blob: e67746fea2782b87ba87a0ebe92725d46e4200e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* time.cpp
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2001-2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include "def.h" // for Def
#include "diagnostic.h" // for issue_diag()
#include "path.h" // for get_pathname()
#include "scanner.h" // for scanner
#include <cassert> // for assert()
#include <cstdio> // for fscanf()
#include <cstring> // for strcmp(), strtok()
#include <fstream> // for ofstream
static const char lc_name[] = "LC_TIME";
void Def::
parse_era (const token_t& tok)
// to make processing the era a little easier, first convert
// the era_str with possible symbolic names to a narrow string
// without symbolic names
std::string era = convert_string (;
if (era.empty ())
// we need to also parse the wide version of this string so that we
// may get the wide version of the era name and format
const std::wstring wera = convert_wstring (tok);
char* const erap = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (char*, era.c_str ());
const wchar_t* const werap = wera.c_str ();
// first get the direction
char* tokp = std::strtok (erap, ":");
const char direction = tokp ? *tokp : '\0';
era_st tmp_era = era_st ();
// now get the offset
tokp = std::strtok (0, ":");
if (0 == tokp)
issue_diag (E_SYNTAX, true, &tok,
"expected ':' in era definition\n");
assert (0 != tokp);
std::sscanf (tokp, "%d", &tmp_era.era_out.offset);
if (direction == '-')
tmp_era.era_out.offset *= -1;
// now get the start date
tokp = std::strtok (0, ":");
if (0 == tokp)
issue_diag (E_SYNTAX, true, &tok,
"expected ':' in era definition\n");
assert (0 != tokp);
unsigned int tmp_mon, tmp_day;
std::sscanf (tokp, "%d/%u/%u", &tmp_era.era_out.year[0],
&tmp_mon, &tmp_day);
// the month is offset by one ot be in the range [0-11]
tmp_era.era_out.month[0] = char(tmp_mon - 1);[0] = char(tmp_day);
// now get the end date (this may be the beginning or end of time
tokp = std::strtok (0, ":");
if (0 == tokp)
issue_diag (E_SYNTAX, true, &tok,
"expected ':' in era definition\n");
assert (0 != tokp);
if (std::strcmp (tokp, "-*") == 0) {
tmp_era.era_out.year[1] = _RWSTD_INT_MIN;
tmp_era.era_out.month[1] = _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN;[1] = _RWSTD_CHAR_MIN;
else if (std::strcmp (tokp, "+*") == 0) {
tmp_era.era_out.year[1] = _RWSTD_INT_MAX;
tmp_era.era_out.month[1] = _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX;[1] = _RWSTD_CHAR_MAX;
else {
std::sscanf (tokp, "%d/%u/%u", &tmp_era.era_out.year[1],
&tmp_mon, &tmp_day);
// the month is offset by one to be in the range [0-11]
tmp_era.era_out.month[1] = char(tmp_mon - 1);[1] = char(tmp_day);
// now get the name of the era
tokp = std::strtok (0, ":"); = tokp;
// finally get the format string if one is available
tokp = std::strtok (0, ":");
if (0 != tokp)
tmp_era.fmt = tokp;
// FIXME: check the values
//advance to name of the era inside the wide char string
const wchar_t *wtokp = werap;
for (int i = 0; i < 4 && *wtokp; i++)
while (*wtokp && *(wtokp++) != L':');
if (*wtokp) {
while (*wtokp != L':')
tmp_era.wname += *wtokp++;
// advance past the current ':'
if (*wtokp)
tmp_era.wfmt = wtokp;
era_list_.push_back (tmp_era);
Scanner::token_t Def::
extract_string_array (std::string *str,
std::wstring *wstr,
std::size_t nelems)
assert (0 != str);
assert (0 != wstr);
Scanner::token_t tok;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != nelems; ++i) {
tok = scanner_.next_token ();
if (tok.token != Scanner::tok_string) {
issue_diag (W_MISSING, false, &tok, "expected string");
str [i] = convert_string (;
wstr [i] = convert_wstring (tok);
return tok;
void Def::process_time ()
issue_diag (I_STAGE, false, 0, "processing %s section\n", lc_name);
// nesting level
int nesting_level = 0;
time_def_found_ = true;
while ((next = scanner_.next_token ()).token != Scanner::tok_time) {
switch (next.token) {
case Scanner::tok_end:
next = scanner_.next_token ();
if (next.token == Scanner::tok_time) {
// end of numeric block
if (nesting_level == 0)
scanner_.close ();
issue_diag (E_SYNTAX, true, &next,
"wrong section name in END directive\n");
case Scanner::tok_copy: {
next = scanner_.next_token();
if (next.token != Scanner::tok_string)
issue_diag (E_SYNTAX, true, &next,
"expected string following \"copy\" directive\n");
// bump up the nesting level
// open the file (get_pathname (strip_quotes (, next.file));
// get comment char and escape char;
// these informations are stored by the scanner
