard ones)
std::tm t = std::tm ();
// assign individual members, being careful to avoid relying
// on the implementation-defined layout of the struct
t.tm_sec = 56; // seconds
t.tm_min = 34; // minutes
t.tm_hour = 14; // hours (i.e., 2 PM)
t.tm_mday = 3; // day of month
t.tm_mon = 1; // month (February)
t.tm_year = 84; // years since 1900 (i.e., 1984)
t.tm_yday = 33; // day of the year
t.tm_wday = 5; // Sunday-based weekday (Friday)
t.tm_isdst = 0; // Daylight Saving Time
// array of all supported conversion specifiers
static const struct {
// const below commented out to avoid compiler warnings
// such as HP aCC's Warning 578: A class member may not
// be a const array since there is no way to initialize
// such a member.
/* const */ char spec [4]; // specifier
/* const */ char desc [40]; // description
} fmt[] = {
// plain (unmodified) conversion specifiers
{ "%a", "abbreviated weekday name" },
{ "%A", "full weekday name" },
{ "%b", "abbreviated month name" },
{ "%B", "full month name" },
{ "%c", "date and time" },
{ "%C", "two-digit year [00,99]" },
{ "%d", "month number [01,31]" },
{ "%D", "date as \"%m/%d/%y\"" },
{ "%e", "month number [ 1,31]" },
{ "%F", "date as \"%Y-%m-%d\"" },
{ "%g", "week-based year [00,99]" },
{ "%G", "week-based year" },
{ "%h", "same as \"%b\"" },
{ "%H", "hour [00-23]" },
{ "%I", "hour [01-12]" },
{ "%j", "day of the year [001,366]" },
{ "%k", "hour [ 0,23]" },
{ "%l", "hour [ 1,12]" },
{ "%m", "month number [01,12]" },
{ "%M", "minute [00,59]" },
{ "%n", "newline character" },
{ "%p", "a.m. or p.m. equivalent" },
{ "%r", "AM/PM time" },
{ "%R", "24-hour time" },
{ "%S", "second [00,60]" },
{ "%t", "tab character" },
{ "%T", "time as \"%H:%M:%S\"" },
{ "%u", "Monday-based weekday [1,7]" },
{ "%U", "week number [00,53]" },
{ "%V", "week numver [01,53]" },
{ "%w", "weekday [0,6]" },
{ "%W", "week number [00,53]" },
{ "%x", "date" },
{ "%X", "time" },
{ "%y", "two-digit year [00,99]" },
{ "%Y", "year" },
{ "%z", "offset from UTC" },
{ "%Z", "time zone" },
{ "%%", "percent character" },
// modified conversion specifiers
{ "%Ec", "" },
{ "%EC", "" },
{ "%Ex", "" },
{ "%EX", "" },
{ "%Ey", "" },
{ "%EY", "" },
{ "%Od", "" },
{ "%Oe", "" },
{ "%OH", "" },
{ "%OI", "" },
{ "%Om", "" },
{ "%OM", "" },
{ "%OS", "" },
{ "%Ou", "" },
{ "%OU", "" },
{ "%OV", "" },
{ "%Ow", "" },
{ "%OW", "" },
{ "%Oy", "" }
if (1 < argc) {
try {
// imbue the locale specified by the argument in cout
std::cout.imbue (std::locale (argv [1]));
catch (std::exception &ex) {
// print out the reason for the failure and exit
std::cerr << ex.what () << '\n';
return 1;
// retrieve the time_put facet installed in cout
const std::time_put<char> &tput =
std::use_facet<std::time_put<char> >(std::cout.getloc ());
// left-justify text
std::cout.setf (std::cout.left);
// print out the time value formatted according to each
// of the conversion specifiers defined above
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != sizeof fmt / sizeof *fmt; ++i) {
const char* const spec = fmt [i].spec;
std::ostringstream tmp;
// format the directive, in quotes, in a temporary stringstream
tmp << '"' << spec << '"';
// format the quoted directive in a field of the given width
std::cout << " ";
std::cout.width (8);
std::cout << tmp.str ();
// clear the temporary stringstream
tmp.str ("");
tmp << '"';
if ('n' == spec [1])
tmp << "\\n";
else if ('t' == spec [1])
tmp << "\\t";
tput.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(tmp.rdbuf ()),
std::cout, '\0', &t, spec,
spec + std::char_traits<char>::length (spec));
tmp << '"';
// format the string in a field of the given width
std::cout.width (32);
std::cout << tmp.str ();
// clear the temporary stringstream
tmp.str ("");
const char* const d = spec + 1 + ('E' == *spec || 'O' == *spec);
if ('c' == *d || 'r' == *d || 'x' == *d || 'X' == *d) {
if (*fmt [i].desc) {
// format the description of the directive
tmp << fmt [i].desc << " (";
tmp << "\"";
// extension of this implementation:
// for %c, %r, %x, and %X, write out the formatting
// string that the conversion specifier expands to
tput.put (std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(tmp.rdbuf ()),
std::cout, '\0', 0, spec,
spec + std::char_traits<char>::length (spec));
tmp << "\"";
if (*fmt [i].desc)
tmp << ')';
else if (*fmt [i].desc) {
// format the description of the directive
tmp << fmt [i].desc;
std::cout << tmp.str () << '\n';
return 0;