blob: 18c1dbe7c72fbc0be6abbe5d6a2512a740adb77c [file] [log] [blame]
* display.cpp - Definitions of the result display subsystem
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* for fflush(), printf(), puts(), ... */
#include <string.h> /* for strchr() */
#include "cmdopt.h" /* for target_name -should this be moved? */
#include "exec.h" /* for get_signame */
#include "display.h"
#include "target.h" /* for target_status */
#include <time.h> /* for CLK_TCK, CLOCKS_PER_SEC */
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <unistd.h> /* for _SC_CLK_TCK, sysconf() */
#if defined (_SC_CLK_TCK)
/* dynamically determine the number of clock ticks per second */
static const float TICKS_PER_SEC = float (sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK));
#elif defined CLOCKS_PER_SEC
/* use the POSIX (and MSVC 6.0) CLOCKS_PER_SEC constant */
static const float TICKS_PER_SEC = CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#elif defined CLK_TCK
/* use CLK_TCK if it's defined (e.g., pre-MSVC 6.0) */
static const float TICKS_PER_SEC = CLK_TCK;
/* if all else fails, assume the standard 1 million ticks per second */
static const float TICKS_PER_SEC = 1000000UL;
ProcessStatus enum lookup table for 'short' (6 character) strings.
static const char* const
short_st_name [ST_LAST] = {
"OK", /*ST_OK*/
ProcessStatus enum lookup table for descriptive strings.
static const char* const
verbose_st_name [ST_LAST] = {
"OK", /*ST_OK*/
"Program failed to compile.", /*ST_COMPILE*/
"Program failed to link.", /*ST_LINK*/
"Program executable not found.", /*ST_EXIST*/
"Program not executable.", /*ST_EXECUTE_FLAG*/
"Program failed to execute.", /*ST_EXECUTE*/
"Program generated no output.", /*ST_NO_OUTPUT*/
"Program reference output missing.", /*ST_NO_REF*/
"Bad reference.", /*ST_BAD_REF*/
"Program produced unexpected output.", /*ST_BAD_OUTPUT*/
"Program produced output in unexpected format.", /*ST_FORMAT*/
"Arithmetic overflow.", /*ST_OVERFLOW*/
"System error occurred.", /*ST_SYSTEM_ERROR*/
"Process killed after a timeout.", /*ST_KILLED*/
"Failed to kill process after a timeout." /*ST_NOT_KILLED*/
Prints an argv array, quoting elelemnts containing spaces.
static int
print_argv (const char* const argv[], int newline)
assert (0 != argv);
const char* const* parg = argv;
int nchars = 0;
for (parg = argv; *parg; ++parg) {
const char *fmt = "%s ";
if (strchr (*parg, ' '))
fmt = "\"%s\" ";
nchars += printf (fmt, *parg);
if (newline)
puts ("");
return nchars;
Generates output header, designed for text output and console viewing.
static void
print_header_plain (const char* const argv[])
Generates output header in verbose mode.
static void
print_header_verbose (const char* const argv[])
print_argv (argv, 1 /* append newline */);
Generates target name listing, designed for text output and console viewing.
static void
print_target_plain (const struct target_opts *defaults)
const char* const target_name = get_target ();
assert (0 == defaults->verbose);
printf ("%-40.40s ", target_name);
/* flush to prevent killing a signal from not displaying the text */
fflush (stdout);
Generates target name listing, designed for text output and console viewing.