while ((next = scanner_.next_token ()).token != Scanner::tok_time) {
// the LC_IDENTIFICATION section may also have a
// LC_TIME token that will mess up the parsing
if (next.token == Scanner::tok_ident) {
while ((next = scanner_.next_token ()).token
!= Scanner::tok_end);
next = scanner_.next_token ();
case Scanner::tok_abday: {
const std::size_t nelems =
sizeof time_st_.abday / sizeof *time_st_.abday;
next = extract_string_array (time_st_.abday,
case Scanner::tok_day: {
const std::size_t nelems =
sizeof / sizeof *;
next = extract_string_array (,
case Scanner::tok_abmon: {
const std::size_t nelems =
sizeof time_st_.abmon / sizeof *time_st_.abmon;
next = extract_string_array (time_st_.abmon,
case Scanner::tok_mon: {
const std::size_t nelems =
sizeof time_st_.mon / sizeof *time_st_.mon;
next = extract_string_array (time_st_.mon,
case Scanner::tok_d_t_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.d_t_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wd_t_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_d_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.d_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wd_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_t_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.t_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wt_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_am_pm: {
const std::size_t nelems =
sizeof time_st_.am_pm / sizeof *time_st_.am_pm;
next = extract_string_array (time_st_.am_pm,
case Scanner::tok_t_fmt_ampm:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.t_fmt_ampm = convert_string (;
time_st_.wt_fmt_ampm = convert_wstring (next);
// The time_get and time_put facets do not make use of eras or
// alternate digits, so we will ignore this part of the locale
// definition
case Scanner::tok_era:
while ((next = scanner_.next_token()).token == Scanner::tok_string)
parse_era (next);
case Scanner::tok_era_d_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.era_d_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wera_d_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_era_t_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.era_t_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wera_t_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_era_d_t_fmt:
next = scanner_.next_token();
time_st_.era_d_t_fmt = convert_string (;
time_st_.wera_d_t_fmt = convert_wstring (next);
case Scanner::tok_alt_digits:
while ((next = scanner_.next_token()).token == Scanner::tok_string)
alt_digit_t digit;
digit.n_alt_digit = convert_string (;
digit.w_alt_digit = convert_wstring (next);
digit.n_offset = 0;
digit.w_offset = 0;
alt_digits_.push_back (digit);
void Def::write_time(std::string dir_name)
assert (!dir_name.empty());
if (time_written_)
if (!time_def_found_) {
issue_diag (I_SKIP, false, 0,
"%s section not found, skipping\n", lc_name);
// write out all the information in the LC_TIME category
(dir_name += _RWSTD_PATH_SEP) += lc_name;
issue_diag (I_OPENWR, false, 0, "writing %s\n", dir_name.c_str ());
std::ofstream out (dir_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
out.exceptions (std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
int i;
#define UINT(x) _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(unsigned, x)
time_out_.num_alt_digits = UINT (alt_digits_.size());
time_out_.era_off = 0;
time_out_.alt_digits_off = UINT (time_out_.era_off +
sizeof (_RW::__rw_time_t::era_t) * era_list_.size());
// now calculate all the offsets for the wide string representations
time_out_.abday_off[1][0] = UINT (time_out_.alt_digits_off +
2 * sizeof (unsigned int) * time_out_.num_alt_digits);
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
time_out_.abday_off[1][i] = UINT (time_out_.abday_off[1][i-1]
+ (time_st_.wabday[i-1].size() * sizeof (wchar_t))
+ sizeof(wchar_t));
time_out_.day_off[1][0] = UINT (time_out_.abday_off[1][6]
+ time_st_.wabday[6].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
time_out_.day_off[1][i] = UINT (time_out_.day_off[1][i-1]
+ time_st_.wday[i-1].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.abmon_off[1][0] = UINT (time_out_.day_off[1][6]
+ time_st_.wday[6].size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
time_out_.abmon_off[1][i] = UINT (time_out_.abmon_off[1][i-1]
+ time_st_.wabmon[i-1].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.mon_off[1][0] = UINT (time_out_.abmon_off[1][11]
+ time_st_.wabmon[11].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
time_out_.mon_off[1][i] = UINT (time_out_.mon_off[1][i-1]
