blob: d9d3ad6c4018390b685e67d1bdca627cfdb02079 [file] [log] [blame]
* This is an internal header file used to implement the C++ Standard
* Library. It should never be #included directly by a program.
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <rw/_defs.h>
# include <rw/_meta_arr.h>
# include <rw/_meta_ptr.h>
# include <rw/_meta_ref.h>
# include <rw/_meta_cat.h>
# include <rw/_meta_cv.h>
# include <rw/_meta_cv.h>
# include <rw/_meta_ptr.h>
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_same : __rw_false_type
template <class _TypeT>
struct __rw_is_same<_TypeT, _TypeT> : __rw_true_type
#define _RWSTD_IS_SAME(T,U) _RW::__rw_is_same<T,U>::value
// Primary template handles case that either of _Base or _Derived
// is not a class type.
template <class _Base, class _Derived,
bool = __rw_is_class<_Base>::value
&& __rw_is_class<_Derived>::value>
struct __rw_is_base_of_impl
enum { _C_value = 0 };
// This specialization is for the case that _Base and
// _Derived are class types, but not the same type.
// This little gem was taken from a comp.lang.c++.moderated post
// by Rani Sharoni [see]
template <class _Base, class _Derived>
struct __rw_is_base_of_impl<_Base, _Derived, true>
struct _C_no { };
struct _C_yes { _C_no __pad [2]; };
struct _C_nest
operator const volatile _Base& () const;
operator const volatile _Derived& ();
// the template is used so that the compiler will prefer the
// non-template _C_is, in case that the conversion would be
// ambiguous (as it is in the case where the types are unrelated).
template <class _TypeT>
static _C_yes _C_is (const volatile _Derived&, _TypeT);
static _C_no _C_is (const volatile _Base& , int);
enum { _C_value =
_RW::__rw_is_same<const volatile _Base,
const volatile _Derived&>::value
|| sizeof (_C_yes) == sizeof (_C_nest::_C_is (_C_nest (), 0))
// This specialization is for the case that _Base and
// _Derived are the same class type.
template <class _TypeT>
struct __rw_is_base_of_impl<_TypeT, _TypeT, true>
enum { _C_value = 1 };
# define _RWSTD_IS_BASE_OF(T,U) \
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
# define _RWSTD_IS_BASE_OF(T,U) \
( _RW::__rw_is_class<T>::value \
&& _RW::__rw_is_class<U>::value \
#endif // _RWSTD_TT_IS_BASE_OF
template <class _Base, class _Derived>
struct __rw_is_base_of
: __rw_integral_constant<bool, _RWSTD_IS_BASE_OF(_Base,_Derived)>
// && _RWSTD_IS_CLASS (_Derived)
// && !_RWSTD_IS_SAME(_Base, _Derived)
// ||
template <class _From, class _To>
struct __rw_is_convertible_impl
struct _C_no { };
struct _C_yes { _C_no __pad [2]; };
struct _Dummy
template <class _Anything>
_Dummy (_Anything);
template <class _TypeT>
static _C_no _C_is (_Dummy, _TypeT);
static _C_yes _C_is (_To, int);
static _From _C_make ();
enum { _C_value = sizeof (_C_yes) == sizeof (_C_is (_C_make (), 0)) };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU,
bool = __rw_is_array<_TypeT>::value,
bool = __rw_is_function<_TypeT>::value>
struct __rw_is_convertible_3
// _TypeT is neither an array nor a function type, so just do a
// straight conversion test
enum { _C_value = __rw_is_convertible_impl<_TypeT, _TypeU>::_C_value };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_3<_TypeT, _TypeU, true, false>
// _TypeT is an array type, see if we can convert it to a _TypeU*
typedef typename __rw_remove_extent<_TypeT>::type _TypeV;
typedef typename __rw_add_pointer<_TypeV>::type _TypeT_Ptr;
enum { _C_value =
__rw_is_convertible_impl<_TypeT_Ptr, _TypeU>::_C_value };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_3<_TypeT, _TypeU, false, true>
// _TypeT is an function type, try to convert to reference or pointer
typedef typename __rw_add_lvalue_reference<_TypeT>::type _TypeT_Ref;
typedef typename __rw_add_pointer<_TypeT>::type _TypeT_Ptr;
enum { _C_value =
__rw_is_convertible_impl<_TypeT_Ref, _TypeU>::_C_value
|| __rw_is_convertible_impl<_TypeT_Ptr, _TypeU>::_C_value };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU,
bool = __rw_is_array<_TypeU>::value
|| __rw_is_function<_TypeU>::value>
struct __rw_is_convertible_2
// _TypeU is neither an array nor a function type
enum { _C_value = __rw_is_convertible_3<_TypeT, _TypeU>::_C_value };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_2<_TypeT, _TypeU, true>
// _TypeU is either an array or a function type, and we can't convert to
// either of those.
enum { _C_value = 0 };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU, bool = __rw_is_void<_TypeT>::value,
bool = __rw_is_void<_TypeU>::value>
struct __rw_is_convertible_1
// void-to-non-void or non-void to void
enum { _C_value = 0 };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_1<_TypeT, _TypeU, false, false>
// neither is _TypeT or _TypeU is (possibly cv-qualified) void
enum { _C_value = __rw_is_convertible_2<_TypeT,_TypeU>::_C_value };
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_1<_TypeT, _TypeU, true, true>
// both _TypeT and _TypeU are (possibly cv-qualified) void
enum { _C_value = 1 };
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible_1
enum { _C_value =
__rw_is_void<_TypeT>::value && __rw_is_void<_TypeU>::value
template <class _TypeT, class _TypeU>
struct __rw_is_convertible
: __rw_integral_constant<bool, _RWSTD_IS_CONVERTIBLE(_TypeT,_TypeU)>
// || _RWSTD_IS_ARRAY (_TypeT)
// || _RWSTD_IS_VOID (_TypeT));
} // namespace __rw