static void
print_target_verbose (const struct target_opts *defaults)
assert (defaults->verbose);
printf ("%s ", "Executing \"");
print_argv (defaults->argv, 0 /* no newline */);
/* print stdin, stdout, and stderr redirections */
if (defaults->infname && *defaults->infname)
printf (" <%s", defaults->infname);
if (defaults->outfname && *defaults->outfname)
printf (" >%s 2>&1", defaults->outfname);
puts ("\"");
/* flush to prevent killing a signal from not displaying the text */
fflush (stdout);
Generates target result listing, designed for text output and console
static void print_status_plain (const struct target_status* status)
unsigned valid_timing;
assert (0 != status);
assert (ST_OK <= status->status && ST_LAST > status->status);
valid_timing = status->usr_time != (clock_t)-1
&& status->sys_time != (clock_t)-1
&& ST_NOT_KILLED != status->status;
if (status->status) /* if status is set, print it */
printf ("%6s", short_st_name [status->status]);
else if (status->signaled) /* if exit signal is non-zero, print it */
printf ("%6s", get_signame (status->exit));
else if (status->exit) /* if exit code is non-zero, print it */
printf ("%6d", status->exit);
printf (" 0");
printf (" %4u", status->c_warn + status->l_warn + status->t_warn);
/* Print assetions, if any registered */
if ( (unsigned)-1 != status->assert
&& 0 == status->status
&& 0 == status->exit) {
if (status->assert) {
const int percnt = int ( 100.0
* (status->assert - status->failed)
/ status->assert);
printf (" %7u %6u %5d%%", status->assert, status->failed, percnt);
else {
printf (" 0 %6u 100%%", status->failed);
else if (valid_timing || status->wall_time != (clock_t)-1)
printf (" ");
/* Print timings, if available */
if (valid_timing)
printf (" %7.3f %7.3f", (float)status->usr_time / TICKS_PER_SEC,
(float)status->sys_time / TICKS_PER_SEC);
else if (status->wall_time != (clock_t)-1)
printf (" ");
if (status->wall_time != (clock_t)-1)
printf (" %7.3f\n", (float)status->wall_time / TICKS_PER_SEC);
puts ("");
Generates verbose target result listing.
static void
print_status_verbose (const struct target_status* status)
unsigned valid_timing;
assert (0 != status);
assert (ST_OK <= status->status && ST_LAST > status->status);
valid_timing = status->usr_time != (clock_t)-1
&& status->sys_time != (clock_t)-1
&& ST_NOT_KILLED != status->status;
if (status->status) /* if status is set, print it */
printf (" Status: %s\n", verbose_st_name [status->status]);
else if (status->signaled) /* if exit signal is non-zero, print it */
printf (" Process signalled: %s\n", get_signame (status->exit));
else {
printf (" Exit status: %6d%s\n"
" Compiler warnings: %6u\n"
" Linker warnings: %6u\n"
" Runtime warnings: %6u\n",
status->exit, 0 == status->exit ? " (success)" : "",
/* Print assetions, if any registered */
if ((unsigned)-1 != status->assert && status->assert) {
printf (" Failed assertions: %6u\n"
" Total assertions: %6u\n",
status->failed, status->assert);
/* Print timings, if available */
if (valid_timing) {
const float wall = (float)status->wall_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
const float user = (float)status->usr_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
const float sys = (float)status->sys_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
printf (" Times:\n"
" Real %7.3fs\n"
" User %7.3fs\n"
" Sys %7.3fs\n",
wall, user, sys);
puts ("");
Placholder output footer function, unneeded for text output and console
static void
print_footer_plain (int count, const struct target_status *summary)
/* compute cumulative times for all targets */
const float wall = (float)summary->wall_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
const float user = (float)summary->usr_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
const float sys = (float)summary->sys_time / TICKS_PER_SEC;
printf ("PROGRAM SUMMARY:\n"
" Programs: %9d\n"
" Non-zero exit status: %9d\n"
" Signalled: %9d\n"
" Compiler warnings: %9u\n"
" Linker warnings: %9u\n"
" Runtime warnings: %9u\n",
if ((unsigned)-1 != summary->assert) {
/* print assertion counters only when they're valid */
printf (" Assertions: %9u\n"
" Failed assertions: %9u\n",
printf ( " Cumulative times:\n"
" Real %7.3fs\n"
" User %7.3fs\n"
" Sys %7.3fs\n",
static void
print_footer_verbose (int count, const struct target_status *summary)
print_footer_plain (count, summary);
Sets the output functions referenced.
void set_output_format (enum OutputFmt format)
if (FMT_VERBOSE == format) {
print_header = print_header_verbose;
print_target = print_target_verbose;
print_status = print_status_verbose;
print_footer = print_footer_verbose;
else {
/* only two formats implemented */
assert (FMT_PLAIN == format);
print_header = print_header_plain;
print_target = print_target_plain;
print_status = print_status_plain;
print_footer = print_footer_plain;
void (*print_header) (const char* const[]) = print_header_plain;
void (*print_target) (const struct target_opts*) = print_target_plain;
void (*print_status) (const struct target_status*) = print_status_plain;
void (*print_footer) (int, const struct target_status*) = print_footer_plain;