+ time_st_.wmon[i-1].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.am_pm_off[1][0] = UINT (time_out_.mon_off[1][11]
+ time_st_.wmon[11].size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.am_pm_off[1][1] = UINT (time_out_.am_pm_off[1][0]
+ time_st_.wam_pm[0].size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.d_t_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.am_pm_off[1][1]
+ time_st_.wam_pm[1].size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.d_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.d_t_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wd_t_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.t_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.d_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wd_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.t_fmt_ampm_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.t_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wt_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.era_d_t_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.t_fmt_ampm_off[1]
+ time_st_.wt_fmt_ampm.size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.era_d_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.era_d_t_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wera_d_t_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t)
+ sizeof (wchar_t));
time_out_.era_t_fmt_off[1] = UINT (time_out_.era_d_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wera_d_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
unsigned int next_off = UINT (time_out_.era_t_fmt_off[1]
+ time_st_.wera_t_fmt.size() * sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
era_list_iter era_list_it;
for (era_list_it = era_list_.begin(); era_list_it != era_list_.end();
era_list_it ++) {
era_list_it->era_out.name_off[1] = next_off;
next_off += UINT (era_list_it->wname.size()
* sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
era_list_it->era_out.fmt_off[1] = next_off;
next_off += UINT (era_list_it->wfmt.size()
* sizeof (wchar_t) + sizeof (wchar_t));
alt_digits_iter alt_digits_it;
for (alt_digits_it = alt_digits_.begin();
alt_digits_it != alt_digits_.end(); alt_digits_it ++ ){
alt_digits_it->w_offset = next_off;
next_off += UINT ((alt_digits_it->w_alt_digit.size() + 1)
* sizeof(wchar_t));
time_out_.abday_off[0][0] = next_off;
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
// calculate the offsets for the abreviated days
time_out_.abday_off[0][i] = UINT (time_out_.abday_off[0][i-1]
+ time_st_.abday[i - 1].size() + 1);
time_out_.day_off[0][0] = UINT (time_out_.abday_off[0][6]
+ time_st_.abday[6].size() + 1);
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
// calculate the offsets for the days
time_out_.day_off[0][i] = UINT (time_out_.day_off[0][i-1]
+[i-1].size() + 1);
time_out_.abmon_off[0][0] = UINT (time_out_.day_off[0][6]
+[6].size() + 1);
for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
// calculate the offsets for the abreviated months
time_out_.abmon_off[0][i] = UINT (time_out_.abmon_off[0][i-1]
+ time_st_.abmon[i-1].size() + 1);
time_out_.mon_off[0][0] = UINT (time_out_.abmon_off[0][11]
+ time_st_.abmon[11].size() + 1);
for (i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
// calculate the offsets for the months
time_out_.mon_off[0][i] = UINT (time_out_.mon_off[0][i-1]
+ time_st_.mon[i-1].size() + 1);
// calculate the offsets for am and pm
time_out_.am_pm_off[0][0] = UINT (time_out_.mon_off[0][11]
+ time_st_.mon[11].size() + 1);
time_out_.am_pm_off[0][1] = UINT (time_out_.am_pm_off[0][0]
+ time_st_.am_pm[0].size() + 1);
time_out_.d_t_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.am_pm_off[0][1]
+ time_st_.am_pm[1].size() + 1);
time_out_.d_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.d_t_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.d_t_fmt.size() + 1);
time_out_.t_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.d_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.d_fmt.size() + 1);
time_out_.t_fmt_ampm_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.t_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.t_fmt.size() + 1);
time_out_.era_d_t_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.t_fmt_ampm_off[0]
+ time_st_.t_fmt_ampm.size() + 1);
time_out_.era_d_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.era_d_t_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.era_d_t_fmt.size() + 1);
time_out_.era_t_fmt_off[0] = UINT (time_out_.era_d_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.era_d_fmt.size() + 1);
next_off = UINT (time_out_.era_t_fmt_off[0]
+ time_st_.era_t_fmt.size() + 1);
for (era_list_it = era_list_.begin(); era_list_it != era_list_.end();
era_list_it ++) {
era_list_it->era_out.name_off[0] = next_off;
next_off += UINT (era_list_it->name.size() + 1);
era_list_it->era_out.fmt_off[0] = next_off;
next_off += UINT (era_list_it->fmt.size() + 1);
for (alt_digits_it = alt_digits_.begin();
alt_digits_it != alt_digits_.end(); alt_digits_it ++ ){
alt_digits_it->n_offset = next_off;
next_off += UINT (alt_digits_it->n_alt_digit.size() + 1);
time_out_.codeset_off = next_off;
time_out_.charmap_off = UINT (time_out_.codeset_off
+ charmap_.get_code_set_name().size() + 1);
// write the time struct
out.write ((char*)&time_out_, sizeof(time_out_));
// first write out the era structs
for (era_list_it = era_list_.begin(); era_list_it != era_list_.end();
era_list_it ++) {
out.write ((const char*) &era_list_it->era_out,
sizeof (era_list_it->era_out));
// next write out the offsets to where the alternate digits are stored
for (alt_digits_it = alt_digits_.begin();
alt_digits_it != alt_digits_.end(); alt_digits_it ++ ){
out.write ((const char*) &alt_digits_it->n_offset,
sizeof (alt_digits_it->n_offset));
out.write ((const char*) &alt_digits_it->w_offset,
sizeof (alt_digits_it->w_offset));
// now write out the wchar_t version of LC_TIME
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++){
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wabday[i].c_str(),
(time_st_.wabday[i].size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wday[i].c_str(),
(time_st_.wday[i].size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wabmon[i].c_str(),
(time_st_.wabmon[i].size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wmon[i].c_str(),
(time_st_.wmon[i].size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wam_pm[i].c_str(),
(time_st_.wam_pm[i].size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wd_t_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wd_t_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wd_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wd_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wt_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wt_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wt_fmt_ampm.c_str(),
(time_st_.wt_fmt_ampm.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wera_d_t_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wera_d_t_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wera_d_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wera_d_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*)time_st_.wera_t_fmt.c_str(),
(time_st_.wera_t_fmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (era_list_it = era_list_.begin(); era_list_it != era_list_.end();
era_list_it ++) {
out.write ((const char*) era_list_it->wname.c_str(),
(era_list_it->wname.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
out.write ((const char*) era_list_it->wfmt.c_str(),
(era_list_it->wfmt.size() + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
for (alt_digits_it = alt_digits_.begin();
alt_digits_it != alt_digits_.end(); alt_digits_it ++ ){
out.write ((const char*) alt_digits_it->w_alt_digit.c_str(),
(alt_digits_it->w_alt_digit.size() + 1)
* sizeof (wchar_t));
// write out the char version of LC_TIME
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
out << time_st_.abday[i] << std::ends;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
out <<[i] << std::ends;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
out << time_st_.abmon[i] << std::ends;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
out << time_st_.mon[i] << std::ends;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
out << time_st_.am_pm[i] << std::ends;
out << time_st_.d_t_fmt << std::ends;
out << time_st_.d_fmt << std::ends;
out << time_st_.t_fmt << std::ends;
out << time_st_.t_fmt_ampm << std::ends;
out << time_st_.era_d_t_fmt << std::ends;
out << time_st_.era_d_fmt << std::ends;
out << time_st_.era_t_fmt << std::ends;
for (era_list_it = era_list_.begin(); era_list_it != era_list_.end();
era_list_it ++) {
out << era_list_it->name << std::ends;
out << era_list_it->fmt << std::ends;
for (alt_digits_it = alt_digits_.begin();
alt_digits_it != alt_digits_.end(); alt_digits_it ++ ){
out << alt_digits_it->n_alt_digit << std::ends;
out << charmap_.get_code_set_name() << std::ends;
out << charmap_.get_charmap_name() << std::ends;